Dec 15, 2016 09:42
Your welcome! Happy coding ;)
Dec 15, 2016 09:39
As i told you, start from the bottom, make something easy first and then you will get it faster
Dec 15, 2016 09:39
This could give you enough information
Dec 15, 2016 09:35
Sometimes it's easier if you start with small examples that give you the knowledge.. I think It will be easier for you if you go first with a basic example and then go back to your problem.
Dec 15, 2016 09:34
ok, you could use a validation on render, if the input has a value you show suggested list if input does not have a value you show the full list. i.e:

this.refs.input.value != "" ? renderListComponent : renderSuggestComponent
Dec 15, 2016 09:26
Sure, tell me
Dec 15, 2016 06:01
I just did it :)
Dec 15, 2016 06:01
ok, so just change the add function and add the item to suggest property. Well I'm deleting the suggest list every time, I guess with the example you have plenty of things to work, basically use a property to save the full suggest list and other to show the current suggest list. Let me know if you don't understand
Dec 15, 2016 06:01
I just put an example to you because I don't understand what do you want to do. Hope this helps!