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3:58 AM
A: Navigation Drawer Over Status Bar In Nougat?

CharukaYou are having a colored status bar. So navigation drawer is not visible behind it. Make your Status bar transparent and then it will be there. <!-- Make the status bar traslucent --> <style name="AppTheme" p...

@xyz rety did you make it right?
noting changed after adding windowTranslucentStatus
@xyz rety where did you add? you need to add it on the right theme which is your app theme that you can find in your menifest,also in the Styles(v21).xml , dont copy the hole block only get the tag and include it inside the right theme that you are using
i added only item in Styles(v21).xml
my application minimum targe version is 15 so i'm not able to add windowTranslucentStatus in my styles.xml that is why i only add windowTranslucentStatus in my .Styles(v21).xml
i updated my question with my styles.xml and styles(v21).xml so please check
@xyz rety your problem was android N not 15 , add that line and then it will show a red line where you can ignore it,wont do any harm but it will only apply after v.19 and you said your previous versions were fine
3:58 AM
nice man thanks
@xyz rety did that work for you ? if yes you can accept the answer ;)
yes bro
ok great!! good luck .. also you can put all xml under suport.CoordinatorLayout..and try but this way is easy
@xyzrety i ll catch you later :)
your solun works fine but status bar color not looks pretty how can i change this
@xyzrety well with that thing you dont have any color .. meaning its full transparent at the moment ..meaning you will see what is behind it
@xyzrety but if you wish to add a color follow that link which i added and add a one to make it half transparent use 8 digit code colors
eg : #99000000
Q: How to make a background transparent 20% in android

AdhamI want to make background of a Textview about 20% transparent (not fully transparent), where there is a color in the background (i.e. white)?

if you want to use a color also you need to remove what you have added to make it transparent
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primary_dark</item>
you need to add a one to this
and this
<item name="statusBarColor">@color/primary_dark</item>
4:24 AM
when i try to change color after removing windowTranslucentStatus item in my code i loss my status bar transparency @Charuka
4:59 AM
show me your color code
<color name="colorPrimaryDark">#50000c5b</color>
im.on my mobile at the moment ill find it out and update you .. one thing for which api virsion did you test that
i test on Api 25
A: How to change the status bar color in android

codercatUpdate: Lollipop: public abstract void setStatusBarColor (int color) Added in API level 21 Android Lollipop brought with it the ability to change the color of status bar in your app for a more immersive user experience and in tune with Google’s Material Design Guidelines. Here is how you c...

try this
5:24 AM
not working

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