
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Jan 16, 2015 12:45
Actually I had a decorator on a view and I want to disable it (or just return the actual function) while running unit tests.
Jan 16, 2015 12:44
@tristan can you please give some possibilities of doing this functionality?
Jan 16, 2015 12:41
Hi guys!
In django can we enable/disable decorators according to a boolean variable in settings without modifying the decorator itself?
Nov 27, 2014 13:38
@MartijnPieters thank. Much appreciated.
Nov 27, 2014 13:20
@Ffisegydd thanks man.
Nov 27, 2014 13:16
Hi guys can someone plz explain following expression?
0.29 * 100 = 28.999999999999996
shouldn't it be:
0.29 * 100 = 29
Mar 2, 2012 14:07
@JoshMentwizzler list(set( [list1] + list2 ))