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11:13 AM
oh Brian :-) It's been a while I've witnessed somebody getting Ripley'd with a drier-than-the-desert quote from the R manual. Even more funny when it happens on R-devel (and it isn't me getting the burn...).
@JorisMeys Even funnier when the user waited 10 days to trigger the problem...
That fact alone is enough to deserve the burn :-)
@JorisMeys I kinda want to suggest the para about disappearning TMPs should go in ?tempdir and not just be tucked away in the admin manual...
11:31 AM
That would actually be a good suggestion. That help file explains a lot about parallel and how the tempdir value is created, so it could contain a little warning on this as well. Are you going to risk your life answering Brian, or do I sacrifice my soul?
Someone should suggest that the OP look up the meaning of the word "temporary" in a good dictionary, like the one provided by BDR's employer.
it's friday, so I thought I'd take the risk. @JoshuaUlrich I hope your suggestion will spare me from a decent Oxfordian spanking.
@JorisMeys That's "Oxonian".
I might toss out a suggestion to help the OP: put an empty file in the directory and touch it periodically to keep the OS from deleting it.
11:47 AM
@JorisMeys you might not know you are using /tmp. I think R's help system uses /tmp, and I've had things fail with help() cos /tmp has been purged... But maybe that's just ess...
@Spacedman They always have to be special, don't they?
@Frank The benchmark on load("someFileWithdata.table.rda") is absolute bullshit. If you store a data.table in a .rda file, it gets stored as a data.frame with a nil pointer as attribute. So apart from that little attribute, it's even the exact same R structure as the data.frame file. I ran his code 20 times, and only the 1st time I got different timings between both files. The next 19 times there was no difference to be seen.
@Frank never mind, you knew that already :-)
12:16 PM
@JorisMeys Your comment is kinda wrong as fread() is for reading from csv.
I'd argue that once we have something in binary form we probably want to keep it in binary.
But I do like the general energy and outrage in the rant. We need more of that.
12:29 PM
@JorisMeys re "use fread" in your comment, yeah, while it may actually be faster (as Dirk saw), i'll still save rda so i don't have to fiddle with dates / times / indices / keys / whatever on loading
12:42 PM
@Frank My guess is that fread is faster than readRDS because the file being read by readRDS is compressed. I would expect the times to be much closer if the binary file is not compressed.
@Frank Right. And I now prefer rds as fiddling with environment for RData is uncool. Direct assignment from readRDS() is nice and easy. And it is faithful serialization / deserialization of an R object. And the fact the hyper-optimized parallel fread() beats it does not concern me too much.
My view is that csv is still a stupid format, whether or not is has a hipster conference dedicated to it or not.
@DirkEddelbuettel I thought that conference was just a joke
@DirkEddelbuettel My view is that csv is a gift from the Gods of Dataformats for every data scientists who needs to work with people who live in the illusion that Excel is a suitable tool for data management. It's definitely a stupid format, but it helps me dealing with stupid people, so I'm happy it exists :-)
1:02 PM
@DirkEddelbuettel What is a not-stupid format? CSV is human readable, portable, and in most cases relatively straightforward. Yeah, surely there are better formats for specific use cases, but if you have tabular data you want to distribute broadly seems like you'll do okay with CSV in large majority of cases. I mean, I get angry when people insist on shoving straightforward tabular data into XML.
1:13 PM
XML is evil, which is worse than stupid.
CSV is untyped, of limited precision, prone to inadvertent modification and inefficient.
@DirkEddelbuettel yeah, i've run into the same problem recently and may switch to rds
re csvs, i mostly want future-proofness and don't know any equally portable format (across software and time)
1:48 PM
@JoshuaUlrich They don't even tidy their own CSV files:
@DirkEddelbuettel untyped, yes, which is why there's the .csvt file. Now you have two problems.
5 hours later…
7:09 PM
stackoverflow.com/q/43544738 closeworthy, since OP is beyond help / too broad / whatever. also annoyingly trying to ping people
2 hours later…
9:23 PM
@Frank You mean, "also trying to ping annoying people"
this as well :)

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