
Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Feb 15, 2021 20:15
The .java file in my client folder is based around JavaFX, and when I run javadoc *.java -private -d Docs in there I get a bunch of errors like: error: package javafx.application does not exist, which I also did not get the last time. Really not sure what to do about that.
Feb 15, 2021 20:13
I think what's most frustrating is I had it working before and now I can't remember how I did it
Feb 15, 2021 20:13
just get javadoc: error - No modules, packages or classes specified.
Feb 15, 2021 20:12
I did try that: >javadoc -private -d Docs -sourcepath client and >javadoc -private -d Docs -sourcepath client/*.java
Feb 15, 2021 20:11
@Zoe, mind if I ask for an example?
Feb 15, 2021 19:23
I keep getting an error saying javadoc: error - File not found: "*.java"
Feb 15, 2021 19:22
I have tried javadoc -private -d Docs *.java (in the cmd window) while in the directory with the .java files. Windows 10 btw
Feb 15, 2021 19:21
Hey all. trying to use javadoc. Got it working before but now I can't seem to replicate. Trying to get it to run against all .java files in a directory and subdirectory and output to a directory call Docs.


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Aug 26, 2020 21:09
It seems I do shoot myself in the foot a lot when it comes to generics.
Aug 26, 2020 21:09
That's exactly what I was thinking about when I was typing in IEnumerable<>.
Aug 26, 2020 21:05
hmm. I didn't think so. And that makes me think my approach is wrong. My interface is really simple. The generic type is used to set the return type of a single method in the interface.
Aug 26, 2020 21:04
I should have mentioned in my question that I won't know T. In fact, T would be different types for different implementations of the interface.
Aug 26, 2020 21:00
Hey all. I think I have one of those questions that raises red flags about how I have implemented something. I created a generic interface, call it IMyInterface<T>, and now I want to create a collection of those interfaces, like IEnumerable<IMyInterface>. Obviously this is in error. Is there a better approach? Or just a keyword I am missing?
May 18, 2020 17:16
Any suggestions?
May 18, 2020 17:16
I have one of those questions that I just KNOW is going to blow up in my face. I'm trying to do something that is admittedly... unconventional. I have a class (call it the monitor class) that, using reflection, scans an instance of another class for any methods that have a specific custom attribute and creates a collection of those methods. The unconventional part is: I'm trying to find a way for the monitor class to be notified if one of those methods are called.
Mar 27, 2020 21:33
I'm kinda confused about Tasks and Stack Traces. I set up a method to be called a few times in different tasks and the method spits out a stack trace to the console. Specifically, I iterate over the Frames in an instance of StackTrace. In the method that starts all of the tasks, I call a Task.WhenAll on the list of tasks. Looking at the stack traces, they all start with PerformWaitCallback. Is there any way to get the stack before that point?
Mar 27, 2020 21:29
Hey all
Feb 7, 2020 16:23
def not that.
Feb 7, 2020 16:23
Feb 7, 2020 16:23
Not what I was thinking
Feb 7, 2020 16:23
Feb 7, 2020 16:22
@AlRey, if I may be so bold, what is your avatar from? It looks familiar.
Feb 7, 2020 15:51
They can bring them back to land in quarantine areas
Feb 7, 2020 15:44
ug. now I thought about the song again.
Feb 7, 2020 15:43
You introduced him to Limp Bizkit?
Feb 7, 2020 15:42
Feb 7, 2020 15:41
I mean, who doesn't
Feb 7, 2020 15:28
We here believe that Scala was created as a way to improve C#
Feb 7, 2020 15:25
Feb 7, 2020 15:17
Feb 7, 2020 15:17
Feb 7, 2020 15:15
Feb 4, 2020 17:35
@V.7 tnx
Feb 4, 2020 17:21
I really wish the Electrical Engineering room had more activity in it
Feb 4, 2020 14:53
Feb 4, 2020 14:51
Feb 4, 2020 14:50
Man. Letting a Portal 2: ABYSS mod gameplay preview vid run on another monitor and it really has me nostalgic for some Halflife.
Feb 4, 2020 14:48
I mean, the truth is, I'd love to be able to mark a number of tests as not-required as I have no idea how well they will work when tested on the servers (the program would never be run on the servers though)
Feb 4, 2020 14:47
The folder isn't being created or deleted in service of other tests. It's a function of the program. The program itself needs to unpack some stuff into that folder.
Feb 4, 2020 14:44
is there an attribute for a test that marks it as not required to pass? (you know, so when I check this in, our CI/CD builds don't fail)
Feb 4, 2020 14:43
@MikeTheLiar, that's what I mean, and it's a very good point
Feb 4, 2020 14:42
It's kinda "Resource" bound?
Feb 4, 2020 14:42
@MikeTheLiar, not calling you out on this but why wouldn't you want to unit test that? Are you saying it's too similar to trying to unit test a database connection?
Feb 4, 2020 14:41
@RoelvanUden, thanks. Just using the unit testing built into VS2017
Feb 4, 2020 14:40
I mean the unit test is testing a piece of code that creates a folder if that folder doesn't exist.
Feb 4, 2020 14:39
@MikeTheLiar, that's a red flag that went off in my head too, but without it, I don't know how to test that part of the code.
Feb 4, 2020 14:38
Welcome @AlRey
Feb 4, 2020 14:38
Is AlRey new?
Feb 4, 2020 14:38
Hey all. I have a (possibly very ignorant) unit testing question for you. I have a unit test that needs to delete a folder but there are other tests that run that are using that folder, so the first test fails because it can't do the delete. Is there an attribute or something that I can set to have a specific test method run after everything else?
Jan 16, 2020 15:36
That makes my day