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9:18 PM
hi guys! i have a function on postgres that returns a setof something the result is: "(6,1,1,1,1,,,5,1,,,"2015-09-09 00:00:00",,,f,f,)", is there any way to retrieve that in table format so i can parse it to java object?
the function is: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getIncomingPmByArea(v1 integer)
RETURNS setof part_movement
Select *
From part_movement
where id_area_final_destination = v1
and (id_area_destination != id_area_final_destination and id_user_receiver is not null) or
(id_area_destination = id_area_final_destination and id_user_receiver is null);
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
i would like to get the result as an ordinary query result with the tables columns etc

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