
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jan 24, 2017 11:25
i am using json-formatter to display json tree, so I replaced quotes once again, dont have time to write something smarter, thanks for the help guys
Jan 24, 2017 11:13
that string is serialized from C# object, but I had to replace to single quotes, because I used some angular directive to display JSON tree, it worked with single quotes...
Jan 24, 2017 11:03
hi all! need help for angular.fromJSON, the error is unexpected token ' at position 1, and here is my json string:

"{'MessageID':1023,'ClientFrom':'StariClient','ClientTo':'StariClient2','ClientIdentityFrom':{'ClientID':null,'Group':null,'Scope':null,'IsMultiScope':false},'ClientIdentityTo':{'ClientID':null,'Group':null,'Scope':null,'IsMultiScope':false},'Attributes':[{'Key':'FileID','Value':['814c0eb7-de8e-47bb-ab8c-5e8b5b54fa1c']},{'Key':'OriginalFileName','Value':['podaci.txt']},{'Key':'MessageCreateTime','Value':['2017-01-23 15.00.30']}],'MessageStatusID':10}"


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
Mar 2, 2016 13:49
Hi all! I need help with DynamicQueryable.Where method. I want to filter DataTable rows by multiple columns, but I do not know how to construct a predicate expression


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Mar 2, 2016 13:37
Hi all! I need help with DynamicQueryable.Where method. I want to filter DataTable rows by multiple columns, but I do not know how to construct a predicate expression
Jul 3, 2015 14:49
Jul 3, 2015 14:48
thank you again with this code, my app will look great thanks to you :)
Jul 3, 2015 14:47
Yes I think it's true, maybe I got too far by testing it :)
Jul 3, 2015 14:46
The same with BackColor. Yes, that is this flicker, it is not much, maybe the common use will not cause it
Jul 3, 2015 14:39
Here if I am clicking the same TabPage, it flickers after a number of clicks, the same effect when I change selection
Jul 3, 2015 14:37
I looked well if there is unwanted calls on every method, but I could not find anything. Is there a flicker in your example?
Jul 3, 2015 14:34
there is no Ivalidate at strange places, i just added Invalidate on Resize, but that is not called whe I click on a tabpage
Jul 3, 2015 14:34
flicker appears randomly on paint event
Jul 3, 2015 14:33
I added that (Trace.WriteLine)
Jul 3, 2015 14:32
I think Paint is called right, not to often, only on mouse click
Jul 3, 2015 14:31
Jul 3, 2015 14:29
well this is not a big deal but i thought I could make this as smooth as possible
Jul 3, 2015 14:29
as Im having 3 tabpages
Jul 3, 2015 14:28
Im sorry, I dont know how to say :) There is always 3 tabArea-s
Jul 3, 2015 14:27
Hi TaW, OK maybe you think there is a multiplication
Jul 3, 2015 14:24
I implemented your solution, I am talking about flickering regions (process arrows) that the code above is painting. It flickers like there is a lot of objects to paint, so the last is late to display propely...
Jul 3, 2015 14:24
Is there any reson why tabs are flickering when changing selection? I don't see any heavy operation in Paint handler, there is a Brush object and FillPath, DrawString calls. I set DoubleBuffered property to true but it is the same. I think that last tab flickers the most (there are 3 tabs in my example)
Jul 3, 2015 14:24
EDIT: I called makeTabPanel in Form_Shown, because ItemSize property is 0 before control is shown. Now it works fine! Thanks a lot again! I will try to make UserControl out of this.
Jul 3, 2015 14:24
Hi TaW! Wow according to the photo this looks amazing! Thanks for this! I just cannot make this work at my simple test form. I put TabControl with 3 tabs, called makeTabPanel after InitializeComponent, then added Shown event handler, but the panel never shows and Paint is never called, so Im seeing classic TabControl. Another thing: "sz" variable is not declared, I don't know what Size it is.