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12:09 AM
10 hours later…
10:19 AM
hey guys
@Shaneis where you at?
1 hour later…
11:42 AM
hey everyone.
Hey @ARr0w
12:29 PM
what's up tony.
12:40 PM
Can anyone tell me why i'm getting 500 error anytime i try connect to a database on LAN IP or FQDN? Loopback address seems to work okay but as soon as i try open the browser to virtual host domain name or the actual IP address of the machine it shows errors?
This is with apache/ and python.
Hi All
1:05 PM
sup guys
Another Monday :)
Anon, 500 is server side error. There must be an error on the information you're providing
alex, i wish i could murder this monday.
How come?
quick question for you guys @Alex @TonyPeterson @ARr0w
1. a knife
2. alex's chest.

*stub* *stub* *stub*...
sure, ask, Andy.
1:09 PM
Fire away, Andy
@ARr0w Wouldn't mind it a bit. Put me out of my misery too ;)
Given an employees table with the columns EmpID, FirstName, Lastname, HireDate, and TerminationDate
and given the a new table "AnnualReviews" with the columns EmpID, and ReviewDate:
Write a query to return all employees who have never had a review sorted by HireDate.
I've written this
SELECT empid,firstname,lastname
FROM employees WHERE empid IN (SELECT empid FROM annualreviews WHERE reviewdate IS NULL OR reviewdate = ‘’ ) ORDER BY HireDate
but I'm unsure about this one
SELECT empid,firstname,lastname
FROM employees INNER JOIN annualreviews ON employees.empid = annualreviews.empid
WHERE (annualreview.reviewdate IS NULL OR annualreview.reviewdate = ‘’) ORDER BY HireDate
first one
I'm sure about it
but the second one
SELECT empid,firstname,lastname, HireDate
FROM employees WHERE empid NOT IN (SELECT empid FROM annualreviews)
 order by HireDate
does it sound ok?
I have doubts and tbh, I did not have time to test it
I'm thinking the employee is only on AnnualReviews if they have a review
I wanted to do a join
for the second one
1:15 PM
Ahh, then that's a bit trickier
it is not for me, it is for an intern I want to recruit
when you don't have time, you are doing real shit work
I've used NOT IN for difference queries
Haste makes waste
thanks guys
Good luck
thanks @Alex
1:17 PM
You're welcome, Andy
10 mn
I've been managing a lot but recruiting, I'm not comfy with
Used to work with unpaid interns years ago. The poor souls weren't taught even the basics in the comp science dept. It was pitiful.
that's why I've prepared that test
just to do some basic sanity check
We had one intern who wrote a new column for each record. Not sure how he managed it, but he did
Also look at the person's likelihood of self-learning
If they don't know something, are they willing/able to learn it on their own?
Andy, i don't understand your last sentence
"had a review sorted by hiredate"

rest i could interpret resulted as :
Select employees.EmpID, AnnualReviews.ReviewDate
from employees inner join AnnualReviews
on employees.EmpID = AnnualReviews.EmpID
WHERE Not Exists( "your last sentence select query here" ).
1:29 PM
Hello guys, I have a problem with data sorting :), I have table with sport teams standings, there is a column "points" (every won game * 3 + every tied game). Now, I need to sort teams with same score according to the results of their games... I mean, if team A has same number of points as team B, but team A has won against team B, team A should be listed first ... do you have any idea how to make such a sorting in mysql ? :)
1:51 PM
@ARr0w that's great
select max(points) from ilovesports
group by points having points > 1
order by points desc
andy, thanks. ^_^
i'm off guys
take care. talk to you all later.
see ya @ARr0w
2:16 PM
@Alex just finished with the intern
young, very young
but seems to be serious in his behaviour
know his sql
A young person can be mature and a person with some age can also be immature
Age is not an indicator of wisdom
you're right Alex.
even though this young buck will be an intern, I'd rather have an intern that is motivated than have an intern who will be passive
Yup. You gotta be self motivated and driven. Otherwise, just go home and watch TV.
man, we're on the same page
2 hours later…
4:52 PM
informix question
how can i know if a row is locked before doing a "select for update" on it?
5:24 PM
what's the point of setting a max size for varchar() ?
7:21 PM
Well, if you don't set a max size, it defaults. If you're declaring, say a variable, it'll default to varchar(1) stackoverflow.com/questions/359257/…
declare @myvarchar varchar
set @myvarchar = 'this is a test'
select @myvarchar

result: "t"
1 hour later…
8:24 PM
hey guys
@Osama one of the possible is that you don't know the max size for the varchar
in the old days, it was up to 255 length
now for some db like postgres, it can be up to 1gb

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