HTML / CSS / WebDesign

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Oct 11, 2016 16:56
Oct 11, 2016 16:56
Ok. Why wouldn't csa support this
Oct 11, 2016 16:40
@DanM. Check if window width - the canvas width is greater than or equal to the min value
Oct 11, 2016 16:21
Oct 11, 2016 15:50
@Sandro want to use mathmatica operations in my media queries for css
Oct 11, 2016 15:35
How can I do this?
Oct 11, 2016 15:35
I want media queries that can perform multiplication subtraction division addition .
Oct 3, 2016 16:44
Got ya
Oct 3, 2016 16:38
Why would it?
Oct 3, 2016 16:37
why doesn't html have a option that is well stated as an attirbute to not make adiv to the right of an element in a container NOT go below the first element if the window width and thus contianer width gets a certian small size
Oct 3, 2016 16:36
Oct 3, 2016 16:35
Oct 3, 2016 16:35
Dos that help @ZachSaucier
Oct 3, 2016 16:34
That is how the the canvas dimensions are determined
Oct 3, 2016 16:34
if window height > window width the cnavas width is the window width and the height is determined by the 1.3 ratio so divide by 1.3
Oct 3, 2016 16:33
if window width > window height the cnavas hieght is the window height and the width is determined by the 1.3 ratio so multiply height by 1.3
Oct 3, 2016 16:32
and the canvas is first dimension ( width or height ) is determeined by the biggest dimesnion of the window ( width or height )
Oct 3, 2016 16:31
the width / height ratio is 1.3 at all times
Oct 3, 2016 16:31
Oh the canvas size is kind of more leaborate
Oct 3, 2016 16:28
Oct 3, 2016 16:18
Oct 3, 2016 16:06
When the window gets small the rightdiv div in side the contianer div to the right of the canvs moves below the canvas.. How do you stop this?
Oct 3, 2016 16:06
Oct 3, 2016 16:06
Say you have a div container that has a canvas element in side it. I have a div element inside the container div as well that is to the right of the canvas


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 23, 2016 16:51
The getter function fixed it
Sep 23, 2016 16:35
Sep 23, 2016 16:35
doesn't sound right
Sep 23, 2016 16:35
the result
Sep 23, 2016 16:33
canvas.width = canvas.height = view.viewSize.height = view.viewSize.width = h / 2;

everything gets the value h / 2 besides the last one view.viewSize.width
Sep 23, 2016 16:33
Sep 23, 2016 16:33
So what is the solution?
Sep 23, 2016 16:29
canvas.width = canvas.height = view.viewSize.height = view.viewSize.width = h / 2;

everything ends up the same value besides the last one view.viewSize.width . Is this due to some operators preceding over others in prioriy? IE I need ()'s
Sep 21, 2016 21:41
Thats some smooth shit closure can do
Sep 21, 2016 21:19
I think I got it
Sep 21, 2016 21:10
I am asking if this is the interpreter scanning through all the declarations and i thoguht that was a pre before runtime thing
Sep 21, 2016 21:10
No , i know why that is @Luggage
Sep 21, 2016 21:07
well it may
Sep 21, 2016 21:07
What it does doesnt tell you WHY
Sep 21, 2016 21:06
@Luggage me?
Sep 21, 2016 21:06
Yes , and I am still confused.
Sep 21, 2016 21:04
goes to number 2 and 3
Sep 21, 2016 21:04
I thought that would be before run time stuff
Sep 21, 2016 21:04
In this code are the reason it goes to 2 and 3 2nd and third is becuase it is going to the declaration
Sep 21, 2016 21:03
Sep 21, 2016 21:02
Okay let me elaborate
Sep 21, 2016 21:01
gotcha that has no help ot how closure works?
Sep 21, 2016 21:01
so you can understand ( in this example closure ) better
Sep 21, 2016 21:00
I am asking, you can't have the dbeugger how the interpreter or whatver follows the js before executing it ?
Sep 21, 2016 20:59
r u out?
Sep 21, 2016 20:58
Two-pass assemblers

An assembler is a translator, that translates an assembler program into a conventional machine language program. Basically, the assembler goes through the program one line at a time, and generates machine code for that instruction. Then the assembler procedes to the next instruction. In this way, the entire machine code program is created. For most instructions this process works fine, for example for instructions that only reference registers, the assembler can compute the machine code easily, since the assembler knows where the registers are.