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12:30 AM
@TheodoreBrown yes
12:58 AM
@CSᵠ because of rebecca.
gn8 folks.
@hakre funk, it started again!
but fun aside: how do you add multiple values to an array easily?
$arr[]=[$bla, 1, "3", "somethin"] ?
won't do it.
1:04 AM
not sure what you mean
and $arr += [$bla, 1, "3", "somethin"] won't do it as well because of pot. duplicate keys.
@CSᵠ $arr[]=[$bla, 1, "3", "somethin"] adds an array as new value.
ohhhh, now i get it
array_push($array, $valNew1, $valNew2, ...)
but perhaps @NikiC adds $arr[] = ... to array unpacking ;)
$arr[]=...[$newVal1. $newVal2, ..., $newValN];
1:07 AM
@hakre something like $arr[]=1, "3", $newVal2, ... , $etc;
not sure if comma would break anything, looks good at 1st glance
list($arr[], $arr[], $arr[]) = [3, 2, 1]; - eval.in/private/baa03bd5e07759
@hakre interesting, but better use _push then
with array_push you only need to name the array once. that makes the code more clean and removes redundancy.
anyway, i'm done. cu tomorrow.
Would you say a website design has more importance now than before?
I know the functionality is the most important aspect of any website, but does design hold any importance compared to it?
Does it have to "look good" or is functionality and minimal design good enough?
1:22 AM
@DemCodeLines you'll have to answer this after you answer, What does your website do/serve?
@CSᵠ It's a content site, specifically Q&A
1:49 AM
How to enable mod_rewriter in Apache bassically? Every method in questions not work to me
2:05 AM
@HendryTanaka which methods have you tried, and how did they fail?
2:24 AM
Forget it. too complicated. Any link suggestion for mod_rewrite tutorial please
2:42 AM
So I am working on integrating a payment system called 99Bill (it's a Chinese payment portal thing) onto our site
The integration works when it's on my website
However, after porting it into an OpenCart extension
The error I am receiving is that my RSA signing is incorrect
Can't really understand why, since all I did was port my code over to the OpenCart template
This question is kinda general.. Since I have no idea what's going wrong other than 99Bill returning the "signing incorrect" error, which isn't very descriptive at all
Does anyone have any suggestions?
3:33 AM
4:11 AM
Fixed my issue
The order of keys and values within the GET... mattered
But the error it returned was so broad
Fucking Chinese software
What the
That I looked at the wrong thing
Are u chinese?
Yeah I can speak and read and write
But I grew up in the West
Currently on an internship in Shanghai
Quite different (and in some ways, similar) to interning in the US
Interesting...so, U was born in West?
4:22 AM
@theGreenCabbage Actually, that's the problem with hashing algorithms; it's either correct or not ...
And normalising key/value pairs is kind of important for signing :)
@Ja͢ck Have you met Daverandom?
In person?
No...In Forum. Have you met him in real world?
He's kind of far away physically :)
So I only see him in this chatroom and on IRC heh
@Ja͢ck Wow. Where do you come from?
4:26 AM
I hail from Singapore
@Ja͢ck Surprising! I'm in Indonesia. What kind of ethnic you are?
Not mean to racist, just want to know
Oh, I'm European actually :)
@Ja͢ck What are you doin' there pal?
Living :)
4:30 AM
@Ja͢ck Working?
That too
@Ja͢ck Alone? I'm planning to visit that Amazing city next month.
anyone online
@HendryTanaka Nope, married with kids ;-)
@Ja͢ck Lovely. I'm single for now. Well, do you know about mod_rewrite on APache?
4:36 AM
hi guys
Warning: require(PPAutoloader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\adaptive\samples\PPBootStrap.php on line 21
how to resolve this error?
@HendryTanaka I know enough about it to avoid it :)
that error comes from paypal adaptive payment
@BoopathiRajan Check the include_path ini setting or provide absolute paths.
@Ja͢ck thanks for your reply
i download that api files from
PPAutoloader.php file does not exists in that api
where to download that PPAutoloader.php file
do you have any experience in paypal adaptive payment?
@Ja͢ck :) I want to ask you. Can I make multiple rewrite rules?
4:44 AM
any one have answer for my question?
i think guys are busy right now.
any one help me when you have a free time
thanks in advance
@Ja͢ck Jack, can I handle 404 page or another page error code from htaccess?
Don't get it
@HendryTanaka mod_rewrite can do all the things.
Interesting. Sound of cool. Including logical statement?
Yeah, there are things like SetEnvIf
@tereško hmm, do we have a canonical for this?
afaik - no
5:58 AM
@HendryTanaka Naw I was born in China
@HendryTanaka Who I am starts to blur, lol
@tereško this comes close
@Ja͢ck So what is the input for htaccess? And what is the output of htaccess? Is it a ruling script on server side?
The input to htaccess would be best described by the http request.
The output is a decision on what to show and how based on the given rules.
@Ja͢ck You know a lots. I need to ask Daverandom. He said that he control all his web root page in a single htaccess. Curious
Yeah, that's how you typically work with htaccess .. just one file in the root; you can have as many as you want, though.
6:09 AM
got kinda backpain the stops you standing straight or breathin in all the way ... fun
@Ja͢ck I need to learn more. I am about developing my college website right now. Any suggestion site to learn about it?
In most cases you hardly need .htaccess at all.
+1 because globals are excellent in this situation. — minitech ♦ Aug 27 '12 at 18:35
especially given the premise of "but i recently got into object oriented programming.", teaching these kind of techniques is just poor.
6:25 AM
Good morning @RonniSkansing
6:40 AM
Good morning.
posted on October 10, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by boppel */

@Ja͢ck thanks for merging. Did making it 2 PRs make it harder? saw it took 4 commits in the end :P
@Leigh I didn't use the second PR :)
It's 4 commits because 1) your commit, 2) merge into 5.6, 3) merge into master and 4) fix master ... can't make it shorter than that heh
yea I figured the 2nd PR broke workflow, because you wouldn't have to merge up from 5.6
6:47 AM
@Duikboot Make recentwebsite.com accept the old domain as well as its own.
Then change the A record
@Duikboot You want the domain to update in the browser right? Therefore on your old site I would use 301 redirect (this means search engines will also start updating to use your new domain)
7:03 AM
What is the best approach to let recentwebsite.com accept the old domain? Using a domain pointer?
Its funnny when I am not looking for a job, the job offers pile up, but now that I am looking for work, no new jobs offers.. lol
@Duikboot in your server config, most likely.
@RonniSkansing Do you have a job currently while job hunting?
@HendryTanaka ehm, what am i supposed to think about that?
7:13 AM
I do the same with the instruction but it didn't work...what I missed?
I'm allergic to the term "didn't work" ...
Um...sorry, it was work but not working well..
@theGreenCabbage kinda, I have been selfemployed the last 2 years.. So I am making money, but the whole self employment isnt me.. I just want to code all day.. =]
@Ja͢ck Fcourse but do you mean the domain pointer by that?
7:18 AM
what domain pointer?
or rather, what's a domain pointer?
good meurning
@Naruto How is Konoha today?
Domain pointers allow you to point multiple domain names to a single Web site.
@Duikboot You mean CNAME or A records? Because PTR records are for reverse lookups.
7:25 AM
@Ja͢ck Never mind. I've got it
The CNAME record maps a name to another name. It should only be used when there are no other records on that name. Not sure about that.
@JoeWatkins you smash code together? like, using a code accelerator? :D
the opposite of carefully stitch ...
> If you can't honestly answer no to all of those questions
7:29 AM
^^ Problem is that one question is different from the other two.
now ?
> Have I fallen short of the best solution to this problem ?
Could I improve anything I have written?
Any idea why when I use charset_encorde("!@#$", 'utf-8') I would get an internal server error?
Missing a library or something stupid?
7:32 AM
Why on earth did I click on a random RFC: wiki.php.net/rfc/password_hash_spec
@JoeWatkins Have I code-sinned in any way? hah
> Could this solution be improved ?
@HendryTanaka It's pretty busy.. Everyone nagging on my head for help.. So I'm going to reply a little later than expected here ;)
7:34 AM
ok good, done ?
"Is my code good enough? Smart enough? Doggone it, do people like it?"
@JoeWatkins lgtm
@Naruto How is your sannin mode?
@theGreenCabbage there is no method that I know called charset_encorde =]
@RonniSkansing OH! That is it
It's a function from my library FUUU
Thanks Ronni!!
7:36 AM
no problem =]
posted on October 10, 2014 by Joe Watkins

Fig 1. Internet JesusIt took many hours (read: seconds) of research to discover who Internet Jesus actually is. We can assume that the advice you are about to receive does not apply to Him, and Him alone. It's Friday today, and I thought I would take some time to share with you something we try to do at my place of work; probably the best use of Friday's you have ever heard of. Refactoring F

"To everyone but that guy"
@HendryTanaka Rusty ;)
@JoeWatkins nice to read your blog. gj. Keep it up [=
7:38 AM
@JoeWatkins aaaand linked in the company Slack engineering channel
good mornings
@Naruto How about your relationship with Hinata now?
@HendryTanaka For what the public knows, or for what I secretly know ? ;)
@Naruto Hahahahaha....enough kidding
7:53 AM
@Leigh hilarious that
it gets better, the more channels you leave
We're using something similar, Flowdock.
yours integrates with github and jira, so you win by default
7:59 AM
I like this blog thing ... good fun ...
Morning to all, was wondering can I ask a question here?\
any objections if I pin that message for friday ?
You can do whatever you want :)
true ...
8:05 AM
@HendryTanaka Who says I'm kidding, I've learned the Flying Thunder God Technique so at night I secretly teleport myself to her ;) But shh... ;)
@Naruto Are you the real Naruto? Minato's son?
So @Naruto what do you think of Sausage
@theGreenCabbage Do you mean Sasuke
@HendryTanaka I got Sausage from Naruto Shit Poo Damn, the funniest Naruto video on Youtube
Guess no one gets the reference =(
You must see this
On the other hand - any ideas how to make PHPStorm use CMD instead of control?
It's driving me crazy
It's like I'm jumping between Windows and Mac
@HendryTanaka Who else would I be?
8:10 AM
moin random one
Sup gaiz
@Naruto Naruto Jr Maybe
Ok, so, is there an easy way to convert a GET URL to POST in PHP
Serriously, we are annoying. Keep on the PHP topic to make this room comfort for discuss.
Anyone have suggestions of using libcurl to turn GET request to POST?
@theGreenCabbage yup , that kinda contains everything that I hate about Naruto
Notice the nipples
8:31 AM
The coding love
Going into the boss office after a huge crisis
@theGreenCabbage Why would you want to convert a get to a post?
@theGreenCabbage seems the author doesn't know about http_build_query() and you don't need CURLOPT_POST if you're passing CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS.
^boxes I can't throw away because there are cats in them ...
@JoeWatkins Sounds like a good Friday hashtag
8:49 AM
@Naruto what I learned is, never ask why
@DaveRandom if a little long ...
@Ja͢ck The StackOverflow link? What do you suggest? Right now the target URL renders onto the page that I click "go" to
@theGreenCabbage So you always just do what you are told without asking questions?
@Jimbo o/
moin @Jimbo
8:54 AM
@Naruto I'm kidding
9:15 AM
The lack of rotation in that photo Joe is too damn low.
Either that or your cat is defying laws of physics.
Morning guys, I'm a C# nob now
@Fabien it's the physics thing, I'm almost certain ...
@Jimbo do you mean knob ?
9:23 AM
@JoeWatkins Yeah, I always say nob, as it's shorter :-)
Trying to transfer all my OO knowledge and best practice to this language too though
@JoeWatkins no
@Jimbo C# is awesome. You'll like it. Windows APIs... not so much.
Also, reeeeeaally not a fan of the partial keyword and the design horrors it implies
@DaveRandom Dave, may I have your htaccess example file?
Example of what?
Basically the only rewrite rule I ever use looks something like:
@DaveRandom I'm so curious about your description yesterday. You said that you use only one htaccess file
RewriteRule .* /index.php [END]
That's all you really need
or something like that, depends on your apache version
Just route all requests to the entry point and use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
9:31 AM
Ohh..okay, I'll try. Just really want to know how did you control a website and run all process in root dir through index.php and one htaccess file.
Dave, where do you come from?
@DaveRandom this is what I'm trying to change to web.config
Apache -> IIS
<match url=".*" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="index.php" />
@HendryTanaka Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much, some times they give each other a special cuddle, and that's where all babies come from.
I'm from Manchester, UK
@iroegbu And this does not work? I'm not that familiar with web.config file formats, I've only ever done stuff through the GUI, because that's how you do everything on Windows.
I know I have made that work before though, although I seem to recall having to do a bunch of messing about in order to get REQUEST_URI to contain the original URI and not simply /index.php
Or maybe that didn't work at all and I had to create a custom env var, I forget.
ISAPI sucks balls
I built an app for PHP + Apache, client changes mind now and says "no no no, I'm using IIS". I'm looking at iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/…
@iroegbu Hey...I did it too
I've not tried it yet though, but it should work... the app runs fine (domain/index.php/route), I just need to remove "index.php"
9:42 AM
@iroegbu Why do you remove index.php?
you want things like facebook.com/index.php/notifications ?
What is that?
@iroegbu Really, honestly, highly recommend VM + reverse proxy
@DaveRandom Excuse me Dave, what is that VM?
Virtual Machine
9:46 AM
hahaha... had to bust balls to get them to upgrade to PHP5.4
(...is what I use)
was running 5.2 - my application simply died
If you're too lazy to run VMs yourself you could go with a PaaS which won't cost a lot and takes a lot of potential pain out.
ping @Ocramius
@Gordon You play tekkit on Minecraft yet? :P
9:49 AM
@DaveRandom Dave, I think yesterday you said that SO is using asp right? How did you know?
@Fabien nope, I cant bring myself to play anything but vanilla. I was recommended UTB as well.
FTB presumably. Yeah same thing as tekkit but with more. You should give it a go. When you have time though as it's addicting. There's a learning curve though.
Jeff Atwood on September 21, 2008

This question keeps coming up a lot on Stack Overflow for some reason:

What was Stack Overflow built with?

Some even wondered if Stack Overflow was built in Ruby on Rails. I consider that a compliment!

This question has been covered in some detail in our podcasts, of course, but I know not everyone has time to listen to a bunch of audio footage to find the answer to their question. So, in that spirit, here’s the technology “stack” of Stack Overflow, the stuff Jarrod, Geoff, and I used to build it: …

@iroegbu Thanks, you're the surfer
What do you call the part of the URL before the keys and values?
say.. mydomain.com?name=thegreencabbage&company=yay
Before ?name
9:57 AM
@Danack Hey man, it was awesome to meet you at phpnw!
(and your beard)
/me high fives @Danack's beard ...
@theGreenCabbage scheme://domain:port/path?query_string#fragment_id
@DaveRandom dave, I use this code
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ news/read.php?bool=$1 [QSA,L]
and get the bool value
> browser framework jQuery

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