
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Dec 28, 2021 14:18
I have installed a python library which also contains a cli tool , under linux everything works fine , under windows the cli tool name gets not recognized, do I need to something to use the cli tool under windows ?
Mar 6, 2021 20:48
then http
Mar 6, 2021 20:48
is there a way to make requests to a REST api on the serverside using another protocoll ?
Mar 3, 2021 18:39
how can i make a request from a server to another server ?
Dec 30, 2020 19:39
question about blueprints in flask url_prefix , what is the reason to use a url_prefix ?
Dec 7, 2020 18:10
thanks didnt know about nonlocal
Dec 7, 2020 18:06
is there a way to get a variable from inner scope of a function to outer scope of the same function without using globals?
Dec 7, 2020 09:38
after saving that file the file has no content probably because the file is still open as u sad
Dec 7, 2020 09:38
blob =  # read file
            size = len(blob)  # get length of file

            print(f'the size of the file is{size}')

            if size > Config.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH:
                print(f"file is {size}, its to big!")
Dec 7, 2020 09:38
I want to check the file size of that object with
Dec 7, 2020 09:37
uploaded_file = request.files['file']
Dec 7, 2020 09:37
I have this flask request object from a post request
Dec 7, 2020 09:32
when i want to save that file , wit hread () still active the file has no content
Dec 7, 2020 09:29
how do i stop the read function ? from reading the file ?
Dec 7, 2020 09:28
im using read() to get the file size

 Python Ouroboros - The Rotating Knives

Messages from the Python room that didn't meet our standards o...
Oct 21, 2021 18:58
of topic is someone using goDaddy ?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 7, 2021 09:33
Sep 7, 2021 09:33
slightly off topic does some one know how these vertical lines are called in the workbench settings of the vs code editor ?
Apr 2, 2021 17:35
what is the logic behind it ?
Apr 2, 2021 17:35
const startArray = [0, 1, 2];

const addonArray = new Array(startArray.length * 2);
Apr 2, 2021 17:35
I have stumbled upon that you can create an an empty array
Mar 16, 2021 08:56
@VLAZ ty
Mar 16, 2021 08:55
func()                                                                                                                              var func = function func() {
Mar 16, 2021 08:55
question about storing functions in variables and hoisting, why does functions stored in a variable are not hoisted ?
Mar 1, 2021 16:56
good to know, I got it now I got a Unhandled promise rejection , I called a async function inside a second async function and forgot to use the await keyword , the promise was not returned so it gave me this Warning because I had a used a throw new NotFoundException instead of a .catch()
Mar 1, 2021 16:49
indeed was a warning
Mar 1, 2021 16:47
Error was I did not use the await keyword , what I dont get If I have two async functions and call that first async function in the second async function , why do I need to use await again ?
Mar 1, 2021 16:38
is there a time out catch if a promise gets not returned without a catch block ?
Mar 1, 2021 16:37
I got an (node:10049) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: I was calling a asinc function inside another async function
Dec 19, 2020 15:03
` url: '/client_choice' ` tried it with and woithout and the ajax request is succesfull
Dec 19, 2020 15:03
question about jquery ajax method, is the trialing slash required in the url attribute ?
Dec 15, 2020 14:53
@VLAZ there was some lonely bracket floating somewhere deep below in my code
Dec 15, 2020 14:50
debugger says that statement expected , where is the statement missing , I dont get it
Dec 15, 2020 14:50
const data2 = {"c": "3", "e": "4"};

const isBelowThreshold = (currentValue) => currentValue !=="";

Dec 15, 2020 14:50
I want to check if a key is not empty
Dec 14, 2020 13:22
let select = {"data" : $('.selectbox option:selected').text()}
Dec 14, 2020 13:22
like this
Dec 14, 2020 13:22
is it possible to create an object for data storage which contains dom element values ?
Dec 10, 2020 17:13
question is how to inser a function to done which takes arguments
Dec 10, 2020 17:12
done only takes the not invoced function as a parameter
Dec 10, 2020 17:12
I want to add a callback function to $.post using .done()
Dec 10, 2020 17:07
is there a way to insert a function with paramters to jquery done callback ?
Dec 10, 2020 15:42
@Cerbrus thanks
Dec 10, 2020 15:37
the text value jes
Dec 10, 2020 15:34
I tryed remove() which does delete the element
Dec 10, 2020 15:34
im looking for a jquey function to remove the value of a dom element
Dec 3, 2020 18:48
is there a way to fire a function if two events occur ?
Nov 30, 2020 18:41
about dropzone.js how can I find out the name of the idden input elment? , I need the name on the server side


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Mar 5, 2021 15:23
I know how to connect 2 apis via http I want to to try another methods
Mar 5, 2021 15:21
can I connect to another rest api via another protcoll then HTTP ?