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Nov 30, 2017 18:44
@BrodieG hi


Under new administration.
Jan 4, 2017 18:38
No luck though, as far as I can tell reprex deals with R code (possibly roxy-commented), not a full Rmd. What's needed is probably a custom makdown flavour output format for knitr.
Jan 4, 2017 18:31
@DirkEddelbuettel Thanks, I'll try it out!
Jan 4, 2017 08:19
quick question: is there an easy way to produce md compatible with stackoverflow from Rmd documents? WIth output: github_document I'm getting unrecognised code blocks.
Nov 13, 2016 20:17
@DirkEddelbuettel I came very close to asking a similar question last week. I would have phrased it differently (too broad), and waited for answers, but still, it's arguably a valuable step toward addressing a confusing topic that must get a decent number of google searches.
Jun 20, 2016 07:48
actually, I've also done this once or twice: posting and immediately answering a question, when I thought the answer would be useful to others
Jun 20, 2016 07:45
@Spacedman are you sure it's the same person? If so, can you use data science to prove it?
Jun 7, 2016 00:00
Philosophical question: suppose a package Imports: some functions from another, and re-exports a small subset as they'll typically be needed in the search path (e.g. grid::unit() with ggplot2, %>% with dplyr, etc.). Depends: is too greedy and not recommended anymore, but is there a more finely-tuned alternative like dependsFrom() to automatically do the import + re-export and deal with the documentation/links?
Apr 27, 2016 20:00
@RomanLuštrik yeah, I feel a bit sorry about that, though the answer truly was terrible
Apr 27, 2016 09:36
pipes have been known to connect various circles of hell, but not this time
Apr 27, 2016 09:01
just wow. stackoverflow.com/a/36884166/471093 combining assign, eval, parse, and [ inside aes() in one answer (accepted)
Apr 13, 2016 07:04
@JoshuaUlrich sacré nom d'une pipe! I don't understand half of the code this user posts because my brain fails to parse it as R syntax.
Apr 13, 2016 06:49
@JoshuaUlrich question %>% scroll_down() %>% read_answer() %>% rejoice()
Apr 4, 2016 06:20
@RomanLuštrik real programmers don't eat quiche. quiche is no cake. R programming is a piece of cake
Mar 30, 2016 03:43
@Spacedman complex types not supported. Lacking imaginary capability, I cannot proceed (note: this argument is orthogonal to other issues I may have)
Mar 25, 2016 02:07
@Frank thanks, I've changed the order. And learned my lesson with ggplot2.
Mar 25, 2016 01:42
what's the recommended way to deal with broken answers that can't be fixed? Should they be deleted, or kept up as a memorial with a note indicating the cause of death?
Mar 12, 2016 20:09
@DirkEddelbuettel yep, done (the master branch). It works, email sent :)
Mar 12, 2016 19:49
@DirkEddelbuettel just saw your email (Sunday morning here), will do. Thanks!
Mar 12, 2016 19:47
@Roland Agreed, it's a job better suited to LaTeX, but including symbols (the same as in the graphic) wouldn't be trivial either. PS: He's Japanese; I'm guessing it's a standard formal greeting in this variation of English rather than an acknowledgment of my royal lineage (I've heard it many times with people from India).
Mar 12, 2016 02:15
though I suppose some of those symbols could be obtained with special plotmath characters (but colours would be a nightmare).
Mar 12, 2016 02:13
@DirkEddelbuettel I think we're talking about a different type of symbols: here the OP wants little blue or red points, lines, etc. interspersed in a paragraph of text (a figure caption, not a legend).
Mar 12, 2016 00:33
is it customary in your field to have symbols appear in figure captions? Not a bad idea, but probably hard to achieve with most figure-making programs.
Mar 7, 2016 06:19
@DirkEddelbuettel yes, thanks, that's the procedure I followed to install gfortran. But I'm not sure how it helps me install R from source with a custom BLAS (MKL ideally, seeing that Matlab solves a linear system 10x faster on the same machine). I may have to give up and borrow someone's ubuntu box, because all Mac instructions I've come across amount to cryptic YMMV side-notes in old list archives.
Mar 6, 2016 06:36
I've been trying to install R from source on a Mac for the past two days, has anyone here had any luck with that? I posted a question on R-sig-mac but I fear they may see it as a Rcpp/Armadillo question from the way I introduced my background motivation.
Sep 6, 2015 05:21
@joran "close as primarily opinion-based", since the OP has very personal views on probability densities
Aug 28, 2015 10:34
@tonytonov no idea right now, I guess I'd start by looking into this producplots package, which i don't know about, and see if it can be customised
Aug 26, 2015 01:11
@joran someone should add squirrels to this, grid::grid.raster(rphylopic::image_data("5ebe5f2c-2407-4245-a8fe-397466bb06da", size = "thumb")[[1]])
Aug 21, 2015 23:21
has anyone seen a shiny version of this palette creator tool? or would like to help create one in R?
Jul 14, 2015 20:11
Wow, the gridExtra update made it to CRAN on my first attempt! Am I justified in noting a definite correlation with fireworks and celebrations in my home country?
Jul 13, 2015 20:21
@BrodieG thanks, @tonytonov is on the case now, hopefully we'll release something soon. Mainly I wanted to make sure that the update doesn't break too much code, and that it's a simple enough package to be low-maintenance in the future.
Jul 10, 2015 10:55
@RomanLuštrik the package has even creeped up in my google scholar profile – scary. Another reason to raise it up to better coding standards.
Jul 9, 2015 10:16
@DavidArenburg well, the thought has crossed my mind occasionally, maybe that transpired :)
Jul 9, 2015 10:12
@DavidArenburg I don't think I'll remove it from CRAN, several packages Depend on it. My plan is to make it as minimal as possible, without the clutter from experimental grobs that no-one ever used, and hopefully it'll be low enough maintenance from there on.
Jul 9, 2015 09:59
@RomanLuštrik I offered various times to transfer grid.arrange in grid/gtable/ggplot2, but never succeeded
Jul 9, 2015 09:56
@tonytonov cool, ping me on github, I don't have your email
Jul 9, 2015 09:54
@Spacedman if anything, having outlines instead of text means that pdfs can be trusted to show the desired output on any computer.
Jul 9, 2015 09:50
@Spacedman showtext is the bit of graphics news that I find most exciting in this issue
Jul 9, 2015 09:49
@RomanLuštrik thanks. I'm sure it'll break lots of code though..
Jul 9, 2015 07:33
cleaning up gridExtra, anyone wants to try it, please? It's quite a purge... but I have no choice if it's not to become orphaned (I lack both time and motivation to properly maintain it). github.com/baptiste/gridextra
Jun 23, 2015 21:45
@joran it's a mess, I agree
Jun 12, 2015 11:14
@Roland that's what you get for lack of a reproducible quesiton

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Nov 11, 2015 08:44
@Roland thanks. It seems overkill to reinstall everything when it's only the symlinks that are missing, I guess I'll try to do it manually
Nov 10, 2015 01:42
updating my Mac to OSX El Capitan has removed latex, Rscript and R access from the command line (I believe the symlinks in /usr/bin aren't allowed anymore), what is the recommended way to deal with this issue?
Sep 3, 2015 00:17
@maj the tags gtable and gridextra have a lot of those
Aug 26, 2015 20:07
@BrodieG gtable should solve the majority of such problems easily, but unfortunately its development stopped before all features were fully implemented and/or documented.
Aug 23, 2015 10:06
answering myself, it was the wq package
Aug 23, 2015 02:05
I'm trying to find a package for this work-in-progress vignette, the only thing I remember about it is a function named layOut. Unfortunately, the search fields seem to ignore caps, and I'm flooded with irrelevant references to the standard layout. Does it ring a bell for anyone?
Aug 20, 2015 21:09
@Dason lubridate probably could do it, although the default behaviour may differ
May 29, 2015 00:12
never mind, problem solved (brute force)