I have installed a python library which also contains a cli tool , under linux everything works fine , under windows the cli tool name gets not recognized, do I need to something to use the cli tool under windows ?
blob = uploaded_file.read() # read file
size = len(blob) # get length of file
print(f'the size of the file is{size}')
if size > Config.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH:
print(f"file is {size}, its to big!")
good to know, I got it now I got a Unhandled promise rejection , I called a async function inside a second async function and forgot to use the await keyword , the promise was not returned so it gave me this Warning because I had a used a throw new NotFoundException instead of a .catch()
Error was I did not use the await keyword , what I dont get If I have two async functions and call that first async function in the second async function , why do I need to use await again ?