Anyone have a guess why suddenly this code stops working in IE11? Its not liking the => but it worked yesterday
var getTerms = _.filter(curatedJSON, (t) => t.TopSearchTerm == '1');
I've asked nearly the same question everyday for 6 days and have yet to see a single javascript related topic come up. Just wondering if the room changed without changing the topic.
I'm having a problem with jquery ui autocomplete that its only allowing me to use the mouse to click an option once. I can use the keyboard to select as many times as I want.
I have a JSON that includes a value that's a link '<a href="#">something</a>' that I need to parse to get the 'something'. What's the easiest way to do that before its written (I need to add some tracking code in the form of a data-element that includes the content of the link).
Has anyone run into an issue with jquery ui autocomplete where you can only click on it once and then you have to refresh the page to click a selection again? 1.10
@DaveRandom That's okay. For some reason they want us to stop accepting TLS 1.0 requests but their hinky way of helping us avoid that on their own servers is just hilarious