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10:31 AM
A: my protocol and delegates not working?

SMiIn CustomAddOnVC please write ItemTableViewCellObj.Itemdelegate = self in viewDidLoad or where ItemTableViewCell. in initialised . and also define delegate with weak reference weak var Itemdelegate: ItemDataDelegate?

when I create the weak reference it has error...
here what is ItemTableViewCellObj??
Does it work without weak reference?
You have CustomAddOnVC. And you use ItemTableViewCell here. Where do you initialize it?
i forget to set delegate for ItemDataDelegate in CustomAddOnVC class.. I am checking
Yes. that's what i want.
i have made some editing in my question in the 2nd part but still not working
10:31 AM
var ItemTableViewCellObj:ItemTableViewCell? this is wrong
As you are using ItemTableViewCell so you must use cellForRowAtIndexPath. right?
cells are initialised there
some thing like this?
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Item", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! ItemCell
here you need to set the delegate
yeah i have done this one .. but here how can i use the delegate property of ItemTableViewCell.. because both have no connection between them
see this
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

let cell:CustomOneCell = AddOnTableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("addoncell") as! CustomOneCell

let item: AddOnItems = ADDONITEMS[indexPath.row]
cell.addOnName.text =
cell.addOnPrice.text = "£\(item.price!)"
cell.addonitem_next =!

//newly added for tick and untick
cell.checkboxOutlet.tag = indexPath.row
if (selectedItems.contains(indexPath.row)) {
cell.checkboxOutlet.setImage(UIImage(named:"checkboxredtick.png"), forState: .Normal)
Your delegate is of your cell right?
You define your protocol CustomOneCell on this class?
is it your ItemTableViewCell? where you define your protocol?
i define the protocol in Itemtableviewcell
let me clear
wait i will elaborate you my whole scenario
10:40 AM
this is my custom table view custom cell in which items with buttons are theer
What is the name of this custom cell?
ItemTableViewcell, whre i defined the protocol
And what is the name of your viewcontroller where the table view exist?
here i took three labels of data
menu data , subcategory data , and item data
menu data i dispalyed in the header section
10:47 AM
so you should comform your delegate at menutableviewcontroller
and set delegate in this view controller cellforroaatindexpath method after initialising cell
after clicking the order button the item name , item price and item ID should sent to the next xib . for that purpose only i am creating the protocol to pass the data
then your next xib is a viewcontroller or UIView?
whatever? you should conform your code there
10:50 AM
and set delegate there
here in this view i need to fetch all data that i set as protocol
do you debug ItemTableViewCellObj?.Itemdelegate = self ?
is it nil here ?

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