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12:00 AM
@ircmaxell yeah .... i was told you are the main man when it comes to interview question
@hakre have you implemented it .. let me see .. it might not be that expensive has i expected
@Baba No i only have the basic idea. I might want to draw a picture
@ircmaxell thanks .. i take a loop at the tips
it's either almost exactly year old, or your page has a bug in time-thing
@hakre ok .... am almost done myself
@Baba I made a quick image now which illustrates my idea. I think this is a known pattern.
@hakre ok
It does not win any beauty contest, but iterating the list, after each pair I can make at least one decision that allows me to throw away one value.
So I would only need to store half of the values in the first level.
I dunno if I can even throw away more going into the second level if I don't know the total count (yet).
12:13 AM
you can't...
also for a list of odd elements, I think the count is needed to calculate the chance for the last element compared to all previous ones.
Hi all)
but maybe that is the solution couldn't this be done with each next one? the chance of it against all previous?
@hakre Interesting .. still looking at how it would work ... one moment
Can javascript run when PHP echoes it at any given time?
12:17 AM
@hakre i think it would be predictable except we shuffle first
@lawm Non-sequitur.
@Baba we can't shuffle :)
I'm about 3 hours to stuck in a mysterious error. I use PDO to connect to pgsql database and execute some query. Query (stored procedure) is written OK. I call it and got answer "-3" - it SP error about unique violation.
But SP is executed successfull...
The mystery is in that fact, if I insert `var_dump($result)` after fetching `$result = $stmt->fetchAll()`, I see correct answer in var_dump output... but if I remove var_dump() I get error again
@hakre yeah that would be cheating
nnendo, try to surpress the error?
12:20 AM
@Innuendo, ^
@Innuendo What does the stored procedure do? Insert/update?
@Charles What if I had a php function that shows a javascript alert box?
@hakre may I know what are you trying to do?
@DaveRandom inserting
@cdnicoll, what do you mean by suppressing?
@hakre trying to cheat with DateInterval but its not working has i expected
12:22 AM
We have a list of unknown size we can only walk though from beginning to end. We need one random element from that list. Right now we go thought the list once to get it's length. Then we create the random number and then we go through that list again until we reach that random element.
Question is, is it possible to iterate the list once *and* getting the random element already.
@Innuendo OK I suspect the real issue is that the script is being called twice for some reason. Presumably (if it's complaining about a unique violation) you are either specifying an explicit value for the primary key, or there is some other column with a unique index on it for which you are specifying an explicit value?
@DaveRandom, it returns error (exception of unique violation) but I see new record in the table. It was executed, but returned error.
If I call this SP in pgAdmin - it's ok. If I call it from php and var_dump result - it's OK too. Without var_dump is failed
@lawm "Non-sequitur" => "it does not follow" => You have made an illogical statement that does not have an answer. PHP is server-side, Javascript is client-side.
@Innuendo The return is an error? you're not getting an error? I'm sorry ignore my suppressing response
@DaveRandom I think on calling SP twice too..but how:

    try {
      $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $values);
      $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
      // with this works: var_dump($result);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw new ModelException($e->getMessage(), Response::SERVER_ERROR);
12:24 AM
@Charles But if I had a trigger from PHP that causes javascript to do something.
Isn't it how this chatroom is set up?
@cdnicool, I get not error, but value "-3".. In that SP it means that Unique violation exception was raised and value "-3" was returned
@lawm No, actually, this chat uses websockets.
(where available)
@lawm Regardless, I think you need to re-explain the thing you're trying to do.
12:26 AM
@Charles If I had PHP validate a password, then have javascript spit out that the password is correct.
@Innuendo I suspect the whole script is being called twice. Check your web server access log, I suspect you'll find that every time you do whatever it is that invokes the script, you'll see two identical entries in the access log.
@lawm ... ajax?
@Charles ... anything simpler? I'm not looking for anything real time. Just on form submit or something.
@lawm If you're doing a form submit, why do you want Javascript to display a notice to the user after doing a server-side check?
12:27 AM
@Baba; I now try a simplified example.
I mean, you're doing a form submit, which is on the server.
@Charles I want to hide the form after it's submitted.
So you either aren't explaining yourself well, or you're overthinking it.
@Charles Should I just have a separate page?
I guess I should
Never mind then.
Can you rewind and tell us exactly what you're trying to accomplish? The small bits and pieces you've given us so far are only confusing. You seem to be suffering from this:
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

12:29 AM
@hakre Where is the example ?
@Baba It's not there yet. I meant taking only an array as list, testing if any working idea comes out.
@hakre i think the main issue is trying to avoid using length .... looking at the question again i can see possibility of generating a random date with would using count or iterator ....
@hakre eval.in/6073 (work in progress)
this is my idea, last take wins:
$list = range('a', 'h');
$count = 0;
foreach($list as $element) {
    $take = rand(1, $count) === 1;
    printf("#%d: %s (take: %d)\n", $count, $element, $take);
@hakre Interesting one moment
@Baba I believe you meant $interval->s at the end
12:33 AM
@Alexander code not ready .. still an idea but thanks for the observation
@hakre the main issue is that you are looping the entire array ....
Reservoir sampling is a family of randomized algorithms for randomly choosing k samples from a list S containing n items, where n is either a very large or unknown number. Typically n is large enough that the list doesn't fit into main memory. The most common example was labelled Algorithm R by Jeffrey Vitter in his paper on the subject. This simple O(n) algorithm as described in the Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures consists of the following steps (assuming that the arrays are one-based, and that the number of items to select, k, is smaller than the size of the source array, S...
@Baba I do that anyway because DatePeriod is Traversable and right now to get the count I have one traversal already.
@Alexander it requires you to know the length of the element array
@Alexander oh cool, that sounds exactly like the problem we face here.
@Baba, wrong. If by element, you meant array
12:38 AM
@Alexander yes array
It seems to be O(n) time and O(1) memory in your case, I think
That one is pretty humble for a randomized algorithm though
Is it possible to do a redirect with POST data?
@Alexander It sounds I came to a similar conclusion than like it's outlined on wikipedia, my K is 1 here so. I although thought about starting with 0 because then I can re-use the index variable from the iterator.
@hakre, just let me know if you implement it. I'd like to see it :)
12:42 AM
Anybody know?
@lawm As in, issue a redirect and have the POST data go to the redirected location?
@Charles Yep
@DaveRandom, Yeap. In logs I see it twice... but when I add var_dump() - it's called once ;(
@lawm That can't be done through a standard HTTP redirect, no. The closest you can get is emitting a form and having some javascript submit it onload.
This incidentally breaks if the user has JS disabled, so including a "continue" button that also submits the form is also useful.
However, it'll be best just to submit the form to the right place to begin with
@Charles I'll do a continue button, thanks
12:45 AM
See you all, night
@hakre modified version of your idea but cheated with maxRange codepad.viper-7.com/GcjKWm
SO down for everyone?
@PeeHaa No.
@Innuendo OK I have seen an issue like this before but for the life of me I can't remember what the cause was! When you call var_dump() is the rest of the HTML being output as well? In fact, is there any way you can show the HTML you are outputting (in a pastebin) when this happens? Also, you should turn error reporting right up to max (if you haven't already) error_reporting(~0); ini_set('display_errors', 1);
@Alexander the following below is the example:
12:46 AM

$start    = new Datetime('1st October 2012');
$end      = new Datetime('1st Jan 2013');
$interval = new DateInterval('PT1M'); // Resolution: 1 Minute
$period   = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);

$start = microtime(true);

$result = null;
foreach ($period as $i => $date) {
    mt_rand(0, $i) === 0 &&  $result = $date;

$stop = microtime(true);

printf("%d iterations took %.5f seconds, result:\n", $i+1, $stop - $start);
@hakre 132480 iterations took 3.42361 seconds, result:
empty result?
@hakre it returned the result ... but should you time taken
hmm .. some times it seems that i either really suck a javascript, or am too muck complicating stuff
12:49 AM
@DaveRandom, there is no html, it's json api. Yeap, after var_dump I see correct json response.
One more interesting thing. If I add var_dump in place where it won't happen (in some `if` block)... I get result without SP error.. but JSON prettifier doesn't prettify returned json.
@Innuendo OK if it's a JSON response what's the client side? JS or something else?
1S resolution: 7948800 iterations took 45.97141 seconds, result: .... string(19) "2012-10-18 08:03:36"
The real point there is that if you are seeing two requests, the client is making two requests, so the client is where you need to be doing your debugging
Will run that now against the old variant.
@hakre 45.97141 second is a long time ....
12:51 AM
@DaveRandom usually it's PHP. But now I'm testing just in browser. I've allowed GET request and test through address bar
@hakre don't you think we should use the buildInterval concept
@DaveRandom, but I see response only for one request. the last one
@Alexander yes that one.
@hakre are these timings?
12:54 AM
@DaveRandom, THANK YOU very much! Your questions led me to test browser features
Related answer/questioin is: stackoverflow.com/questions/14186800/…
@Innuendo favicon.ico?
@Alexander my ~50 sec timings are with T1S resolution not T1M resolution.
@Innuendo Regardless of the cause, pretty certain that if the client side is usually PHP then the problem will disappear when you use the PHP client.
12:56 AM
@DaveRandom, early I used JsonPrettifier plugin to see results from API... but now I'm on another PC and here was installed JSONView.. and there was enabled 'safe HTTP mode', which resend request... So.. browser returned for me correct answer and then refreshed page with error
lol, debugging tool fail
@Innuendo I take it you will be using POST in the final version? GET for a db modification makes no semantic sense, you need to use a method where the request is not expected to be idempotent.
@DaveRandom, yeap. PHP call POST request... But now, while debug stage, I allowed GET, just because debugging from browser address bar is faster
@hakre I believe those iterators are too slow
is there any good util for testing http apis? sending post with params and see result. lwp-request in linux... isn't so convenient...
Now, I'm off
1:05 AM
@Innuendo I don't generally use FF but one thing I do use it for is poster
@Alexander Well, the DatePeriod actually caclculates the interval correctly, not sure if that is really slow.
@DaveRandom, thanks. Interesting. I think, there is something like that for Chromium
@Innuendo The only one I have seen (in fact I have it installed) kind of sucks. Certainly nowhere near as good as poster.
I've used a local version of hurl in the past github.com/twilio/hurl
1:10 AM
@igorw Looks interesting. If only I was prepared to use Ruby for anything ever... :-P
So, I have string like "{md5({md5({test})}{sha1({test})})}" I want to expose {function()} and {vars} respectively, but am getting a little hung up on supporting nested function calls, anybody know a good way to go about doing this?
@igorw, I'll try now. (after installing gems and other ruby stuff)
@JohnathonMalizia So you are writing a templating system and you want parse it, presumably with regex?
@DaveRandom, just install ruby on local pc, and run this utility on localhost... No matter what is on server to what requests are sent. Am I understanding this utility right?
Pretty much, but was having issues using recursive patterns.
1:12 AM
@Innuendo I think you meant to direct that at @igorw ;-)
Have successfully parsed out all of the data, but the issue I'm having is when I go to replace it, if I just use replace, the inner (paramdata) for functions will have changed when working from the inside out, and I will have to reparse it, and I was thinking there has to be a better way.
@Alexander: Thanks a lot for the Feedback that was good to have for some certainty.
Good night everybody.
errr, @DaveRandom any thoughts on reducing redundancy whilst still solving this? Or am I going to be forced to reparse after every replace... If so, it seems like a recursive regex would perform better.
@hakre Laters!
@Innuendo @DaveRandom just installed it, took 30 seconds
1:15 AM
@igorw, how long take to install RoR+gem? ))
you don't need RoR
and I already had ruby installed
I just ran the 3 commands
git clone, bundle install, bundle exec shotgun config.ru; done
@JohnathonMalizia It kind of sounds like you aren't really parsing, more just intelligently reading. When you parse you should create a set of instructions, what you are saying kind of suggests that you are talking about rebuilding the string with the resulting value and then reading it again to decide what to do next...
I see.
@DaveRandom Thanks, I was just looking at this wrong lol. You've been a great help sir!
@JohnathonMalizia FWIW you should consider using an existing templating system - it's definitely non-trivial to roll your own and things like twig have been around for a long time and contributed to by many people
Right, I'm out. I think we are now at something like Mozilla: 9063, @DaveRandom: 2 so I'm going to and come back for another programmatic beating tomorrow
Night all
Oh, just before I go: @ircmaxell I got the signature formatting stuff I asked you about yesterday sorted, it required learning way more than I ever wanted to know about BER - as you rightly observed those RFCs are ridiculously inaccessible, they are so far abstracted from the real binary representations they describe that you need to have about 15 documents open in order to translate from ASN.1 to the data it describes.
1:34 AM
Tomorrow's blog post is written...
what's the topic ?
Being silly
hmm ... that's kinda describing my relation to JS
i am quite sure that i am trying too hard
also , on the same subject : in 4 hours i have to be awake and getting ready for work
time to get some shut-eye
1:44 AM
good night!
night folks
2:36 AM
good night sleepless)
me yawns
I have to say I hate Linus' guts right now. Thank you Linus for inventing git and making life a living hell!
Just putting that out there.
i keep getting pinged in here when people are infact talking to dave Random
3:26 AM
@Dave it's probably that people are typing out the ping instead of choosing from the popup list, so the ' Random' portion does not become part of the ping due to the space, but rather part of the message text leaving just '@Dave'
@all Hi
@Alex_ios hello
@Dave sorry lol. I accidentally hit enter instead of tab, so it pinged you :(
I accidentally my hadrdrive once.
3:43 AM
You accidentally your hadrdrive once?
just once
@LeviMorrison btw, good job on the fixes in prototype. It's looking much better.
Now I just have to fix some of the javascript and make hiding user notes more intuitive.
3:58 AM
Thanks. Something minor that I don't like about it is the way that warnings look. For an example see: prototype.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php
I've tried to improve it several times now, largely without luck.
If you ever feel like working something that minor then I'd appreciate it.
What's wrong with it? I think it looks fine.
I should make the ninja cat appear from behind the div and have it throw ninja stars at you?
It just looks . . . awful. The colors and image just don't appeal.
Because that would be awesome!
4:05 AM
Or perhaps make a cute kitty come out and purr?
hmmm, I'm challenged when it comes to the right-side-of-the-brain
I guess it looks like brown/purple mix.
Like poo?
Similar in nature, yes.
Distant cousins perhaps.
The one that got disowned, I bet.
4:07 AM
@cryptic Probably needs to be a duplicate cv.
Don't feel like digging one up personally, but I'll vote to close if you find one and ping me.
@LeviMorrison Question: What happened to the "show source" links at the bottom of every page? Are we no longer open source?
I don't know about that the link but we're still open source, for sure.
hmm, I guess we need to add that in. Appears it was lost in beta.
I noticed a lot of those little features that got dropped in beta too like "this mirror is sponsored by" and all that.
I have to say I definitely like the layout here prototype.php.net/mirrors.php better than the old site php.net/mirrors.php
@cryptic By the way, thanks for the [cv] participation. It's good to see others adopting the practice.
@GoogleGuy There's a bug though. Scroll down to Thailand.
In Chrome at least something funky is going on.
@cryptic How is it going?
@GoogleGuy @LeviMorrison Hi!
4:21 AM
@LeviMorrison No one will notice. Just put a yellow rag over that div.
Hello, there.
@GoogleGuy At a glance I'm not sure what's wrong with it. Solution is clearly to remove the problem until we find the solution, right?
@LeviMorrison It's horrible CSS is what it is.
Feel like tackling it? I might have time tonight or tomorrow if you don't.
I wanna learn PHP in a better way, but the time factor is not letting me and finally I am developing php code in a weird way for the serverside to my mobile app.
I'm getting back into the busy days now that a new semester has started so I won't have as much time to work on it again.
I tried to contribute what I could while work was slow but I'm not sure how much I can contribute in the next month. That worries me in case someone pushes for release.
@GoogleGuy At least the actual show source feature works: prototype.php.net/source.php?url=/mirrors.php
4:28 AM
@LeviMorrison Yea there's just no look to it :p
@LeviMorrison yeah I didn't check for dupes as I honestly didn't know what I would search for to find a dupe that matched it closely enough, but seeing the dupe links posted I see it would have been better voted as that, but vote was cast prior. Yeah it took me awhile to figure out what all tagged messages were, until I found the addon.
@LeviMorrison Pruning this code is going to be hard work. How do you plan on turning on production? Is it just going to call the beta functions by default? How does the switch get flipped.
Shouldn't this have been a separate branch instead of mixing the two code basis?
@cryptic Also, if you have any design skills I'd appreciate any advice for prototype.php.net
Sometimes I want to roll up into a ball and cry at night after I've worked on php.net code.
I commend you.
I think it should have been a different branch, personally.
4:32 AM
I mean any sane human being would agree with that.
Well I think the original idea was that largely it would be a re-styling only.
So swap out CSS.
boy was that thinking wrong
And then this change happened and this change happened etc until we have the current iteration.
Can I just delete web/php and start over?
I know ... I'm extreme sometimes.
Well . . . maybe.
You would only delete the prototype stuff.
I'm personally fine with starting from scratch but you might not get that much sympathy for the idea on the ML.
On the other hand you might.
4:34 AM
No, everyone on the ML hates me for not killing user notes.
That was time well wasted.
Not killing user notes?
Yea, Adam wanted to kill it.
As in ... get rid of it completely.
I think I was the only that actually added new features to user notes in the last 14 years. So since inception probably.
Some user notes are really good.
However most aren't.
The voting system can help identify bad notes and delete them.
Yea, we delete like 5 billion of them every day.
I think it's a step in the right direction, but all good material in the notes should be incorporated into the manual.
Sometimes implementing an interim tool is the right option.
I'll support you on-list somewhere on that one if you need me to.
I've not seen that discussion though.
Or maybe have been ignoring it for some reason I can't think of.
4:39 AM
Well, there are some things you can't really incorporate into the manual, but probably would be better left in user notes. Things like edge-cases the manual really can't cover or all those fancy hacks users come up with to do weird things I would not be comfortable putting in the manual.
I think the manual should cover edge-cases. Perhaps some things should be left as notes but we could certainly use a thorough cleaning.
Surprisingly, things that users seem to upvote the most are things that really don't belong in the manual like php.net/manual/en/function.hash.php#104987
To me putting how long each hash is in the manual is just silly. But I guess curiosity killed the cat.
That's better than "Here is my database class".
@LeviMorrison, one thing I didn't like first off compared to the current version is the line spacing and font size. The current PHP site has small font and small spacing allowing a larger block of code or text to be visible at once, which can be helpful if you are trying to follow the workflow of the code without having to scroll up and down. Having the un-used whitespace on either side exacerbates that, the current version utilizes all space so less scrolling.
@LeviMorrison This could just be my preference though =oP One last thing, can there be more anchors used for sections? For instance notice, or note boxes should have an anchor and the anchor link should be easily available for to copy say with a tiny anchor icon. It helps when you can link directly to a section, especially for a site like SO.
It is. I'm not surprised people look for that kind of information too. Sometimes the simplest stuff is the stuff people seek out the most.
4:44 AM
@cryptic The larger font seems to be accepted as an improvement in the general case, actually.
As for the anchors: I agree.
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the manual build system yet and can't therefore change it yet.
The anchors already exist.
Not on specific notes.
I've wanted to link them several times. Same goes for specific parameter details.
I am new to Joomla and was going through several tutorials related to Joomla based designed. Although I have installed Joomla in my machine and have coded my PSD file into CSS/HTML
I am presently stuck with how I need to integrate this file into the Joomla package. Joomla has a default index.php page whcih it shws how do I replace that with my HTML page
4:46 AM
@LeviMorrison Sure they do php.net/manual/en/function.hash.php#89574
@GoogleGuy I mean things like the notes (not user-contrib) such as: prototype.php.net/strstr
@LeviMorrison Those exist too prototype.php.net/manual/en/…
Could someone please answer my question as well
They're just done in javascript ;)
@GoogleGuy I mean things like:
> This function is case-sensitive. For case-insensitive searches, use stristr().
4:49 AM
I am new to Joomla and was going through several tutorials related to Joomla based designed. Although I have installed Joomla in my machine and have coded my PSD file into CSS/HTML
I am presently stuck with how I need to integrate this file into the Joomla package. Joomla has a default index.php page whcih it shws how do I replace that with my HTML page
What about examples, they have ID, but you can't copypasta it.
> If you only want to determine if a particular needle occurs within haystack, use the faster and less memory intensive function strpos() instead.
@Yoosuf Sorry, I'm not familiar with Joomla! at all.
@LeviMorrison It would be trivial to add those as well.
You just have to modify the javascript.
No, not a JavaScript scroll.
A real HTML id.
They're all handled in javascript right now as it is.
4:51 AM
The id's aren't HTML embedded?
They're created via JavaScript?
Well, for the refsects they are.
The user notes actually do have anchors. I just spiced them up with JS to make them highlight.
You guys deserve donations for spending so many hours making the website not suck :P
@LeviMorrison Adding them to the HTML would require modifying phd
@GoogleGuy Which is why I haven't done it yet ;)
and that just sounds like work so :p
4:54 AM
@LeviMorrison I mean I take some time next weekend to do it if you really want me to make them available for the 3 people on the planet that don't have JS.
@LeviMorrison, also if you go here for example prototype.php.net/manual/en/… I feel as if the link color being used inside the double nested boxs do not have enough contrast from the background color. I don't know if nesting gets any deeper, but if it does will be more of an issue.
They don't go any deeper.
The contrast does suck.
We should be using alpha transparency :)
Well . . . one of the issues with going lighter is that those note boxes are sometimes on a plain-white background.
And going darker causes a problem with text color. (even less contrast I mean)
Feel free to tinker.
@LeviMorrison Which is exactly why I want to use alpha transparency :)
Because then you would not have to worry about the background.
5:00 AM
You still do.
I could give the notes a slight purple hue
Change it from EFEFEF to EFEFFF.
Not if you do it right.
It's somewhat better but . . . people will object.
Alpha transparency means we don't worry about the global palette.
Eh, one problem with the purple hue is that it makes the links harder to notice.
I remember now: that's why I didn't change it before.
We could just change the font color for that class.
5:08 AM
Darken the text color.
It's inheriting #444 at the moment.
I think I'll darken it to #222 or something.
I'll probably darken it anywhere the background color isn't white or something.
The Dark Knight rises again!
@GoogleGuy Do you think the usernotes css should be moved to doc.css
@LeviMorrison hmmm, not sure. I guess it makes sense.
That css file is getting pretty big.
I think I actually did use a separate file for the notes on the regular site.
Or maybe that was the javascript, can't remember.
To my knowledge the user notes are only associated in the documentation portion of the website, correct?
5:23 AM
@GoogleGuy Also, do you have the user notes on a local mirror?
They are only loaded from shared-manual.inc
The instructions I followed don't seem to have them.
local mirror? They're on rsync
You don't create a local mirror?
5:26 AM
I have a local dev for web/php if that's what you mean.
The notes are synced to the mirrors from rsync.php.net into backend/notes if you want a copy you can download the tarball from any of the mirrors us1.php.net/backend/notes/all.bz2 or just rsync it yourself
I never got rsync and the git repo to work nicely.
Once upon a time the rsync'd stuff included the git files.
rsync -avzC --timeout=600 --delete --delete-after --exclude='manual/**' --exclude='distributions/**' --exclude='extra/**' --exclude='backend/notes/**' rsync.php.net::phpweb /home/sites/myphpnet/
Maybe it's just a bug on my end but that's no longer the case.
Just exclude the manual.
symlink your phd build folder to your document root
Then .gitignore
5:38 AM
Hello guys.
gud mrng.
Can any one know how to install concrete 5 live website on localhost?
5:50 AM
gud mrng?
@webarto hola

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