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8:16 AM
3 hours later…
11:23 AM
fire alarm went this morning so only really properly on now
1 hour later…
12:39 PM
hey @Shaneis
hey @AndyK
12:58 PM
1:14 PM
@AndyK ah busy busy, SQL Server performance tuning, PowerShell documentation, etc, etc
how's the website and such coming along?
restoring the website is over
cool, let me check it out!
Can anyone explain why this doesn't work? It says "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 't.SectionID = s.SectionID INNER JOIN tblCourse c ON c.CourseID = s.CourseID'"
Select c.Name, Sem, Year, s.SectionID, avg(Grade) as SectionAvgGrade
FROM tblSection s
INNER JOIN tblTranscript t ON t.SectionID = s.SectionID
INNER JOIN tblCourse c ON c.CourseID = s.CourseID
GROUP BY c.Name, Sem, Year, s.SectionID
I basically have a query showing CourseID, Sem, Year, SectionID, and avg(grade) but I want to replace CourseID with Course Name from another table, so I need 2 inner joins
1:31 PM
@ChaCol looks fine, what database are you using?
Do I need a comma or anything between the inner joins or parathesis
oh access is weird....try something like this
Select c.Name, Sem, Year, s.SectionID, avg(Grade) as SectionAvgGrade
FROM tblSection s
INNER JOIN tblTranscript t
INNER JOIN tblCourse c
ON t.SectionID = s.SectionID
ON c.CourseID = s.CourseID
GROUP BY c.Name, Sem, Year, s.SectionID
Yeah that's what my database teacher is making us use
That says Syntax error in FROM clause
@ChaCol we used MySQL....which I'll admit to liking more than access
Select c.Name, Sem, Year, s.SectionID, avg(Grade) as SectionAvgGrade
FROM (tblSection s
INNER JOIN tblTranscript t ON t.SectionID = s.SectionID)
INNER JOIN tblCourse c ON c.CourseID = s.CourseID
GROUP BY c.Name, Sem, Year, s.SectionID
try again? (I'm guessing)
Oh my you are a hero
It worked
1:35 PM
that confirms it, Access is stupid!
@ChaCol glad I could help
@AndyK I like it!
How can I change it so it displays all of those listed but it groups by sectionid so it is ascending from the lowest id number to the highest
I mean I can manually sort it but how do I do that in the query
is that not just adding ORDER BY sectionid ASC ?
Oh right thanks again
@ChaCol np...again
1:39 PM
Just got one more query to write then I'm finally finished with this assignment
@ChaCol ha I helped my cousin with a database management exam yesterday as well...like I said to him "I get it's annoying/difficult but at least it's nearly over and then you can start to enjoy it"
Display the total number course sections offered by each faculty at various semester
That's my next one
What's the best way of taking a count of a value (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SELECT FacultyID, COUNT(Fall), Count(Spring), Count(Summer)
FROM tblSection
GROUP By FacultyID
My brain isn't functioning right now
Nevermind I got it from another answer I did
SUM(IIF(Sem = "Fall", 1, 0)) as Fall,
SUM(IIF(Sem = "Spring", 1, 0)) as Spring,
SUM(IIF(Sem = "Summer", 1, 0)) as Summer
FROM tblSection
GROUP By FacultyID
@ChaCol nice!
btw if you highlight everything and press Ctrl + k it formats it
SUM(IIF(Sem = "Fall", 1, 0)) as Fall,
SUM(IIF(Sem = "Spring", 1, 0)) as Spring,
SUM(IIF(Sem = "Summer", 1, 0)) as Summer
FROM tblSection
GROUP By FacultyID
helps to read it in the chat room
plus @AndyK may bin your messages otherwise :(
1:58 PM
@ChaCol I won't do that every time but between most people who don't know what they want
@ChaCol @AndyK I may start doing it for the lols now...
between peeps who are plaguing the space with poorly formatted code
I try to keep a cool head but sometimes, I remember my mum's words Keep your room tidy, matey
2:35 PM
1 hour later…
4:04 PM
heading guys, talk again
see ya

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