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5:24 PM
Q: aws Signature is not validating in amazon api

johnI have generated the aws signature using the code. function getSignatureKey(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName) { var kDate= lCase(HMAC(ARGUMENTS.dateStamp,"AWS4" & ARGUMENTS.key,"hmacsha256")); var kRegion= lCase(HMAC(ARGUMENTS.regionName,binaryDecode(kDate,'hex'),"hmacsha256")); ...

@Leigh thanks for replying sorry I mistakenly include the wrong link, I was actually following your link here it is…
I am generating signature for version 4. I am calling "itemsearch" api but I have not included "associate tag" in it. Is this a problem?How can i find this.?
@Leigh should I need to become an amazon associate to call the api because I have study that to create the associate tag I need to become an amazon associate. can I call the api without becoming associate??
@Leigh kindly join the chat I need to ask some questions.
John, here are some references to other AWS integration projects in ColdFusion:
@SteveBryant where?
John, here are some references to other AWS integration projects in ColdFusion: Take a look at the createSignature method of either. One is mine. The other is by Simon Free. If you aren't sure who did better, always bet on Simon Free.
@SteveBryant i have seen the Simon Free code which api does this call?
5:24 PM
That's just general code to call the AWS API. In both cases, the code is used in multiple places to call multiple APIs. Simon's can be used to call a bunch of different APIs. Mine generically allows any API call. They both have pros and cons.
@SteveBryant Yea it is used to call any api but I just want to know that is there any sample code of calling this cfc(code) because I am a newbie in coldfusion.
Steve can you send me the sample code to call the cfc?
5:55 PM
What API are you wanting to call?
6:06 PM
Assuming you use mine, you could download the com.sebtools package somewhere that would allow you to reference it as "com.sebtools" (so, either put the "com" folder in the root of your site, or in the CustomTags folder or create a com/sebtools mapping to point to the sebtools folder).
Once you have done that, here would be sample code to call the "GetSendQuota" action in SES (which has a subdomain of "email"):
<cfset Variables.AmazonCredentials = CreateObject("component","com.sebtools.Beany").init(
mutable = false,
region = "us-east-1"

<cfset Variables.AWS = CreateObject("component","com.sebtools.AWS").init(Variables.AmazonCredentials)>
<cfdump var="#Variables.AWS.email_GetSendQuota()#">
Obviously, you may need to change the region if you aren't in us-east-1.

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