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6:04 PM
A: Handling swipe-to-delete of Firebase data

ZassXSo if I am understanding this right. Code you are using to remove comment isn't right. // Remove from Firebase let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID) postsCommentsRef.observe(.childRemoved, with: { snapshot in ...

Thanks, I made an attempt at making an observer function to listen for deleted comments - I edited my post to show what I thought was right. Let me know if this is what you meant - this will just delete the selected comment, and not all of the comments, right?
I tried running the code above and it deletes all the comments on that photo, not just the one that's swiped.
@KingTim you have to create reference to the comment you want to delete. This is the code you need. Just replace "commentKEY" with right comment key. FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").chi‌​ld(self.postID).ch‌​il‌​d("commentKEY").remo‌​veValue()
I used childByAutoId in my addComment function so I'm not sure what the key would be. Sorry I'm kind of new to Firebase and getting a bit lost
@KingTim In observePostComments add line below let comment ... : comment.key = snapshot.key This way you read comment key from firebase and add it to comment dictionary. Now, in code where you delete, get comment from array: let comment = selectedPost.comments[indexPath.row] Add this right before selectedPost.comments.remove(at: indexPath.row) Now you can get comment key using comment.key and you can insert it in remove reference: FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").chi‌​‌​ld(self.postID).‌​ch‌​il‌​d(comment.key).r‌​emo‌​veValue()
Thanks that make some sense! I tried this (see my updated code edit) but I'm getting an error on the line comment.key = snapshot.key, saying 'Value of type [String : String] has no member key'.
6:04 PM
@KingTim ok looks like we are on the right way. What kind of object is selectedPost? Can you copy some more code so I can see?
selectedPost is my Post object which holds everything in the post (image, likes, comment arrays, etc), plus the index path of the currently selected image. So I have a feed of posted images, then when one of the images is tapped you're taken to the screen we're on now which displays the bigger image and the tableview of comments, and selectedPost is set with photoDetailController.selectedPost = posts[indexPath.row]
@KingTim So you have custom class named Post for posts. If so, add property "key" to Post class. class Post { var key:String = "" . . . }
Ok I added it but comment.key = snapshot.key still gets the same error. Should it be something like self.selectedPost.key = snapshot.key?
hey there
this will be easier
Hey, thanks for all your help I really appreciate it
6:05 PM
No problem man,
you need to assing key to comment, not post
I'm new to Firebase and it seems like rocket science sometimes
no problem. It is very easy once you get to know it. And also very powerful
can you show how Post looks like?
is it a custom object class?
Yeah, it's a custom object class
class Post: NSObject {

var poster: String!
var likes: Int!
var pathToImage: String!
var userID: String!
var postID: String!
var peopleWhoLike: [String] = [String]()

var commentAuthors: [String] = [String]()
var comments: [String] = [String]()

var key: String = ""
ok nice
var key: String!
oh no this is not it
If i were you I would create new class
class for comment
and then in Post class:
instead of var comments: [String]
I would use
var comments: [Comment]
So I'd make a new NSObject class called Comment and put var commentAuthors: [String] = [String]()
var comments: [String] = [String]()

var commentKey: String = ""
6:10 PM
what properties does comment have?
This is how I add the comment when the user enters a comment and presses send:
// Upload to Firebase
func addComment(comment: String) {
    let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
    var commentData:  [String: String] = [:]
    commentData["userId"] = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.displayName!
    commentData["comment"] = comment

// Listens for changes (comment added), appends arrays & updates table view
func observePostComments() {
    let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
So each comment has the userId and the comment they entered
so yea, create something like

class Comment: NSObject {
var key: String!
var author: String!
var comment: String!
Ends up looking like this in Firebase:
yea nice. In this case replace author with userID
class Comment: NSObject {
var key: String!
var userId: String!
var comment: String!
Ok, done... and I added var comments: [Comment] to Post
Actually got an error it has to be this in Post: var comments: [Comment] = []
6:16 PM
now you need to fix function where you are reading from firebase
func observePostComments() {
let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
postsCommentsRef.observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
let comment = snapshot.value as! [String: String]
comment.key = snapshot.key
func observePostComments() {
let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
postsCommentsRef.observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
let comment = snapshot.value as! [String: String]
comment.key = snapshot.key
wow wtf am i doing
It's the same thing that we had before though no?
in observepostcomments

let commentObject = Comment()
commentObject.key = snapshot.key
commentObject.userId = comment["userId"]
commentObject.comment = comment["comment"]
you will probably need to add:

init() {

to Comment class
And then in the table view methods how do I specify how to populate the table?
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell", for: indexPath) as! CommentCell

cell.commentAuthorLabel?.text = selectedPost.commentAuthors[indexPath.row]
cell.commentLabel?.text = selectedPost.comments[indexPath.row]

return cell

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return selectedPost.commentAuthors.count
something like cell.commentAuthorLabel?.text = selectedPost.comments.userId[indexPath.row]
Do I still need commentAuthors and comments arrays in Post?
in Post you need comments: [Comment] we created earlier
Right, but not the two arrays I had previously commentAuthors and comments
class Post: NSObject {

var poster: String!
var likes: Int!
var pathToImage: String!
var userID: String!
var postID: String!
var peopleWhoLike: [String] = [String]()

var comments: [Comment] = []

// var commentAuthors: [String] = [String]()
// var comments: [String] = [String]()

6:28 PM
in cellforrow you can
after let cell ...
let comment = selectedPost.comments[indexPath.row]

cell.commentAuthorLabel?.text = comment.userId
cell.commentLabel.text = comment.comment
yes, commentauthors and comments can be deleted
Cool, and then in numberOfRows I'll have return selectedPost.comments.count?
Is this a side project or are you developing this for someone?
It's a practice project to get used to Firebase, building a cloud camera app.
I'm in a coding school but I'm doing the projects from home so I'm kind of left to figure all this out on my own
I saw you complicated database structure a bit, but will talk about this later.
So final thing, in the delete function
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    if editingStyle == .delete {
        let comment = selectedPost.comments[indexPath.row]
        selectedPost.comments.remove(at: indexPath.row)
        tableView.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: .fade)

        // Remove from Firebase
6:32 PM
Replace comments.key with comment.key
Ok so I did all that, now when I swipe and delete a comment is disappears from the table, but if I leave the view and come back again, the comment returns
hmm looks like it isn't deleting right
Should I still have this observer
func observePostCommentDeletion() {
    let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
    postsCommentsRef.observe(.childRemoved, with: { snapshot in
try outputting comment key to see if we even get it
actually no. you manually remove it from tableview so there is no need for observer
Ok I'll take that out. I'm also putting print("Comment key is (comment.key)") in the delete function I'll see what it says
Ok so when I delete for example the second of two comments, the comment disappears, then when I leave the view and come back, comment number one is there twice
And the print output was Comment key is Optional("-Kfh-XopDEUv9KlDwoUV")
Maybe I need to unwrap the comment key?
6:38 PM
ok so we get key that is ok
Then if I delete the duplicated first comment, it doesn't come back again. Really weird.
add this completition block after removeValue
.removeValue(completionBlock: { (deleteError: Error?, reference:FIRDatabaseReference) in

// Check if there was an error deleting comment
if let error = deleteError {

// There was a problem deleting comment

} else {

// There was no problem deleting comment
print("Comment should be deleted")

try adding new comments and try again
Look right?
        FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID).child(comment.key).removeValue(completionBlock: { (deleteError: Error?, reference:FIRDatabaseReference) in

            // Check if there was an error deleting comment
            if let error = deleteError {

                // There was a problem deleting comment

            } else {

                // There was no problem deleting comment
                print("Comment should be deleted")
It says "missing argument for parameter flags in call"
error is on callback(error) line
ow yeah lol
remove callback
Ok so I tried it and "Comment should be deleted" got printed. But the problem was the same, I deleted comment #2, then went out of the view and back in, and comment #1 was there twice
But then if I delete the duplicate of comment #1, it stays deleted and only the original comment #1 remains
6:53 PM
what about if you restart app
so delete comment
restart app
I also notice that if I re-enter a comment #2 after all that, it gets posted 3 times
But i'll try to comment then restart the app
Ok, so if I enter 2 comments, delete comment #2 then restart the app, it works properly. Only comment #1 remains
But even then, if I go out of the view and back in, comment #1 gets duplicated
And gets duplicated again every time I leave the view then return
func observePostComments() {
let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
postsCommentsRef.observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
let comment = snapshot.value as! [String: String]
comment.key = snapshot.key
in this func
replace .childAdded
replace whole observe
with observeSingleEvent..
try ctrl + space for autocomplete
    postsCommentsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
        let commentObject = Comment()
        let comment = snapshot.value as! [String: String]
        commentObject.key = snapshot.key
        commentObject.userId = comment["userId"]
        commentObject.comment = comment["comment"]
.childAdded is right, or .value?
wait, I have override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
is that what's causing the duplicates?
7:27 PM
probably yes
yes, try replacing .childAdded with .value
I changed it to .value and now that app is crashing whenever I tap on an image to get to the photoDetailController (where the comments are)
sigabrt on this line let comment = snapshot.value as! [String: String]
Could not cast value of type 'NSNull' (0x10ae398c8) to 'NSDictionary' (0x10ae39288).
this is happening after you add comment?
No, just as soon as I tap on an image in the feed to go to the photoDetailController (which is the controller where the comments tableview is). I just crashes as soon as that screen comes up
Only happened after I changed that bit from .childAdded to .value
the thing is
childAdded, childRemoved, childChanged are observers
they run the first time code executes
and then later
childAdded runs automatically when new entry is inserted in firebase reference where observer is observing
so when you add new comment, childAdded will execute
if you write .value instead of childAdded, it will only run first time
7:42 PM
you use what best suits you. I would use .value in this case. Why? Because if a lot of people add comments here, new comments will pop up constantly
it is a nice feature, but I don't like it much :P
.childAdded would be appropriate for chat
so when new message is created, it shows up on screen
But if I use .value, I get that sigabrt crash as soon as the page loads
func observePostComments() {
    let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)

    postsCommentsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
        let commentObject = Comment()
        let comment = snapshot.value as! [String: String]
        commentObject.key = snapshot.key
        commentObject.userId = comment["userId"]
        commentObject.comment = comment["comment"]
That results in the crash
you should use ! as least as possible
let comment = snapshot.value! [String: String]
let comment = snapshot.value as? [String: String]
put ? instead of !
this is probably happening because there are no comments in this post
actually, to make it proper
if let comment = snapshot.value as? [String : String] {
commentObject.key = snapshot.key
commentObject.userId = comment["userId"] as? String ?? ""
commentObject.comment = comment["comment"] as? String ?? ""

replace your code inside observesinglevent with this
this is just checking, if any value is nil
this crash happened because snapshot was nil
I get these errors
Sorry this is taking so much of your time, I really appreciate the help! These errors and bugs are so frustrating when you don't know how to take care of them
no problem man
em I see
try replacing [String : String] with [String : AnyObject]
in snapshot.value
you set it right now to String : String because you know all values will be strings
7:55 PM
Ok cool, now it's just the error on self.selectedPost.comment.append(commentObject)
but just in case, set it to AnyObject if you add any new property which is non string in future
what does it say?
Ok so it's probably just after to always use [String : AnyObject] if I'm not sure?
Value of type 'Post' has no member "comment"
the thing is if you add i dont know, lets say timestamp property in the future
it will be double not string
7:57 PM
it should be self.selectedPost.comments.append(commentObject) right?
and you will just say
comment.timestamp = comment["timestamp"] as? Int ?? 0
Ok so I ran that and when I try to add a comment it doesn't show up. Also the comments that were there before aren't there
try going back and in again
yes, when you add new comment it wont appear. because we replaced .childAdded with .value
When I leave the view and go back in there's still nothing there. Also nothing when I restart the app
can you check in function if it even reads comments
8:00 PM
Sure, what should I print?
func observePostComments() {
    let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)

    postsCommentsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
        let commentObject = Comment()
        if let comment = snapshot.value as? [String : AnyObject] {
            commentObject.key = snapshot.key
            commentObject.userId = comment["userId"] as? String ?? ""
            commentObject.comment = comment["comment"] as? String ?? ""
That's what I have
can you show me database structure again?
just for comments
oh of course
we get back "array" of results
because there can be more than one comment
and we are reading just one
that's why
8:07 PM
This is everything that adds the comments
// Show comment text field
@IBAction func commentButtonPressed(_ sender: AnyObject) {
self.addCommentView.isHidden = false

// Check text field, pass comments to addComment
@IBAction func addCommentButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {

if !addCommentTextField.text!.isEmpty {
addComment(comment: addCommentTextField.text!)
self.addCommentTextField.text = nil
self.addCommentView.isHidden = true

// Upload to Firebase
func addComment(comment: String) {
let commentObject = Comment()
if let comment = snapshot.value as? [String : AnyObject] {
commentObject.key = snapshot.key
commentObject.userId = comment["userId"] as? String ?? ""
commentObject.comment = comment["comment"] as? String ?? ""

with code i sent above
let commentsArray = snapshot.children

while let tempComment = commentsArray.nextObject() as? FIRDataSnapshot {

if let commentDictionary = tempComment.value as? [String: AnyObject] {

let commentObject = Comment()
commentObject.key = snapshot.key
commentObject.userId = comment["userId"] as? String ?? ""
commentObject.comment = comment["comment"] as? String ?? ""



oh and
put self.tableView.reloadData() OUTSIDE while
Does this look right
replace highlighted comment with commentDictionary
both rows
Ok cool I'm running it now
Ok so now when I add a comment, it doesn't show up until I leave the view and come back
you will have to insert it in array of comments manually
8:13 PM
The comments also duplicate whenever I come back
there must be some code in there that does that
can you paste whole code to ?
just this viewcontroller
i think i know what it is
are you reading comment on feed?
Yeah, everything to do with the image (likes, comments, etc are fetched in the feed)
This is the fetch in FeedViewController
Actually, I'm wrong
I don't read the comments in the feed sorry
try this
func observePostComments() {
let commentsArray:[Comment] = []
let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)

postsCommentsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let commentsArray = snapshot.children

while let tempComment = commentsArray.nextObject() as? FIRDataSnapshot {

if let commentDictionary = tempComment.value as? [String: AnyObject] {

let commentObject = Comment()
commentObject.key = snapshot.key
commentObject.userId = commentDictionary["userId"] as? String ?? ""
so instead of appending to existing array of comments
create temporary new one so we are sure in there are just comment we read
and assing that array to the other one
8:24 PM
I get an error on the lines with commentsArray - "Value of type NSEnumerator has no member append"
let commentsArray:[Comment] = [Comment]()
still the same?
Yeah still the same errors
can you try if commentsArray.addObject works
instead of commentsArray.append
Same error :(
ok there are 2 arrays with same name
this is the problem
rename first commentsArray to comments
and then, comments.append(commentObject)
and finally self.selectedPost.comments = comments
8:31 PM
Ok cool
Ok so the comments show up, but if I delete a comment then leave the view and go back, it reappears
I still have this for delete, is this correct?
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if editingStyle == .delete {
let comment = selectedPost.comments[indexPath.row]
selectedPost.comments.remove(at: indexPath.row)
tableView.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: .fade)

// Remove from Firebase
FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID).child(comment.key).removeValue(completionBlock: { (deleteError: Error?, reference:FIRDatabaseReference) in
yep, this should work
but does it get removed from firebase?
No, doesn't look like it
but "Comment should be deleted" gets printed in console?
or is there an error?
Yeah "Comment should be deleted" gets printed
No errors
Also when I post a comment, it doesn't show up until I leave the view and come back
yes, you have to manually add it to array of comments
or call observePostComments() after you add it to load comments again
8:40 PM
So I should call observePostComments in this function?
func addComment(comment: String) {
    let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
    var commentData:  [String: String] = [:]
    commentData["userId"] = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.displayName!
    commentData["comment"] = comment
you should also use completion block
afte .setValue
so you wait the data to be saved
and then read comments again
or you can simply
Oh man completion blocks scare me I get so confused
Right now I just have observePostComments() in viewDidAppear
you can simply add
let comment = Comment()
comment.userId = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.displayName!
comment.comment = comment
instead of adding completion block
why? So you dont load comments again
I add that code inside addComment function?
func addComment(comment: String) {
let postsCommentsRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("postComments").child(self.postID)
var commentData: [String: String] = [:]
commentData["userId"] = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.displayName!
commentData["comment"] = comment

let comment = Comment()
comment.userId = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.displayName!
comment.comment = comment
just copy
oh I forgot
reloadData after appending comment
8:45 PM
I get an error on comment.comment = comment, Cannot assign value of type Comment to String!
oh idiot I did it again
let commentObject = Comment()
commentObject.userId = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.displayName!
commentObject.comment = comment
both had same names - comment
Alright, so the deleted comments are still returning after leaving the view and coming back
but this works, adding new comment?
hm.. deleted comments then don't even get deleted
try printing comment key
when deleting it
8:50 PM
Yeah it prints Comment key is Optional("-KffniVALrbM60LFnuai")
check if comment with this key exists
hmm so thats interesting
I searched for the key on Firebase
this is pots key
And the comment key is the key to all the comments on that post (if I'm understanding correctly), plus it's also the key to the post
yep thats wrong
got it
8:54 PM
commentObject.key = snapshot.key
if let commentDictionary = tempComment.value as? [String: AnyObject] {

let commentObject = Comment()
commentObject.key = commentDictionary.key <-------
we were saving post key instead of comment key
now everything should work
It should be this right commentObject.key = commentDictionary["key"] as? String ?? ""
in this case no
commentDictionary doesnt have property named "key"
or maybe it would work
you can use commentDictionary.key
no need to use [""]
every dictionary has key property, that is why you can use .key
If I use commentObject.key = commentDictionary.key I get the error Value of type [String : AnyObject] has no member key
check if it works
8:59 PM
commentObject.key = tempComment.key ?
dude YES!
It works!!
ow right!
Man you are my hero right now, seriously thank you so much for sticking with me on this!
No problem man, really.
9:02 PM
I can't wait until I'm good enough at coding to fix these problems on my own. How long have you been programming?
I had same issues when I was learning Firebase
I am programming for few years now but like for living, I just got job last year
as a developer, iOS apps
well and android
That's what I'm going for, I'm studying now at a school in NYC but I live a state away so I'm doing all the works by myself from home
Good for you man, I am glad!
Actually I was applying as developer for android
This is my second to last project, I just have to add pagination, chronological sorting and a couple other things then I'm onto the last project, then I start interviewing for a job!
but my boss had a project for iOS and didn't have time to do it by himself so I was kinda pushed in it
9:05 PM
Yeah that's how a lot of people start I think
had like a month to do it, with no clue what swift is :D
it was tough but it is the best way to learn anything
I wanted to learn so I can build an app idea that I had, I've been working on that but its a bit more complex. It's like Slack for social use. Group chats among friends where you can set your status green, yellow or red depending on if you want to hang out that night. And go into a group video chat to make plans
oh nice
And yeah it's pretty tough learning sometimes, especially since I have no background in computer science
yea exactly
But this way you do it is very good
make few projects for yourself and train
idk, try to copy some existing apps and stuff.
9:07 PM
Yeah exactly, the school has us make a bunch of projects that get more complex each time, learning new things
This one is basically Instagram without the filters
also it helps a lot going through code someone else wrote
it is challenging, I can say that. :D
Yeah a lot of the time someone will post an answer on stack overflow and it'll be so clean and I'll think "I never would have thought to do it that way"
yea :D
You're in Slovenia? Must be late!
but yea you will. It takes time.
its 10pm
still in the office
9:09 PM
Man they gotta let you go home lol
was finishing one project and from time to time I visit stackoverflow and answer a question or two
well we are kinda our own bosses, we come when we want and go when we want
Oh that's awesome
Yep, pretty cool. All that matters is that projects are done on deadline
That's sensible. A lot of jobs here in the US have the mindset that you have to stay during all work hours, regardless of whether or not there's anything to do
I could also work from home if I wanted, but I like it here between others
9:13 PM
Yeah I'd do the same, it's nice being surrounded by people doing the same stuff
Take a break together, drink coffee and smoke one. Also you always have someone to ask for advice or anything.
Yeah that sounds like a great job
Okay dude. Nice talking to you. I will head home now.
Same to you, thanks again for the help! I'll see you around on SO, have a great night dude!
Gotta see if the last episode of the walking dead is any good. :P
9:15 PM
Haha I fell off of that show but enjoy!
No problem man. Will see you around! Night!
Night man!

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