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1:59 AM
@zondo did you see the random sentences? they are just random.
you can see the gist again. bot that parses its coder's messages isn't impressive, agreed
do you know nlp?
it's so mindbending so i will use fuzzy search instead.
i mean so hard.
@TheSockpuppet drove me to school
2:07 AM
@TheSockpuppet puzzle took me so long.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent 11
OH NO!!!
@TheSockpuppet garbage
@TheSockpuppet money in my pants
@TheSockpuppet plug my ears
2:13 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent undefined
@TheSockpuppet my bandage
@LearnHowToBeTransparent undefined
@TheSockpuppet my mother
@TheSockpuppet My mom drove me to school fifteen minutes late on Tuesday.
2:18 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The baby was so cute but she was crying so loud I had to plug my ears.
@TheSockpuppet the puzzle
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The puzzle took me so long to put together that I threw it in the garbage.
@TheSockpuppet ruined in the washer
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The dog chased the cat around the block 4 times.
@TheSockpuppet washer
2:21 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent He was driving me crazy so I told a joke and made him laugh.
@TheSockpuppet laugh
@LearnHowToBeTransparent My lunch box had a peanut butter sandwich, crackers, juice, and a cheese stick in it.
@TheSockpuppet beautiful
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The flowers smelled beautiful and made the room so happy.
@TheSockpuppet peanut
2:22 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent My lunch box had a peanut butter sandwich, crackers, juice, and a cheese stick in it.
@TheSockpuppet feeling
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The alligator's teeth were so scary that I ran back to the car as fast as I could.
@TheSockpuppet peanuts
@LearnHowToBeTransparent My lunch box had a peanut butter sandwich, crackers, juice, and a cheese stick in it.
@TheSockpuppet code
2:23 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I accidentally left my money in my pants pocket and it got ruined in the washer.
@TheSockpuppet JavaScript
4 hours later…
6:42 AM
The word of the day is: pooh-pooh (v): https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pooh-pooh

1. (transitive) To dismiss idly with contempt or derision.

--> English author A. A. Milne, who created the character Winnie-the-Pooh in children’s story books, was born on this day in 1882.
14 hours later…
8:33 PM
function clickButton() {
    var obj, s
    obj = { "table":"customers", "limit":10 };
    s = document.createElement("script");
    s.src = "jsonp_demo_db.php?x=" + JSON.stringify(obj);

function myFunc(myObj) {
    var x, txt = "";
    for (x in myObj) {
        txt += myObj[x].name + "<br>";
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = txt;
Do you need help with anything?
how do you indent in chat?
is there some formatting help anywhere...?
Click "fixed font" before you post. It indents everything by four spaces, which puts it in a code block.
There isn't any formatting help specifically for chat, but the general help for markdown is here.
ah much better thanks
<!-- if version [lt 3.0] [gt 5.0] -->
Content relevant to versions less than 3.0 and greater than 5.0.
<!-- end version if -->
Chat is pretty limited in what markdown works. It has links, italics, bold, block quotes, and code blocks. I can't think of anything other than that.
It also has oneboxing, such as this:
8:40 PM
Here's an inline link to [Google](http://www.google.com/).
Here's a reference-style link to [Google][1].
Here's a very readable link to [Yahoo!][yahoo].

[1]: http://www.google.com/
[yahoo]: http://www.yahoo.com/
Oh, and links don't work on multi-line messages.
Here's an inline link to Google.
@zondo responding?
> The syntax is based on the way email programs
> usually do quotations. You don't need to hard-wrap
> the paragraphs in your blockquotes, but it looks much nicer if you do. Depends how lazy you feel.
> The syntax is based on the way email programs
> usually do quotations. You don't need to hard-wrap
> the paragraphs in your blockquotes, but it looks much nicer if you do.  Depends how lazy you feel.
what's oneboxing?
When you post a message that contains only a link, it will try to be displayed in a special way. It works only for special things like user profiles, questions and answers, wikipedia articles, and a few other things. I'll get the list for you.
* Stack Exchange questions, answers, and users
* Chat messages and rooms
* Images
* Wikipedia pages
* Amazon products
* Youtube videos
* Twitter messages
* Github gists
From here
Hm. That isn't the full list. It also does XKCD comics, I know.
@Loquitor delete
Never mind. I don't like that one.
8:52 PM
thanks for the link - it should be pinned to this page for reference
3 hours later…
11:28 PM
What's a good chat room in which to have quick discussions that don't seem to fit into any of the other ones?

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