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8:31 PM
A: Unpermitted parameter in Rails 5

Arup RakshitReplace project_criteria: [.. with project_criteria_attributes: [... When you will be using accepts_nested_attributes_for, that is the key name Rails expects you to be defined both from frontend and whitelisting code.

Thanks for you response.. do you mean I should replace the code in controller to: params.require(:project).permit(:name, project_criteria_attributes: [] ) ?
Yes please try that and let me know. Your JSON params also has to be the same key name.
Unfortunately I got the same error. Parameters: {"project"=>{"name"=>"qweqwe", "project_criteria_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"benefit"=>"1", "name"=>"qweqwe", "type"=>"Benefício"}}}} Unpermitted parameter: project_criteria_attributes.
@developer033 I didn't see 1 thing. project_criteria has to be in plural format in the model.
@developer033 call in console "project_criteria".pluralize and see what name comes and use it if you are not sure what the plural name would be. And then that pluralize name and _attributes will do the trick.
Yes, it's in the plural form. My model is ProjectCriterium (singular) andcriteria is the plural form.
8:31 PM
Did you try the method I said? ProjectCriterium.to_s.underscore.pluralize
Yes, ProjectCriterium.to_s.underscore.pluralize === project_criteria..
hm looking at what is missing
Do you think the way that I'm getting the data is wrong? => Parameters: {"project"=>{"name"=>"qweqwe", "project_criteria_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"benefit"=>"1", "name"=>"qweqwe", "type"=>"Benefício"}}}} Unpermitted parameter: project_criteria_attributes.
I was expecting an array.. by the way
8:33 PM
your current syntax like key/value also must work
show your controller code here once more time
mainly the strong param method
This way I get the unpermitted message:

def project_params
params.require(:project).permit(:name, project_criteria_attributes: [] )

This way I got ActiveRecord::DangerousAttributeError (attribute is defined by Active Record. Check to make sure that you don't have an attribute or method with the same name.):

def project_params
params.require(:project).permit(:name, project_criteria_attributes: [:name, :type, :benefit] )
show the create action of the controller
the create action is the standard.. I just generate it now

def create
@project =

render json: @project, status: :created, location: @project
render json: @project.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
First of all I want to permit that parameter
then I'll decide what's the best way to do what I want
i know
show the full log now
from request to response
Started POST "/projects" for at 2016-08-19 17:39:34 -0300
Processing by ProjectsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"project"=>{"name"=>"qwe", "project_criteria_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"benefit"=>"1", "name"=>"aaaaaa", "type"=>"type1"}}}}
Unpermitted parameter: project_criteria_attributes
Are the classes correct?

class ProjectCriterium < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :project

class Project < ApplicationRecord
has_many :project_criteria
accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_criteria
8:43 PM
Why your request is being submitted a HTML, shouldn't be a JSON request. Can you check?
I noticed that, but do you think is it a problem? Is it responsability of back-end or front-end?
can you submit a JSON reqest
is it an API?
yes, it's
I'm using Angular in front-end
ok fix what I said
Well, I really don't know why rails is processing it as HTML
return $http({
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost:3000/projects',
data: {
'project': project
by default POST in Angular is sent using JSON
8:50 PM
funny thing is why Rails not telling any view not found error, I am surprised. :)
for testing
can you send the reqqyest from Postman as JSON and check what is going on
this is to test the thing
I tested it
and it works
as post
I passed it:

"name": "qwe",
"0":{ "benefit":"1", "name":"aaaaaa", "type":"type1" }
it returned me
"id": 57,
"name": "qwe",
"created_at": "2016-08-19T21:00:18.000Z",
"updated_at": "2016-08-19T21:00:18.000Z"
and in terminal:
Started POST "/projects" for at 2016-08-19 18:00:18 -0300
Processing by ProjectsController#create as */*
Parameters: {"project"=>{"name"=>"qwe", "project_criteria_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"benefit"=>"1", "name"=>"aaaaaa", "type"=>"type1"}}}}
Unpermitted parameter: project_criteria_attributes
u mean record is saving but still error?
I mean I still can't access project_criteria_attributes
even with postman
9:41 PM
10:39 PM
are you there?

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