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12:36 PM
A: How can i set two background colours for a single row

balkaran singhplz take two label in uitableview cell and you can access them UILabel *label =(UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:yourtagnumber]; set this identifier value , and set the style to custom the in - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath...

yes i have tried this way but i don't know why it was not showing see the 3 commented lines below in my code section
what the mena of this line UITableViewCell* cell = self.myTableViewCells[indexPath.row];
plz access your cell with UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"your idetifier"];
see the full code now this is the only code i am using full code, with UITableViewCell* cell = self.myTableViewCells[indexPath.row]; line meaning
are you using storyboard or not ?
yes i am using storyboard
12:36 PM
chek update answer @vicky ?
but if i use the reusable cell with identifief the same value repeats in every cell which i don't want thats why i create the myTableViewCell for setting each cell the value i wanted.
thats why i am using fixed number of cells
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:
[_myTableViewCells objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] forIndexPath:indexPath];
should i use this code for cell now
and set conditions with if ([[_myTableViewCells objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] isEqualToString:@"yourfirstcell"] && indexPath.row == 0)
{ }
for all cells you can set this conditions .
what is the @"yourfirstcell"
12:47 PM
it is your identifier value of your first cell
that you set from storyboard
and where should i set these conditions
in cellForRowAtIndexPath methods
i give you example
but i did not set the identifiers for my cell they are actually nil. in NSArray which i have created
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
@try {
DashboardCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:
[arrDashboardCell objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] forIndexPath:indexPath];

cell.delegate = self;
if ([[arrDashboardCell objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] isEqualToString:Cell_Profile] && indexPath.row == 0)

else if ([[arrDashboardCell objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] isEqualToString:Cell_MemberShip] && indexPath.row == 1)
so plese set it

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