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12:46 PM
Hi there.
Would you be intrested to help me out of some more of my MEAN stack issues? cause, i need my main structure done, and thinking very much on structure.
If needed i can pay a little amount.
I see
currently I'm working on a mean application myself
if you want I can take a screenshot of its structure
yes please.
I'm using webstorm
12:48 PM
i tried webstorm, but couldnt find exsternal connection and ssh.
so im using PHPstorm.
( before i was PHP developer).
is a part of my structure, i downloaded a working example from mean site.
where is the modules for your site?
now, app contains only node stuff, like server, mongomodels, factories
public only angularjs stuff, like controllers, factories etc
assets contains css
config contains some jsons i use for configurations
that is what my structure is.
but im having troubles :P
12:51 PM
And basically that's it
if you look at and under modules, its different modules right?

im thinking about calling different functions in the routes. but, where can i make and store my functions?
with my structure?
You want to call a different function per route?
Here I call indeed a different function per different route
But I use a middleware, the factory, to handle it
well, in the articles.server.routes.js in the arciles module, i would like to call some functions, but i dont know how to call them, or where to store them. cause its in my eyes core functions thats is often called.
nice, but wouldnt your factories be stored in public, for user to acually find?
I have two different kind of factories
nodejs at low level
which take a request
and call the db
the send result back
and another kind, high level angular, which just provides some services
I show you a node factory
For instance, geometryFactory
12:56 PM
you think your structure is better to work with than structure?
^ that is the low level node.js?
yeah, it accesses the db
may you help me create your structure?
this factory is called by routes get /geometries and post /geometries
12:57 PM
cause im going to create a huge project in MEAN stack, ( converting kinda from my PHP codes).
Me and my work buddies use this kind of structure
we also use providers as middleware but in this project of mine it is not needed
I would suggest you to take a look at this repo of mine:
would you like to help me out for a small charge?
aniways, this structure we are using is very close to hapi.js structure
Just take a look at how the code is organized and take a look at server.js, package.json and bower.json
then all you need to do is create a public and app folder
I need help to ( redirect to a page when user is not logged in).
render a view of course, then the different views in center.
i see.
Ah, that's a bit tricky, I can't help you easily on that
I can sugegst you
If you want to use mean
to take a look at angular-jwt
There's also an course on it
1:01 PM
why is that a bit tricky?
It handles login/logout and security with mean
Because it's pretty huge, that's not easy at all to make it fast
my old site, made with PHP had 47k lines without any css/html included in the counting.
and it was 47k structured lines, it wasnt shit.
I see but I'm sorry, I can't help you more than that on a chat, it would be very difficult. I'm sure that if you follow that structure and you understood what I wrote in the answer you can get it going for any post and get with mean
i see. thanks anyway!.
that is my ongoing project.
I see, let me know in the comments how you proceed, good luck maria
1:09 PM

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