

General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Nov 20 14:59
my brain has kinda reserved this font
Nov 20 14:59
i could never code in a different font tbh
Nov 20 14:56
yes dark for me too
Nov 20 14:55
@Darj i actually like it at default, only ever changes when i accidentally drag things
Nov 20 14:54
Window -> Reset Window Layout got it back
Nov 20 14:46
@Darj the magnifying glass on variables
Nov 20 14:45
not sure how i did it but i managed to hide the VS Visualizer, and I cant find how to get it back
Nov 20 10:15
Hi guys, we have a very NuGet heavy architecture and have recently migrated from net4.8 framework to net8, in net4.8 we could test local NuGet updates by matching assembly versions and copying over DLLs to relevant package folders further down the tree. How can we do similar in net8?
Nov 12 09:51
not sure about asp.net but we have been migrating class libraries to net standard 2.1 and winforms to net8
Nov 12 09:38
@Squirrelkiller its in the pre upgrade branch, i think its just VS being crap at swapping frameworks
Nov 11 16:34
we are in the middle of migrating net4.8 to netstd2.1/net8 so it could just be that my environment is ****** from swapping branches
Nov 11 16:32
@VLAZ deleted multiple times, no dependency as this is the top of our tree
Nov 11 16:22
i even added <Nullable>enable</Nullable> to no avail
Nov 11 16:19
full project text search has nothing for 7.3
Nov 11 16:18
csproj has it at 8.0
Nov 11 16:17
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86'">
Nov 11 16:12
does anyone know how to fix the Feature 'nullable reference types' is not available in C# 7.3. Please use language version 8.0 or greater error when I am using 8.0 as my langversion?
Nov 4 11:24
my issue seemed to be a VS bug, modified the razor file and it prompted it to sort itself out
Nov 4 11:05
any Blazor people here? doing an online Blazor course, and stumbled at my razor page can't find a variable from the code behind prnt.sc/AVTVnx1TXoFQ prnt.sc/tdVrS3liXIQ2
Sep 12 09:49
using HttpClient where is the built URL stored?
Aug 28 15:42
winforms btw
Aug 28 15:40
public form1()

    this.dataGridView.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
    this.dataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
    this.dataGridView.DataSource = GetDataTable();

private DataTable GetDataTable()
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] {
        new DataColumn("clmTypeID", typeof(int)),
        new DataColumn("clmOnlineOffline", typeof(string)),
        new DataColumn("clmWithHostSimulator", typeof(string)),
        new DataColumn("clmTerminalFloorLimit", typeof(string)),
Aug 28 15:39
Hi everyone, I have a datatable with a datatable as the datasource, adding rows to it shows the values as blank at runtime prnt.sc/xGDVwfhrxRF3

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Sep 9 09:25
@tripleee yes definitely
Sep 9 09:25
I have 6 questions here, 2 have 2 answers, 1 has 5, 1 has 6, 1 has 9, 1 has 10
Sep 9 09:24
I mean realistically, the nature of the question is opinion based anyway
Sep 9 09:18
Hi Everyone, I just managed to find a load of questions all asking about storing logs in a database or a file, need some assistance picking the best duplicate target, should I go with the most viewed, or which (in my opinion) is the best answer?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 5 21:31
I think I should be able to get a solution working with :focus and :active on the box divs and :focus-within on the parent grid
Apr 5 21:04
knew it would be something silly
Apr 5 21:03
oh yes of course
Apr 5 21:02
Apr 5 21:01
does the button being inside the grid have an impact?
Apr 5 20:42
codepen.io/PineappleLord/pen/ZEZrmPv I think this should be enough
Apr 5 20:37
I am trying to make it now
Apr 5 20:35
the strange thing is clicking another box removes the class from the first
Apr 5 20:33
theres only 1 image but commenting that line still doesn't work
Apr 5 20:31
even this logs that the class has been removed
Apr 5 20:31
resetButton() {
  console.log("Reset button called");
  const boxesGrid = document.getElementById('faq-support-boxes-grid');
  if (boxesGrid) {
    console.log("Element found, removing class...");
    console.log("Class removed successfully");
  } else {
    console.error("Element with ID 'faq-support-boxes-grid' not found.");
Apr 5 20:31
printing the element works
Apr 5 20:27
its in angular so its to get around the complier thinking its possibly null
Apr 5 20:16
if you're referring to the boxesGrid! inside removeButtonClickState()
Apr 5 20:15
doesn't change anything
Apr 5 20:08
  var boxesGrid = document.getElementById('faq-support-boxes-grid');
  var clickedButton = document.getElementById('feature-box-'+button);
  clickedButton!.querySelector('img')!.style.display = 'none';
  var boxesGrid = document.getElementById('faq-support-boxes-grid');
Apr 5 20:07
Hi Guys, I'm sure it's probably just a typo somewhere but I just can't spot it. I have a grid of boxes, and I am adding a CSS class to a box on click and removing it and applying to another box when that box is clicked and that works fine swapping between them, but I cannot seem to get a reset button to return to the original state working, for some reason the classlist.remove() is not working
Apr 2 15:47
great that worked, thank you
Apr 2 15:41
but it would probably be best to keep it in line with the existing code
Apr 2 15:41
I dont know, I am still a total noob tbh
Apr 2 15:39
I want it to be rerendered so it can move to the "deleted" section
Apr 2 15:37
this.removeMeetingSubscription = meetingsService.meetingRemoved$.subscribe((message: MeetingMessageReceived) => {
  var meeting = this.receptionData.meetings ? this.receptionData.meetings.find(m => m.id === message.meetingId) : null;
  if (message.meetingId && meeting) {
    var newReceptionData = { ...this.receptionData };
    newReceptionData.meetings = newReceptionData.meetings.filter(t => t.id != message.meetingId);
    this.receptionData = newReceptionData;
Apr 2 15:37
this is the existing code that removed the item