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6:34 PM
This may be domain-specific, but are there any open-source (header) libraries for physical constants (like from CODATA) not named Boost? Could be C or C++, doesn't matter.
can't just declare whatever constants you need?
tbh not aware of any
Yes, I can, that's the easiest thing, but I really don't like duplicated effort.
NIH syndrome is very prevalent in my field...
6:55 PM
If there is something in Boost couldn't you just copy the relevant constant definitions? I guess they shouldn't have any dependencies on other parts of the Boost libraries if it's just a number.
No, aside from being old constants, there are an insane number of dependencies so you can do unit manipulation as well: boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/boost/units/systems/si/codata/…
So then, it seems if you want it done right you have to do it yourself.
Oh well, what else is new...
7:12 PM
@pentavalentcarbon unit libraries are useful actually, you might want to use them
I agree that they are. I have a lot of experience with this in Python, and my problem is solved immediately there. But I have a restriction of no Boost.

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