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12:02 AM
Q: Duplicate class errors, some for classes not used in app

JMRboostiesWhen compiling my app, I get the following error (sensitive pieces of path edited out) Execution failed for task ':app:proguardDebug'. > java.io.IOException: Can't write [/projects/app/build/intermediates/classes-proguard/debug/classes.jar] (Can't read [/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/common...

12:28 AM
Good morning guys o/
dad gummit
1:05 AM
And home.
Anyone who likes Eclipse is still wrong and anyone who likes Mercurial is still wrong.
1:22 AM
I've got a java question for you nil if you're there
Oh, nice, a ring buffer
don't really want to import apache commons just for that though
I wrote one in Swift. You could probably port that.
That way you don't end up with one that screws up and uses bad modulo logic.
nice, do you have it handy?
1:25 AM
Not that I expect the Apache Commons screw up
You can probably ignore the SequenceType/Generator/protocol stuff in general.
awesome, thanks
Also bear in mind that this does not have anything for synchronization across threads, since Swift lacks that.
So you might want to replace the read/write heads with atomics.
1:29 AM
well right now it is a pretty simple use case, for a syllabification algorithm
Simple use case, painful as hell thing to implement
Syllabification, that is.
I get by on using Apple's linguistics API 'cause I don't want to pay for existing libraries and I'm lazy.
yeah it is way more complicated then I thought it would be
spanish pronunciation is pretty simple and regular compared to other languages too
but it's still pretty complicated, and none of the sources I found agree on a standard set of rules
what api are you referring to?
aside from that stuff, did you find a job?
2:00 AM
Square released a ring buffer recently
I think
I realized I could just copy the source of the class from apache commons
doesn't even have any non-java imports
Maybe I was talking about Okio's Buffer
Oh. Well that's easy eh? Nice.
@eski NSLinguisticTagger.
I've had a job for exactly a month.
Nice! I started August 4th with my new job as well
It's easy to get android jobs once you get the first one I think
we're trying to get our 8th android developer now
2:15 AM
I'm officially an iOS developer, but I haven't touched Xcode at all
I'm informally a PHP person now -_-
Sorry ;)
Me too.
I guess I get paid about right for a PHP dev anyway: a salary equivalent to $11/hr.
Frankly not sure what's going on at work half the time due to it being rather chaotic.
2:17 AM
Probably for the best. I keep getting shuffled around.
where are you working?
kochava.com ⇐ Technically there
Though I was hired for the consultancy side, the idea was that I'd end up on the Kochava team eventually.
And sort of technically I'm already on it.
yeah they told me at my last job that I'd be building up their mobile team
a year later I was still an army of one
companies seem to be a little funny when they tell you what your role is going to be
2:21 AM
I just keep wondering how long it takes before I stop feeling clueless.
'Cause of course there's no training involved
maybe there is no one that has a clue to give you?
About the only thing I get any real help with is question about DB structure
The annoying thing, though, is that my PHP blows
Which is to be expected when I had to learn it on the spot
2:24 AM
doesn't everyone's PHP blow?
I don't think I've ever seen clean looking php
Yes, but mine's particularly onerous.
Or at least I think it is.
It's probably not as bad as Wordpress.
dollar symbols...
I don't really have much of a problem with that. Makes it easy to identify variables visually.
2:25 AM
My problems come down more to it being a half-assed language
Take scope, for instance: if (true) { $foo = 1; } var_dump($foo); ← What's the result?
yeah that's a bigger issue, but superficially, dollar symbols are just ugly in code
Most people know from normal programming languages that accessing $foo outside the scope it was first declared in is an error
you lost me at var_dump
var_dump just writes a variable's contents to the output.
2:26 AM
Anyway, the answer is that it writes out the value 1 (sort of).
This is because if (..) { } isn't a scope.
That isn't an error?
wtf php
it kinda makes sense, just a different scoping definition
Do you like Python?
Python behaves the same way, by the way.
2:29 AM
python's ok
Python also irks me with its scoping, between the whitespace and loosely defined scope
I like the idea of using whitespace for scoping
I don't really feel comfortable outside of java or similar languages though
since that's 98% of my experience
I only feel comfortable in languages like C++ and Scala
i.e., strong, statically typed languages.
Preferably without a GC, but that's hard to come by.
2:32 AM
Who'd have thought it'd actually be hard to find languages with control over memory
Especially on resource-constrained hardware like phones
Something went very wrong in our universe's history for this to happen
You could start setting things to null when you're done with them, and just imagine you're in C++
better yet, right a function called dealloc to do that ;)
It's true that struggling a bit in C is good for a Java developer though, since it makes you start to think about memory allocation
and I think the trend for programming languages is always going to be to do more things with less lines of code
3:02 AM
@eski this doesn't really fix the issue of not having destructors or being unable to use RIAA
well you just went beyond my knowledge of memory management lol
Besides that, optimizing memory use is more important than most people think, like with arrays of objects. Arrays of objects in Java are slow as hell.
because you don't know their size?
Mostly by design, too. They're impossible to optimize without breaking the object model somehow.
No, because each object is a pointer.
3:03 AM
As such, your chance of having a cache miss while iterating over an array skyrockets.
And cache misses are very, very bad.
how do you get a cache miss if the object graph is entirely in memory?
The GC can't optimize for this effectively even if it relocates stuff because it's still no sequential access to memory if you jump between the array's memory and memory for objects.
Cache misses are what you get when the memory you need hasn't had its page(s) cached.
3:06 AM
I see
I understand how it would be slower since you can't just get the object instance with the array offset
If there's a miss, the memory needs to be loaded into the cache before you can use it. This is done transparently for you, but a miss is still a miss and they add up fast.
The jvm object model makes this difficult to avoid, since you either have to stop using objects or, well, no that's kind of the only way.
getting close
The hard part is that you could convince a foreigner that e wasn't silent and it'd look correct.
actually that is correct
but I've only added one of the rules so far, so other types of syllables won't work yet
3:10 AM
Anyone have suggestions for a Java code coverage tool for IntelliJ or command line?
Problem: how will you handle latte?
that is the VCCV pattern
which divides VC-CV
so it'll be lat-te
I think if I tried to do it without using existing algorithms, I'd first try to break the word up into a class by the kinds of consonants it had
exceptions are two consonants that go together, like: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, tr
e.g., germanic, latinate, etc.
3:13 AM
those are the rules I am trying to follow
but my brain is starting to hurt getting the next rule's exceptions to fit into what I've got
scribd.com/doc/238677707/7th-Circuit-ruling-gay-marriage ← Found the ruling. A fun read if you'd like to see a state defending a gay marriage ban get slammed.
how many more courts will they have to go through?
Quite a few.
I just want it to be done with already so we can all move on
It's actually more or less unimportant at this point whether it reaches the Supreme Court. The states may all end up having their bans ruled unconstitutional and then decide to stop appealing.
3:25 AM
Those that continue to appeal the rulings that overturn the bans are doomed to failure if they reach the supreme court 'cause they've got nothing to stand on, legally or otherwise.
That said, it'll probably be about a year before the Supreme Court does anything.
@twiz you mean test coverage?
it's a pointless metric IMO
IntelliJ already does code coverage.
You just need to have the ultimate edition
Which if you didn't get it in the 2012 sale, well, you're going to pay a bit.
3:50 AM
@eski yep. It might be pointless metric, but I find it useful as a tool.
Test coverage is nice, but I don't particularly care to pay for it. haha
Oh.. Ultimate is $200? Is it really that much better than the free version?
I consider it worth it, it depends on what you're doing.
it's just some extra tools
For me, the database tools make it pretty worthwhile
Also Play Framework support even though I have no use for it beyond it being fun to mess with
yeah the database tools would be nice, but I can certainly live without them
4:00 AM
I'm a flawless idiot when it comes to DB stuff, so it's handy.
I'm ok, just slow since I don't deal with it that often
I've never really liked IDEs with too many tools.
Or maybe I just hate Eclipse...
Assuming those things I never used were tools...
I like tools, I dislike big UIs
IntelliJ can stay pretty out of the way.
Yea, I guess that's really what I meant.
4:01 AM
And since it's got the search boxes for everything, it works
Like hitting Cmd+Shift+A will bring up the action search
Cmd+T will bring up the file search, Cmd+R symbol search, Shift+Shift (tapped twice) brings up search-anything, etc.
It's very keyboard friendly.
Which means a lot to me.
Wow, it's amazing how much faster my debugging is in pure java as opposed to android
4:05 AM
Side-effect of debugging on a device that isn't your computer
even Log.d is a pain compared to System.out.println though
I just debug using Log.* and letting it crash to read the stack trace
Otherwise I just end up in situations where I'll be debugging something and it just suddenly craps out and goes "well we lost the connection"
yeah that's annoying
robolectric is nice
Had the same issue in iOS, except in iOS it'd crap the bed completely and require you to kill the IDE too
4:22 AM
4:35 AM
syllabification is such a fun problem
5:11 AM
amazingly, I got it to work tonight :)
hey guys !
@nil do you work on scala ?
hi everyone
hey @dave
hehe I'm taking introduction to programming using Java in uni :D
nice :D
and good morning
5:17 AM
good morning to you too
any other programming languages in uni ?
I don't suppose excel is considered a programming language
no but there is mathematica
excel is turing complete
you can write macro using VB
@eski so is HQ9+
5:28 AM
@Ahmad check out my latest open source contribution: github.com/eskimoapps/Syllabification
5:42 AM
@ItachiUchiha On?
:-P :-P
I have heard Scala has an upper edge to Java !
Can you shed some light on this ?
Not unless you have a specific question.
5:59 AM
Being a Java dev, why should I learn Scala ?
6:11 AM
@ItachiUchiha Because you decided to learn Scala.
6:23 AM
I have no interest in selling people on Scala.
yeah, got your point
I just wanted to know if it really has some upper edge on Java
Hunting is better than Begging
6:34 AM
Depends on what you want in a language. You should research it on your own in that case.
Sup with those Nazis
hey @pissedoffofyourbullshit, nice avatar !
2 hours later…
8:47 AM
9:03 AM
o/ bye guys
9:17 AM
fucking facebook, honestly
they rejected our iOS app because they couldn't see the permissions we asked for
they are right bloody there when you log in
10:11 AM
AS 0.8.9 available in the canary channel, what mean canary channel ?
Think Twice About Updating to the Latest Android Studio Canary Build michaelcrump.net/…
must have for any nodejs user:
10:44 AM
11:00 AM
what's up man?
The Moto 360 has terrible battery life apparently
hopefully it's still worth it, won't come to europe for another month though I think
11:26 AM
@eski nice! :D
define terrible battery life
less than 12 hours?
11:38 AM
well they say a day
but some reviews are saying yeah, less than 12
could be because they are playing with the device a lot since it's new
yeah that's most likely it
my nexus 4 wouldn't last 10 hours when I bought it
since I was constantly playing with it
12:01 PM
So annoying that I can't just buy a Moto 360
Not sure I want to go through the stress of using a shipping forwarder
Don't the USA lot get it today?
Facebook is being a right pain in the arse
wanting to see how we use our permissions to help the user, but then banning us for 3 days from submitting again
yeah US get it in a few hours
except that there was a bug and you can get it now
12:21 PM
oh lol
12:49 PM
Doughnuts for tailgate Friday...woo hoo!
Morning all
Good morning, sir

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