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7:33 AM
could you comment out this line of code camParent.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90f, 180f, 0f);
6 hours later…
1:32 PM
the problem now is that the video is not following the start position of the phone, if the phone is pointed to the floor the video is ignoring the position and starts in the center, I should see the floor
I need a way to reset the camera position when the video start
1:48 PM
I dont quite understand you
Your video is represented in a sphere correct?
360 photoSphere
If that is the case your video/photo 's should never change position
neither should your camera change it's position
the only thing that needs to happen when you play the video is: the camera should rotate according to the phone's Gyroscope.
" the camera should rotate according to the phone's Gyroscope"
that is not happening
okay. Is it possible that you debug or print to your phone's screen the value of the rotation?
That way you can see the X Y Z of the current rotation
Or basically the orientation of the phone.
So imagine you looking Straight down, the Log would be (0,0,0) and if you look up its gone be for example (180,0,0)
2:05 PM
using that when I click to enable the gyroscope, the camera reset the position like I said
can you tell me what this code is doing in order to do that?
@AND4011002849 What exactly is your question, you are not specific enough
depending on the position I'm holding the phone, when I click to see the 360 movie the camera should point to where the phone is
but the camera is ponted to the center of the sphere, no matter where the start position of the phone
Quote "the start position of the phone" What does that mean?
2:23 PM
the position I'm holding the phone, it is a ar app, so I'm pointing the phone to the marker, it's camera is aiming to the target, so it is in pointing to the floor, so I should see the floor of the video not the sky
I understand that I'm not explaining it right, but I don't know how to explain it better, my english is not so good
an ar app*
I'm afraid I don't understand you :(. I would suggest you try out Vuforia, its an AR SDK for Unity it has everything you want to achieve as you describe it so far.
2:56 PM
thank you for your time
No problem, hope you resolve your problem! good luck!

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