Amal El-galant

iOS Android Python

Should talk about iOS App development related issues. No langu...
Aug 16, 2018 16:12
how can i send dictionary using multipart Alamofire without converting to string
Aug 15, 2017 17:10
any help??

iOS Dev

Here you can discuss problems and share new hacks about code
Aug 16, 2018 16:11
how can i send dictionary using multipart Alamofire without converting to string
Mar 24, 2018 17:14
any help ??
Sep 15, 2017 15:04
Unable to find explicit activity class PayPalServices
any one can help on that error
Aug 5, 2017 15:04
any one can help (Android question)
May 28, 2017 11:26
how can i use Localize-Swift to localize storyboard it worked with me for string inside classes it self
May 25, 2017 13:10
hi everyone
do you know how to switch language on the fly without restarting application in swift 2.2
May 24, 2017 11:53
anyone can help
May 16, 2017 08:26
anyone can help
May 9, 2017 17:10
hi guys autocompleteController.delegate = self
gives me error can't assign of type "createOrderMap" to your GMSAutocompleteViewController
May 7, 2017 21:35
which better map kit or google map i want to create map with autocomplete search only
May 6, 2017 11:22
i was working as android developer then cross platform but now ios using swift
May 6, 2017 11:20
May 6, 2017 11:19
actually i started swift from 2 months only so i created only one project
May 6, 2017 11:16
@DilipTiwari swift but i'm beginner
May 6, 2017 11:14
@DilipTiwari urw
May 6, 2017 11:14
@DilipTiwari what's the problem it's mobile application and this values stored in each phone not shared memory
May 6, 2017 11:13
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but actually i have slide menu and i want to put this on menu condition but the same code doesn't work any one know why
May 6, 2017 10:58
with the same account ?!
May 6, 2017 10:55
@DilipTiwari yes ex if you store username you get it and then check if it not equal nil so he will continue but it nil so redirect to login page
May 6, 2017 10:52
@DilipTiwari to check if you there is key stored or not
May 6, 2017 10:51
let username = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("username") as! String

if username != ""{
May 6, 2017 10:29
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but when i put them in menu condition it doesn't work
May 6, 2017 10:27
Aug 16, 2018 16:11
how can i send dictionary using multipart Alamofire without converting to string
May 30, 2017 12:33
i use 2 segue to handle en and ar only
May 30, 2017 12:32
no the cause of the problem is using this line dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),{
May 28, 2017 11:25
how can i use Localize-Swift to localize storyboard it worked with me for string inside classes it self
May 25, 2017 13:07
hi everyone
do you know how to switch language on the fly without restarting application in swift 2.2
May 25, 2017 08:24
@sandy ya
May 24, 2017 11:53
anyone can help
May 9, 2017 17:03
hi guys anyone know autocompleteController.delegate = self
gives me error can't assign of type "createOrderMap" to your GMSAutocompleteViewController
May 7, 2017 21:34
which better map kit or google map i want to create map with autocomplete search only
May 6, 2017 10:39
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but actually i have slide menu and i want to put this on menu condition but the same code doesn't work any one know why
May 4, 2017 20:10
ok i will check it thanks


Join to become part of the community, not to simply ask questi...
Aug 15, 2017 17:10
any help ??
May 6, 2017 11:02
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but actually i have slide menu and i want to put this on menu condition but the same code doesn't work any one know why

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: . Ma...
Aug 15, 2017 17:09
any help??

Tamil iOS and Web Developers

We will help what you need! Note: This room is not only for Ta...
Aug 5, 2017 15:03
any one can help (Android question)

iOS Dev Expert

This group is made for iOS developers , so request iOS experts...
May 28, 2017 11:26
how can i use Localize-Swift to localize storyboard it worked with me for string inside classes it self
May 25, 2017 13:05
hi everyone
do you know how to switch language on the fly without restarting application in swift 2.2
May 24, 2017 11:53
anyone can help


Rules → —  Discussion for iOS and OS X ...
May 6, 2017 11:09
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but actually i have slide menu and i want to put this on menu condition but the same code doesn't work any one know why