Nov 15 13:51
sure, no problem
Nov 15 13:23
write a small test code like this: and call it StoriesBloc().foo() - here if bar returns Future<ItemModel> it crashes the same way your code does, but if you change the return type to Future<ItemModel?> it works fine - in your case replace bar with your Repository.fetchitems and use your ItemModel of course
Nov 15 13:23
Repository.fetchItems what type does it return?
Nov 15 13:23
what does Repository.fetchItems() return?
Nov 15 13:23
how can i say anything if i even dont know what is the line number 32 in blocs/stories_bloc.dart?
Nov 15 13:23
StoriesBloc._itemsTransformer.<anonymous closure> (package:new_flutter/src/blocs/stories_bloc.dart:32:14) - the error occurred in file blocs/stories_bloc.dart, line 32 column 14
Nov 15 13:23
as you can see: AsyncSnapshot<Map<int, Future<ItemModel?>>>(, null, type 'Future<ItemModel?>' is not a subtype of type 'Future<ItemModel>' of 'value', #0 _LinkedHashMapMixin.[]= (dart:collection-patch/compact_hash.dart:513:30) you have an error in your stream - it is stored in snapshot.error, also in the log you posted you can see the exact code location where it occurred (also available with snapshot.stackTrace)
Nov 15 13:23
what do you see if you add print(snapshot); before line if (!snapshot.hasData) { ?
Aug 22 12:32
sure, your welcome, i hope you reverted changes in box.dart?
Aug 22 11:20
and of course you dont have to modify box.dart as it is 100% ok
Aug 22 11:19
so as i said copy all the sources to good project and remove that old bad one
Aug 22 11:15
in other words: does the "good" foo project also use the flutter sdk "with errors"?
Aug 22 11:13
ok so in your "good" foo project type "RenderBox? rb;` and ctrl-click on "RenderBox" - it will show "box.dart" file - is it the same "box.dart" file you mentioned in your question?
Aug 22 11:10
do you still have lots of errors in flutter sdk code?
Aug 22 11:10
you said: "i reinstalled dependancies
now it works" so whats the problem now?
Aug 22 10:54
does your app work now?
Aug 22 10:52
so what does not work now?
Aug 22 10:51
so you cannot remove it "by hand"?
Aug 22 10:51
did you copy dependencies from pubspec.yaml"?
Aug 22 10:50
in project with problems
Aug 22 10:49
btw did "flutter clean" run with no errors?
Aug 22 10:48
the problem is in your application config
Aug 22 10:48
as you saw your flutter instalation is ok since foo app worked with no problems
Aug 22 10:46
and what if you copy your entire "lib" folder to a "foo" project and "assets" and "pubspec.yaml"?
Aug 22 10:43
and what does "flutter analyze" say in that application?
Aug 22 10:41
remove build folder by hand then and run flutter clean again
Aug 22 10:41
tried flutter clean in the root of your application and restarting ide?
Aug 22 10:41
in both applications?
Aug 22 10:41
in that application what do you have in pubspec.yaml in environment: sdk: '>=n.n.n <m.m.m' section? compare it with pubspec.yaml in running foo project and try the same numbers
Aug 22 10:41
if no issues found, does it run as expected?
Aug 22 10:41
what errors do you have in foo project (i am not asking about flutter doctor now)? what does flutter analyze show if you run it in the root of foo project?
Aug 22 10:41
and now, if you use your flutter 3.22.2 and create a brand new project with flutter create foo what errors do you see in foo project?
Aug 22 10:41
what does flutter --version show? also, does flutter doctor -v say anything interesting?
Jan 2 14:41
what file and what line number?
Jan 2 14:41
where is that RangeError?
Jan 2 14:13
which means all of them were succesful
Jan 2 14:13
i have no idea what it comes from since you have 3 uploads with status code 200
Jan 2 14:13
i have no idea what it cames from since you have 3 uploads with status code 200
Jan 2 14:12
104857600 is not 104873747
Jan 2 14:11
52428800 * 2 = 104857600
Jan 2 14:11
no 104873747 / 2 = 52436873.5
Jan 2 14:10
whats the problem then?
Jan 2 14:09
so the 3 chunks were uploaded correctly
Jan 2 14:08
is it the file size?
Jan 2 14:08
i mean 104873747
Jan 2 14:08
52428800+52428800+16147 is it a file size you want to upload?
Jan 2 14:05
do you see "<< sending chunk $chunk, chunkSize: $chunkSize'" and ">> received chunk $chunk, statusCode: ${response.statusCode}"?
Jan 2 14:04
what are the logs?
Jan 2 14:03
where are those Concurrent read operations?
Jan 2 13:57
is final reader = ChunkedStreamReader(fakeStream); called only one time with the same stream?