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12:25 AM
Am I the only one with strange behaviors on Stack Overflow and on Meta Stack Overflow?
12:39 AM
Q: Bug in Stackoverflow styled badge system script

Amanda DukeI have modified an old Stackoverflow inspired badge system script to work with the latest Wordpress version. You can view the code here (and please feel free to use it if you wish): http://pastebin.com/zA4zGnKZ It has a condition system that detects Post tags, Post count and Comment count. You c...

@MadaraUchiha Define "strange behaviors"
damn , now i will have to steal the album
1:27 AM
.. also this song
I think that should be the correct answer for the question.
on a different note .. the initialization of routing system requires way too many classes
require '../lib/fracture/transcription/jsontoarray.php';
require '../lib/fracture/autoload/classnotfoundexception.php';
require '../lib/fracture/autoload/searchable.php';
require '../lib/fracture/autoload/namespacemap.php';
require '../lib/fracture/autoload/jsonnamespacemap.php';
require '../lib/fracture/autoload/classloader.php';
this is growing to ridiculous proportions
maybe i should move it to : require './mandatory.php' .. or some other , better named, file
1 hour later…
2:37 AM
Hello I need some help on my PHP website, can someone help me out?
define: help
about youtube thumbnails..
Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
(room description)
$videoTitle = $_POST['VideoTitle'];
$videoUserNick = $_POST['VideoNick'];
$youtubeVideoURL = $_POST['YoutubeVideo'];
$videoDescription = $_POST['Description'];
$youtubeVideoURL = explode("&", $youtubeVideoURL);

$queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

if (isset($params['v'])) {
echo "i3.ytimg.com/vi/{$params['v']}/default.jpg>link";
$youtubeVideoURL being the case
I get this in return... string(13) "v=PM9NxStL0RU" array(1) { ["v"]=> string(11) "PM9NxStL0RU" } i3.ytimg.com/vi/PM9NxStL0RU/default.jpg>link
Uhmmmm, soo... ? :p
@MirwaisMaarij What's the problem?
2:49 AM
I want the thumbnail from $youtubeVideoURL which is the youtube video link
but instead I get a line of code that says string(13) "v=blablablalbalblablabl"...
basically its from a form on another php page
once I click a button it sends the data to another php page
then it gets the youtube link and stores it in $youtubeVideoURL variable
then I want this link to show me a thumbnail on this php page
using the following code: $queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

if (isset($params['v'])) {
echo "i3.ytimg.com/vi/{$params['v']}/default.jpg>link";
but instead it gives me an (ERROR?) string on the php page which says:
string(13) "v=PM9NxStL0RU" array(1) { ["v"]=> string(11) "PM9NxStL0RU" } i3.ytimg.com/vi/PM9NxStL0RU/default.jpg>link
instead of a thumbnail for the video*
What do you see if you comment out the var_dump lines, then put echo $params['v'];?
just echo $params['v']; ?
@MirwaisMaarij For debugging, yes.
like this? $queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

if (isset($params['v'])) {
echo $params['v'];
$queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

//if (isset($params['v'])) {
echo $params['v'];
^^ That.
2:55 AM
it just echos • Hello, DamageDz: Logout?
without the helo, damagedz, sorry for that phart
so yeah, it just echos the youtube video id: PM9NxStL0RU
$queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

echo '<img src="http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/' . $params['v'] . '/default.jpg" alt="Video thumbnail" />';
@MirwaisMaarij Try that --^
perfect, it works man :]
I can't do much to thank you but I voted 5 of your answers up xD
I got 1 more question, you there? XD
@MirwaisMaarij Yes, I'm still here.
I wanna add all of this under a table :p
but the $queryString tends to give me a syntax error in a table form
@MirwaisMaarij You aren't using tables for layout, are you?
3:05 AM
i am, unfortunately XD
i am very new to php
and I couldnt figure my way around using html layouts and then combining it with PhP
so I thought I'd use tables for layout..
which works okay so far...
ugh git problems are the worst
@MirwaisMaarij Well, if you can paste your table code somewhere (pastie.org, gist.github.com, or paste.ubuntu.com), I'll have a look at it.
(It's PHP by the way (all caps), not PhP)
Good Guy @ShaquinTrifonoff
I removed the mysql login details for security reasons..
as you can see in line 59
@MirwaisMaarij :S not sure i like how you're doing your cookies $_COOKIE['Key_my_site'];
3:13 AM
Im using a $ variable inside a table which gives a syntax error
The cookies work Nick
I'm not really bothered about how its written as long as its working :p
@MirwaisMaarij its not about wether or not it works. Its bad, please don't use this in production.
and instead of mysql_* use PDO
@ShaquinTrifonoff FYI, your code is potentially vulnerable to XSS ... what if I send a form-encoded POST request with the following value for the YoutubeVideo $_POST parameter:
@all Hi
3:16 AM
@rdlowrey I'll fix that as I refactor the code :P
yes I know for the long run it MIGHT be a problem for ME but at the end of the day I just want to make this website working properly and my audience happy not that I'd want to code it in an expert way
Like I said Im new to PHP as I spelled it PhP before.. :p
@ShaquinTrifonoff It's okay, just wanted to drop a reminder that it's not safe to trust user-supplied info and echo it out on the page :)
And I dont study computer language
@MirwaisMaarij it'd be something more like this.. pastebin.com/91LFzx02
^^ in regards to your syntax
@MirwaisMaarij Me neither lol
somthing like this? if(isset($_POST['postVideo']))
$videoTitle = $_POST['VideoTitle'];
$videoUserNick = $_POST['VideoNick'];
$youtubeVideoURL = $_POST['YoutubeVideo'];
$videoDescription = $_POST['Description'];
$youtubeVideoURL = explode("&", $youtubeVideoURL);

$queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

echo "
<u><p ALIGN='left'><b><font size='5' color='black'>Most recent media</font></b></p></u>

<p ALIGN='right'>
<a href='newfile.php'><font color='black'>Recent</font></a> /
a table inside a $_POST function
Cuz I get syntax errors...
With the following code
$videoTitle = $_POST['VideoTitle'];
$videoUserNick = $_POST['VideoNick'];
$youtubeVideoURL = $_POST['YoutubeVideo'];
$videoDescription = $_POST['Description'];
$youtubeVideoURL = explode("&", $youtubeVideoURL);


$queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($queryString, $params);

echo "
<u><p ALIGN='left'><b><font size='5' color='black'>Most recent media</font></b></p></u>

<p ALIGN='right'>
<a href='newfile.php'><font color='black'>Recent</font></a> /
3:26 AM
@MirwaisMaarij Can you please stop pasting walls of code?!
use pastie
I get errors on line 28 and 34
syntax error
@MirwaisMaarij http://pastebin.com/QJUJYa0V pastebin.com/VwMpHgY9
Nick, I sorta change my mind, I dont want it to listen to that postVideo button, so basically I want everything outside the if statement, but then it gives me bunch of errors
3:34 AM
Say if the user's browser is not compatible with the website. Would I need Google's permission to put a link saying something along the lines of "Upgrade to Google Chome (link)" ??
I mean this is what happens, the users add a youtube video from Add Video page, then the video goes to the main page which is that code you see... which brings everyone who visits the page the youtube video thumbnail that some user added from Add Video page..
@MirwaisMaarij listen? you mean isset(), which errors ?
@user1079641 no?! I think it'd be encouraged
do you know what I mean? so on Add Video page there is a form with action='newfile.php'
once a isset() is clicked that form is called
the form takes the users to the newfile.php page cuz thats the action..
then there I want the youtube video link they added to come up as a thumbnail for everyone who visits the newfile.php
But right now nothing comes up, because as a guest on the newfile.php website, I havn't called the isset(postVideo) button
do you know what I mean?
@MirwaisMaarij once a isset() is clicked? Not sure that makes sense. Your if(isset($_POST['postVideo'])) runs the function if $_POST['postVideo'] param is set. Which is I'm guessing coming from the form from the Add Video page correct?
But not everyone would run the function if ($_POST['postVideo'] cuz not everyone would want to add a video link and call the if(isset($_POST['postVideo']) function
3:41 AM
@Nick, I thought it'd be illegal because I am using their name or product link? If there is no problem at all in doing that, then I should do it.
@user1079641 There isn't anything illegal about you linking to Google Chrome. You're not using their name/product, you're simply linking to their product. No issues
@MirwaisMaarij pastebin.com/T4pqdF2m try something like this, if you want the html part to always show don't include it in your if statement
@MirwaisMaarij make sense ?
Yeh I understand but then how would I increment through every video thumbnail that the users add through Add Video Page through table?
@MirwaisMaarij I've re-factored the code a bit: pastie.org/private/s8azvrzhf1ywhemxxc0tsa
Is this way to overkill for hashing passwords?
$password = sha1($password);
$salt = crypt("sha512", $password);
$salt = sha1(sha1(sha1(sha1($salt))));
$salt = crypt("blowfish", $salt);
$salt = sha1(sha1($salt));
$password = sha1($salt.$password.$salt.$password.$salt);
@Neku You are actually making it a bit more insecure by repeatedly hashing a hash.
Plus, you don't have a random salt, you are using the hash of the password as a salt.
3:52 AM
Well the password is the salt, so yes it is.
But SHA512 once or something would be more secure and enough?
@Neku SHA512 is not good enough. @ircmaxell has a good video on password hashing:
Thanks, will look into it.
@Nick I still get an error at line 59
syntax error...
Because we are using a $variable inside a table ?
@MirwaisMaarij Have you tried my code?
3:55 AM
Which was your code? I'm sure I used it I think thought but let me try again
@MirwaisMaarij Can you send me the current version of your script. Make sure you look at what @ShaquinTrifonoff wrote you.
Seems legit man, but
Notice: Undefined index: YoutubeVideo in C:\xampp\htdocs\media\application\newfile.php on line 99

Notice: Undefined index: v in C:\xampp\htdocs\media\application\newfile.php on line 101
@MirwaisMaarij Yeah, that's because there wasn't a POST request.
line 99 is this: $queryString = parse_url($_POST['YoutubeVideo'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
What do you mean there wanst a POST request? so for guest how would this work?
3:59 AM
You didn't submit a form to get to that page.
Okay I just tried submitting a form to get that page (Even thought I dont want it like that, I want every user/guest to be able to see every video thumbnail posted by users, like in this website: gtat.dracoblue.net/media )
And the submit wont show me the thumbnail, I mean I see a square thing, but not an image inside it..
Like this: puu.sh/1lOPk
is <noscript> the only good option for checking if javascript is turned off?
Shaquin are you there?
Do you think you could join teamviewer (remote control) for a bit?
To look closer at this problem and perhaps a quicker fix
4:07 AM
@MirwaisMaarij Ah, okay...
BTW, I've fixed the Undefined index errors: pastie.org/private/dhfohtctdofj8ruv27ra
Do you have Team Viewer downloaded?
I'm downloading it.
9.0/17.2 MB, 57 secs left
Q: How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

MikeJThere was a post this morning asking about how many people disable javascript. Then I began to wonder what techniques might be used to determine if the user has it disabled. Anyone know of some short/simple ways to detect if Javascript is disabled? my intention is to give warning that the site is...

4:09 AM
Okay :)
So something like this would be more secure?
$password = "random password";
$salt = 'Random salt' . crypt('blowfish', $password);
$password = crypt($password, $salt);
@Neku Yes.
Let me know when you have it downloaded @ShaquinTrifonoff
@Neku did you watch ircmaxell's talk?
@Nick, sorry not yet but will do.
4:15 AM
@Neku Please watch it now. Also, make sure that your random salt is reaaallllly long.
Really long like in 100 chars or around 50?
@Neku ahh k, just wondering. It explains why bcrypt is better, really good. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in hashing passwords. ircmaxell is a password hashing god lol
Is it taking long to download @Shaquin ? :p
@MirwaisMaarij I'm installing it now. I just closed a few programs that I wasn't using :-)
@Nick Can you pls explain me why mysql allows null values despite of mentioning the NOT NULL Constraint?
4:21 AM
@ShaquinTrifonoff Alright cool :D Let me know when you finish installing :p
@Neku Depends on the algorithm. Different algorithms have different bit strengths (I think that's the right term).
You should use a salt with the same number of bits.
@MirwaisMaarij I've installed and opened it now.
Alright put this 524 405 536 ID
where it says Partner ID
And then enter this password: 8299
@MirwaisMaarij You'd better remove your messages :D
4:36 AM
@Appu not sure, quick googling pulls this up dba.stackexchange.com/questions/11081/… might be of help?
5:15 AM
How to configure Azure to use domain name instead of *.azurewebsites.com?
When I go to my domain, it redirects to my Azure subdomain (x.azurewebsites.com). How can I fix this so that my domain doesn't redirect?
@Nick Okay. Thanks.
1 hour later…
6:40 AM
7:27 AM
@MirwaisMaarij 8299?
8:23 AM
good morning!
love, hugs and kisses!
@hakre morning :P
@Nick good morning :)
@hakre what the..
9:15 AM
Hello, does anybody know about a website where websites are evaluated? I made one and I would like to have a feedback. Thanks!
@MartyIX you could always try r/design_critiques
@Nick superb thanks
@webduos.com hello
@webduos.com Your website is a pain loading. 337 requests ❘ 209.57KB transferred ❘ 51.16s (onload: 50.46s, DOMContentLoaded: 14.65s)
9:36 AM
9:51 AM
@Nick ok
then ?
its good or bad
If any other suggestion tell me
are you check http
@Nick If that's a pain loading, I can't imagine what would be a Madara loading.
@webduos.com suggestions?? idk, it's your website.. IMHO no ones going to wait 51 seconds for a page to load.
@Nick how'd you check?
@goldenparrot chrome dev tool
^ just found a duplicate that seems fitting.
9:58 AM
@webduos.com [,.!?] !== RETURN, please us punctuation and sentences. Not the return key
It's very
hard to read
your comments
269 requests ❘ 110.54KB transferred ❘ 34.74s (onload: 10.22s, DOMContentLoaded: 6.14s)
like this
cached ^^
@Nick how good is your internet?
@webduos.com Minimize the number of requests, over 200 requests is too much for almost any site.
10:01 AM
@goldenparrot it doesn't have anything to do with my internet, it's the loads of twitter/google+ request the sites doing. 269 request is way too much
Ghostery found 8 thingys on webduos.com, and blocked them all for me. I had the page loaded under 6seconds. Agreed internet speed has minimal effect.
<6sec after cache, and still 50+requests
this, could be one of those situations when ajax is not to be used if i am not wrong.
A: How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?

Josh KYou Don't Use hash("sha512", $str); instead. You could also use another hashing algorithm (MD5, SHA1, SHA256) if you like. Also see this related question. The argument that bcrypt is better because it is slower is not smart. You can generate a rainbow table to crack all 6 character passwords i...

@goldenparrot Ghostery eh, interesting...
@Nick just about to say: 'btw Nick, check out Ghostery it's awesome ;)'
10:06 AM
stackoverflow.com/a/13153865/1125394 I upvoted it seems short&good
@cyril blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/10/password-hashing-in-php-talk.html - probably upcomming PHP 5.5 functions should be highlighted as well? They use bcrypt for the moment. Also backwards compatible code exist.
@hakre hope the bcrypt implementation to be simple because I'm hashing passwords in php, but verifying them in a Java backend, so if I used them I would need the same implementation there
I see.
But why not use $hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); ? - github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat
10:22 AM
right was looking the other project, is passwordcompat as secure?
@cyril yes, and it's fitting for the bcrypt job in a PHP compatible way.
So unless PHP devs screw the routines in PHP 5.5+ it looks safe in my eyes. (which is normally not to be expected, but with one hashing it happened at least once in the past for some other hash function)
A: User online offline status - offline status issue

Madara UchihaLet me start with this: Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and the deprecation process has begun on it. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, her...

Did this answer really deserve a downvote? :o
10:56 AM
@cyril Lets delete it
@NikiC Nah
I say keep it
It's a bad answer, but it's a valid answer, and the mega negative vote-count should tell people "this approach exists, but it's so horrible, you should never ever use it"
Morning @MadaraUchiha
And morning :D
what's up?
11:01 AM
@MadaraUchiha yes for posterity and punishment :D
hi all
@NikiC Cool, how are you? :P
+5/-2 votes rates is too nice, should be that for newcomers but +5/-4 for others
11:05 AM
@cyril i was just thinking yesterday.. every one should have their comments, questions, answers upvoted by them by default.
@cyril I agree.
like on HN
@goldenparrot That would mean nothing. All of the posts on Stack Overflow would simply have one more upvote, and no more reputation gain.
Since we are programmers, we start counting from 0. Hence, the current form is appropriate.
Agreed. But, them hackers! Why do they count from 1?
@MadaraUchiha however too hard to implement, SO wouldn't be able to recompute your rep anytime easily, since a vote depend on your current state
11:12 AM
I'm sure there's a way
The definition of "newcomer" is the key.
attractive for newcomers, severe and responsible for experienced
@tereško Morning
11:37 AM
@MadaraUchiha Sure. Whatever... Let's talk again in a few years, after you learn more OOP and change your mind... — Claudrian 2 mins ago
Your favorite types of arguments.
not really
i try to avoid arguing with people who are both illiterate and arrogant
11:56 AM
12:16 PM
anyone know about dyanamic page
@JeremyJohn was that a statement ?
12:18 PM
a question*
> Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
Would anyone recommend using this for a PHP Java bridge or is there a different alternative I should use? php-java-bridge.sourceforge.net/pjb
oh ok, I'm using this dynamic pages php code:
// Set the default name
$action = 'home';
// Specify some disallowed paths
$disallowed_paths = array('admin');
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
$tmp_action = basename($_GET['page']);
// If it's not a disallowed path, and if the file exists, update $action
if (!in_array($tmp_action, $disallowed_paths) && file_exists("{$tmp_action}.php"))
$action = $tmp_action;
// Include $action

Now what i want to add is a specific page http://www.website.com/?page=Search will pull the content from http://www.website.com/search/sea
@JeremyJohn Please press the "fixed font" button when posting code.
// Set the default name
$action = 'home';
// Specify some disallowed paths
$disallowed_paths = array('admin');
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
$tmp_action = basename($_GET['page']);
// If it's not a disallowed path, and if the file exists, update $action
if (!in_array($tmp_action, $disallowed_paths) && file_exists("{$tmp_action}.php"))
$action = $tmp_action;
// Include $action
12:21 PM
@JeremyJohn Please press the "fixed font" button when posting code.
i did
@JeremyJohn Please familiarize yourself with Stack Overflow Chat FAQ.
Or press ctrl+a and then ctrl+k and it will format it.
@JeremyJohn If you would have pressed it, it'd look like this:
12:22 PM
The fixed font button doesn't always work for me either.
// Set the default name
$action = 'home';
// Specify some disallowed paths
$disallowed_paths = array('admin');
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
$tmp_action = basename($_GET['page']);
// If it's not a disallowed path, and if the file exists, update $action
if (!in_array($tmp_action, $disallowed_paths) && file_exists("{$tmp_action}.php"))
$action = $tmp_action;
// Include $action
@Alec CTRL+A is redundant.
chat would need a syntax highlighter as well, or at least keep the syle from a pastie copy/paste
@MadaraUchiha Oh? I thought it only formatted the code you had highlighted?
12:23 PM
chat is not for posting large chunks of code
@JeremyJohn Or just press CTRL+K after inputting code.
@Alec TIAS.
// Set the default name
$action = 'home';
// Specify some disallowed paths
$disallowed_paths = array('admin');
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
$tmp_action = basename($_GET['page']);
// If it's not a disallowed path, and if the file exists, update $action
if (!in_array($tmp_action, $disallowed_paths) && file_exists("{$tmp_action}.php"))
$action = $tmp_action;
// Include $action
it looks that same
@tereško Apparently 16 lines of code is a lot?
fak this ... adding one more user to ignore list
@Alec it is half-the-screen in this chat
Apparently you're viewing this on a 800x600 screen or something.
12:27 PM
.. why did i even bother
jquerymobile is making a site looks like a 14 years old made website, totally hate the choice made by some others fuckers
apparently I've won the internets, I'm now a certified git.
@cyril It doesn't look too bad, but it looks like they followed a 99 cent template.
It's readable & usable, so I have nothing wrong with it.
it's slow on mobiles, and completely broken on IE
12:42 PM
Oh, disgusting then.
On a some-what off topic note, I really wish Microsoft would give up their stock share and simply remove IE. It's cancer.
Or convert it to a web-kit.
At-least only 16.4 % of the internet uses it, according to W3. w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
@Alec , those are local w3schools statistics. Why the hell would you even open that site ?
any developer with some amount of common sense has blocked w3schools from google results
@tereško I don't know, why do you always respond to nearly everything I say with some biased or rude response? Could I please be added to your ignore list?
Out of my 4 months in this room I've never seen anything productive come from you besides negative criticism.
Isn't static a global in some sense?
morning people
12:50 PM
@Alec yeah, not sure why this room is so elitist :-/
Because he linked to get rid of globals when he's using static.
@Alec how exactly "pointing out that w3schools is a bad resource" counts as criticism ?
@igorw gratz on winning the internets!
@tereško Don't supply an argument without proper evidence or it will appear biased.
Ex: "w3 schools is a bad web resource because ...."
@Alec , start reading : w3fools.com
12:51 PM
@Alec in all honesty w3schools is a terrible resource
bad practices, vulnerable code
@PeeHaa Thanks.
and no incetive to fix their problems
But I was looking at browser statistics not their programming tutorials.
you are looking at their site's usage statistics
I would much rather pick up a highly positive reviewed book off of amazon & search stack overflow than go to w3.
12:52 PM
@Alec If you want good stats see:
@PeeHaa :)
@PeeHaa Weird. These results are much different than w3schools'.
Grammar question, when a singular noun ends with an s how do you show ownership?
Oh, grammar teachers always taught me that you could only do that if it was plural.
disclaimer: I'm Dutch :D
12:54 PM
Oh lol.
You're still probably right.
My private school teachers are less-maintained than most public school teachers in the US.
well .. try to show the ownership of word "ass" "class" ... it seems to be a nice example
it's the best guide I've seen
@igorw Thanks.

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