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12:23 AM
@DirkEddelbuettel teeheehee. ?
Almost surely. Shall we add the tag?
12:51 AM
@DirkEddelbuettel If you like. I try not to tag HW unless someone admits it, but I'm not wedded to my personal policy.
Of course, if the week of snark has begun, then I'll definitely do it.
Oh well, sleeping dogs and all that. Poor OP will have it hard enough in life already :)
@DirkEddelbuettel The next time I see a dog chasing its tail I will admonish him for, "As the old adage says, you're looking for a correlation between orthogonal vectors!"
@AriB.Friedman Sure thing. If the dog is mean looking, try saying it in latin just for effect.
@DirkEddelbuettel If Latin is so cool, how come it's dead?
@AriB.Friedman That's a zen koan you get to sweat over for the rest of the weekend
12:57 AM
Sicut vetere proverbio dicit, vestri 'vultus pro conuenienter inter orthogonales vectors
Fuck, I give up. You called my bloody bluff! Chapeau :)
Or does Google's Babelfish now do latin?
translate.google.com baby
which also tells me that "chapeau" is a small fellow in the Queen's English
and a beautiful castle in French
Vos es decepto per usura Google interpretis.
sadly I don't need a Google interpretis to figure that one out
et tu, Dirk?
"chateau" is a castle
1:00 AM
en fait, je parle le Francais assez bien. neanmoins je plaisante de temps en temps.
Guilty as charged. I dropped latinin 9th grade after trying a few months. Had my hands full with living languages.
it's dead Jim
@AriB.Friedman Mais c'est vachement bien -- car il y a quelques annees, j'etais pas si mal en Francais.
@DirkEddelbuettel Francois, c'est l'auteur de Rcpp n'est-ce pas?
@AriB.Friedman Typo, fixed. Francais: langue. Romain Fran\c{c}ois: pote
1:04 AM
@DirkEddelbuettel does Romain actually exist? or is he rather a Potemkin pote?
He exists. Mostly "on leave" but committed a small fix the other day. Just moved half-way across France.
I could point you to our Google Tech Talk, but you'd probably invoke Roswell or something...
@DirkEddelbuettel did he move south or west? If so you'll note his productivity declining as his happiness rises.
@DirkEddelbuettel you probably have lots of little gnomes Photoshopping every frame in real time.
Neither :)
The gnomes talking pig latin may give it away
@DirkEddelbuettel phew. Rcpp 0.9.14 will arrive on time then.
@DirkEddelbuettel arrway eecay eepay eepay
now there's a living language I could get behind
Kieran is a treasure:
When I get a top DC job, I will demand any reporter who profiles me say "He suffers fools gladly—in fact, he keeps 10 or 15 on call."
We could use that motto in SO, and SE in general, methinks.
15 hours later…
4:22 PM
@Spacedman nice "shortest path" analysis. Two thumbs up.
4:52 PM
@RomanLuštrik Indeed. Pretty awesome. Add in "weighting" by speed limits plus some OSM data and you can roll your own pathfinding analysis :-)
@RomanLuštrik I thought for a second there really was a 'thumbs up' button on Rpubs when you said that :)
Theres a package that can get OSM data as igraph anyway
Maybe we could request a feature, where "thumbs up" on Rpubs would link to your stackexchange profiles. :)
2 hours later…
6:33 PM
@RomanLuštrik I would expect that to be shot down. Rpubs is only relevant to a very small subset of stackoverflow.
or maybe I reacting far too seriously ;)
7:33 PM
That's one way of spreading the good word of our lord Stackoverflow.

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