Přemysl Šťastný

Feb 24, 2022 16:11
I will flag it tommorow, if you have problem about using moderator flag.
Feb 24, 2022 16:10
And it works fine for these cases. I used it other day for stackoverflow.com/questions/70821611/… post.
Feb 24, 2022 16:09
That's not true. Migration resets the score to 0.
Feb 24, 2022 16:07
@TylerH There is one...using "in need of moderator intervention"
Feb 24, 2022 16:05
@TylerH By the way, there are Wikibooks, which are exactly for the purpose of opinion based articals/books. They are not out of bussiness at all and might be very useful.
Feb 24, 2022 16:04
@TylerH Okey, I get it. Could you flag both posts to be migrated to Software Engineering? I am out of flags today because of review queues.
Feb 24, 2022 15:59
Both are subjective
Feb 24, 2022 15:59
@SecurityHound I am mainly talking about edit: as elegant as was in this great -> "better than"
Feb 24, 2022 15:56
@SecurityHound Similary elegant and better are two utterly different things.
Feb 24, 2022 15:55
@SecurityHound That wasn't problem with the edit. The problem was, that it changed the word elegant to better.
Feb 24, 2022 15:55
@TylerH This seems to me like Wikipedia like rules. So you are telling me, that every question here should have an answer, which have a way to be proven correct?
Feb 24, 2022 15:49
@TylerH Okey, good point. Where should I migrate the questions?
Feb 24, 2022 15:45
I purposefully ask these questions here, because if I put it on some mailing list or chat room, it will be hard to anybody to find them.
Feb 24, 2022 15:44
@TylerH Please, explain me, what is wrong with it? - Is it useful for future visitor? Yes. Is it speculative? Only on level of similary nice way to do things.
Feb 24, 2022 15:39
Stack Overflow is about serving the programming community. Why would these questions wont be accepted even through, not everyone might agree about some degree of "elegancy"
Feb 24, 2022 15:38
If somebody try to find a way to do the job, he probably want to do it the easy way. And exactly for these people are these questions.
Feb 24, 2022 15:37
Yes, it is opinion based, but these things are important to community too.
Feb 24, 2022 15:36
Yes. But usually the extremes are evident to everybody. - Eg. if I ask for an elegant way, how to parse JSON and there are two answers, one implemented in C++ with 60 lines of code and unreadable memory managment and there is a simple answer on 3 lines in Python, we might everyone agree on that the Python answer was the elegant one.
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@TylerH No. I want simillary elegant way. Not better. It can't be better, because it is about different problem.
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@TylerH It is possible. I am using elegant as a direct short not hard to implement way. So you are saying, the elegant have different meaning in English then I thought?
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@TylerH Please, don't edit it like that. You changed the meaning of the question... This question is about infinite data structure, that before was about finite data structure.
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@chepner I didn't considered a data contrustor as a function. By no function a meant, there is nothing like (a -> b) inside the structure.
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@LudvigH Is it better like it, or should I make longer summary?
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@chepner I know, that pure FFI probably can't do it itself. So I was thinking about passing some function which would operate on infinite datastructure to Python, but haven't found any elegant way, how to do it... - I am also concerned about generation of many pointers to functions via FFI.
Feb 24, 2022 15:32
@MisterMiyagi I don't see it. Can you be more specific please?
Feb 21, 2022 21:12
I couldn't come up with any contraexample a few hours ago, when I was thinking like: Hey guys, why don't you chunk everything...well as you told me after my thinking about GC: Some programs' performance suffers greatly.
Feb 21, 2022 20:54
I will hope, that the game change, when 'Supercompiler' implementation in GHC is done. It might get more simple to optimalize.
Feb 21, 2022 20:52
Okey, thanks. So the thing is also about that compiler needs to know when the chunking is beneficial, so the problem is mainly toxic because of this. This is what I was missing.
Feb 21, 2022 20:16
@DanielWagner Thank for your time and answers. :-)
Feb 21, 2022 20:14
...it was extreme case, but made me thinking....
Feb 21, 2022 20:13
In some of benchmarks I have read, the hit by making datastructures more strict was making GC to eat up to 80% computation time of runtime.
Feb 21, 2022 20:08
Do you think, that even without vectorization, the program performance would benefit from data structure chunking? I am really not sure, what would it do with some heavily transformed datastructures.
Feb 21, 2022 20:06
With maximal laziness, less data might be moved from minor GC to major GC, which is generally expensive operation.
Feb 21, 2022 20:06
That's true. I am thinking, whether it won't cause more data moved from minor GC to major GC.
Feb 21, 2022 20:01
Okey. I though you were talking about general computational improvement, which might come from chunking. Not just for [Char]
Feb 21, 2022 19:59
I understand that. I would like to hear more about the part, where you told me, that strict chunking would improve memory residency and cache locality for lots of non-parallel programs. I am not sure, whether I understand why.
Feb 21, 2022 17:11
"it also significantly improves memory residency and cache locality for lots of non-parallel programs." - Can you elaborate it more please?
Feb 21, 2022 17:11
Yep, you are right. Thanks. My hidden assumption was, that the only way to make vectorization reasonable as optimalization is usage of chunks....which is not true. /
Feb 21, 2022 17:11
Why won't be vectorization related to this? If you want to do list vectorization without strict chunks list, you would have to do some crazy inlining, or accept performance penalties, which would come from repeted creating of a linked list from arrays. Is my thinking wrong?
Feb 21, 2022 17:11
"no inklings that it might in the near future" - Are you sure about that? Nobody tries to solve vectorization problems which comes with usage of linked lists?

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Jul 29, 2016 06:17
Good Morning @Tirth @pedram @iShwar @ItachiUchiha @pedram @Himanshu @ankitagrawal @SweetWisherツ @Shadow @NitinGohel @iAsmi
Jul 28, 2016 05:19
Good Morning @Tirth @Himanshu @iShwar @ItachiUchiha @pedram @PřemyslŠťastný @ankitagrawal @SweetWisherツ @Shadow @NitinGohel @all
Jul 26, 2016 06:09
Jul 26, 2016 06:09
Good Morning @Tirth @iAsmi @iShwar @ItachiUchiha @pedram @PřemyslŠťastný @ankitagrawal @SweetWisherツ @Shadow @NitinGohel @all
Jul 25, 2016 06:21
@Himanshu How are you?
Jul 25, 2016 06:17
Jul 25, 2016 06:17
@pedram And how are you?
Jul 25, 2016 06:11
@pedram I am finally getting why is coffee logo of Java...
Jul 25, 2016 05:13
@iAsmi tired... :( - and you?
Jul 25, 2016 05:12
And happy Monday morning torture @Tirth @iAsmi @iShwar @ItachiUchiha @PřemyslŠťastný @pedram @ankitagrawal @SweetWisherツ @Shadow @Simmant @Kirti @NitinGohel @all