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8:35 AM
@thelatemail Good to hear that. The weather here got a bit better. It's getting colder, but at least it's not raining every third second.
And to keep it company, here's one more. stackoverflow.com/questions/27121765/…
close, migrate to datascience: stackoverflow.com/questions/27121493/…
6 hours later…
2:57 PM
Life achievement #1 unlocked. Hadley retweeted a dual-y-axis plot of mine.
Achievement #2 will be to get Yihui to endorse emacs editing of latex vignettes. Might take another decade.
#1 on my list of "Achievements to get R gurus to do" is for you to write RFortranPP
stop me, i'm actually thinking about it...
hmm how to parse Fortran SUBROUTINE lines... STOP ME
3:54 PM
If this is correct, it should probably be documented in ?sprintf, no? stackoverflow.com/a/27108186/324364
4:25 PM
@joran, I don't see the confusion... 'is.numeric' clearly states it is true for both 'double' and 'integer', 'sprintf' clearly states '%d%' is for integer.
@Thell It's the difference between sprintf('%d', c(1, 1.5)) and sprintf('%d', c(1.5, 1)).
The C code appears to check only the first element of a vector; if it can sensibly be coerced to integer, the whole vector is coerced, otherwise it gives an error.
ahhhhh, gocha
The docs in ?sprintf state: "Numeric variables with exactly integer values will be coerced to integer.", whereas it's really only true if the first value is an integer.
5 hours later…
9:50 PM
I keep on forgetting where the canonical duplicate for this is: stackoverflow.com/questions/27137375/… . Anyone?

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