But, problem is my code isn't being recognized: I have it integrated in an asp.net application, and if I put that script on my page I'm getting an error that editor is an undefined variable. Where would I place it, exactly?
i should also point out that a very similar thing is being done elsewhere in the project, this time by passing a gridview for the same extraction purposes (which works)
this works perfectly when the method is located within the same class, but when i move it to a separate project in the same solution i get an object ref not set error
i'm in a bit of a pickle with a C# ASP.net solution. basically, i have a project which is referencing an assembly from another project, which needs to extrapolate a datatable from a dataset for CSV conversion
i normally find it useful to use a regex builder and adapt the expression to my specific needs, saves a lot of time and i don't have to remember everything at the drop of a hat
it's a good thing that i have two weeks off work in a while, i can take advantage of the free time to freshen up what little knowledge i have of that language
the part of setting the min and max date range works fine, but i need to be able to completely scrap all the records unless the end date has been reached. problem is, the records only have a field recording the movement date, and have no knowledge of the actual finish date
i am maintaining a MSSQL database, with a stored procedure which pulls records within a certain timeframe and then outputs a table of grouped totals from this data