
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jul 23, 2020 19:24
It's on of those "works on Safari but not on Chrome/FF" with audio codec for .flac. Would be really nice to understand this and go on with life :P
Jul 23, 2020 19:24
Q: Play .flac chunks in Chrome & Firefox (works in Safari)

SergioI converted a wav file into several .flac chunks to play with Media Source Extensions (MSE) in the browser. I used ffmpeg and the following command to generate de chunks: ffmpeg -i long_input_44100.wav -vn -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f segment -segment_time 5 long_input_44100_%03d.flac Then I load the chun...

Jul 23, 2020 19:23
Anyone good on audio and codecs that could give me a hand or hints?
May 19, 2020 12:37
@guggio do you have a link to the question?
May 19, 2020 10:45
do you have a question to look at?
May 19, 2020 10:45
@guggio are you declaring props and then overriding the values inside the component with the event data?
May 19, 2020 10:45
@Doflamingo19 oh... angular is not my strong side... sorry
May 19, 2020 09:42
@Doflamingo19 i don't know what you mean. Can you explain your idea/question better?
May 17, 2020 21:16
@phenomnomnominal nice to see you on a talk! AST's are awesome. Been using jscodeshift some times and made some handy codemods we've been using at work.
May 20, 2020 06:17
selector: '#contratoResumido',

e também
selector: '#contratoResumido',
May 20, 2020 06:17
@Tiago em vez de usar selector:'textarea',, usa o ID de cada um. Tens de chamar o init duas vezes:
May 20, 2020 00:24
qual é o teu problema?
May 20, 2020 00:24
@Tiago oi!
May 16, 2020 18:24
Happy I met you here! Really hope we can get some lunch one day soon!
May 16, 2020 18:24
@phenomnomnominal interesting article! Thanks for pointing it. Yeah, some things need to change in the industry. Musicians right now are having a hard time, no audience, playing for free on facebook.
May 16, 2020 13:26
thanks for answering me, catch you later and sleep good!
May 16, 2020 13:25
oops :DD go sleep!
May 16, 2020 13:25
15.25 here
May 16, 2020 13:25
what is the time there now?
May 16, 2020 13:25
but I don't have answers
May 16, 2020 13:24
kind of "you understand both worlds"
May 16, 2020 13:24
Maybe ping you here after I read the article. I would like to know more, many friends ask me stuff because I can programming
May 16, 2020 13:23
just found you on linkedin will send a invite. feel free to not accept :)
May 16, 2020 13:23
can we have a lunch someday when things are back to normal? would be nice to meet you
May 16, 2020 13:23
May 16, 2020 13:22
ah, nice will read
May 16, 2020 13:22
ah! cool, I think the punk scene is Stockholm is ok right? at least it was in the 80s I heard
May 16, 2020 13:21
@phenomnomnominal is it the labels where the problem is?
May 16, 2020 13:20
did you play classical music or most pop/rock? jazz?
May 16, 2020 13:20
@phenomnomnominal that is good :) balancing society
May 16, 2020 13:19
@phenomnomnominal ok, the labels also where quite strong back in the CD times
May 16, 2020 13:18
@phenomnomnominal ah, that is encouraging. Good to hear!
May 16, 2020 13:18
@phenomnomnominal not fun... clash of universes. I would like to know more about the numbers so I can make a better judgement
May 16, 2020 13:17
I think its great for teams with Juniors to avoid messing types in function and stuff
May 16, 2020 13:17
I know that at Klarna I will be working with React and Typescript... that will be interesting. React is great, Typescript I havn't used much so for now just feels like it makes code harder to read.
May 16, 2020 13:16
I don't have Spotify :P But maybe I should :) I was sad as a musician the payments where so small... but guess that is kind of childish
May 16, 2020 13:15
Never worked with Angular, but feels Vue and Angular have quite in common.
May 16, 2020 13:14
I will dig a bit into streaming. Can't almost nothing. Don't know if hls, rmtp or sockets is the way to go :DD and I supose you can encrypt the stream itself also... I will take that in my afterlife :)
May 16, 2020 13:13
front end also, I did a lot of work back in the days with MooTools. Many people went to Spotify from there. So I did a lot of browser normalisation behaviour. And I've been working a lot with Vue. I'm the founder of the Stockholm Vue.js meetup
May 16, 2020 13:12
what is you strong area? JavaScript?
May 16, 2020 13:11
yes, but still different countries (with smart people) did very diferent strategies. Like a huge global experiment
May 16, 2020 13:11
Yes, and when so many people have it the chances to mutate are higher
May 16, 2020 13:10
I hope sweden's strategy won't be too wrong and that when we open up more people have imunity
May 16, 2020 13:10
May 16, 2020 13:09
Only 1 in last 4 weeks is good! Hope the cure comes soon
May 16, 2020 13:08
Yeah, I'm curious what is the smartes in 2020 to send audio between server and client.
May 16, 2020 13:08
Yeah, swedish culture is different and the approach to the virus is like 180degrees of what new zealand did right?
May 16, 2020 13:07
Or I can ask but you might not answer. ;)
May 16, 2020 13:07
So I can't ask you much about streams :D
May 16, 2020 13:06
Ahaha :) I know what you mean