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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@FoamyGuy well...I'm not charging $5 for my app...
or you if you are ok with making them turn on unknown sources you could send them a signed apk
through email/direct link
Does Google Play keep track of what apps were downloaded from their service? I mean if I email someone an APK, GP won't allow the user to dl updates even if the Android package name is the same, will it?
if its signed with your release key it should
though I do imagine that their service does keep track of where the app came from.
I don't want to keep emailing updates
what's that?
I don't know what the ramifications of that are, but I don't think one of them will be an inablility to update your app through the market
you can try it out.
Google Cloud Messaging
install a signed apk with adb or package installer
make sure it has a lower version # then the one on the market
then go to the market and try to install the new one
oh...for testing you mean?
Yah, I can try that...
I am 90%+ that it works because I am almost certain I've done it
but I've also learned not to trust my memory 100% so hence the only 90+
that's what I was asking...I guess I can test it out myself. Didn't want to go through the hassle if someone else knows ;-)
gcm is nice
i dont do any backend work here so i dont know what it takes on that side
but on the front end its easy
it is awesome
I want some good server side code to mess with
I am pretty sure it does, but I don't want to be responsible for bad things if I am wrong ;-)
I'll just blame you anyway.
JMr did that link help a little bit?
reading ti now
another option would be to subclass AsyncTask and override the execute method to use new Thread() so that they don't block each other
not entirely sure if that would be as easy as I just made it out to be though
hrmm...last night before bed, I had a list of Qs to ask on SO. Now I forgot them all...forgot to write them down, too.
Does anyone use Ubuntu and have trouble with Chromium
Foamy do you think you would switch to Android Annotations completely?
there are some projects that I think there would not be as much to gain
so it is not a replacement?
not completely but I think it is a good thing for probably the majority of projects that I've worked on
okay just curious
even the projects where it does not help as much, I don't think it would hurt them either unless you consider the the extra steps during project setup to be a bad thing
it didn't look to hard to setup
nah once you've done it once it is pretty straight forward
if you've never messed with compiler stuff then it will be new to you but it isn't really difficult
Is that game pretty cool TF2
I like it
what else you play?
the gameplay is legit FPS but its more lighthearted than the other widely played FPS games because of the cartoonish nature of the graphics, and the emphasis on goofy costumes and stuff
not much these days
yeah, I checked it out on Youtube
minecraft on the tablet sometimes
wordfeud on phone
tower defense now and again
tf2 is it really on the PC though.
I was excited for Sim City but I won't play it if it requires internet connection
Do you have Ubuntu?
I have a laptop that is dual boot where one of the choices is ubuntu
I don't use it as much as I should =/
I use Chrominum and it crashes a lot
the browser engine?
Yeah...I don't think they have Chrome for it
maybe I am wrong
I like Windows better for eclipse
lots of people hate on windows
I have no really issues with win7
adb drivers are kind of a pain compared to linux as I found out recently
but like, I feel like there are many benifits to windows too
I use power point kind of a lot
haha...I can't find my adb driver for my HTC
on Windows...but my ubuntu is fine
it was nice to learn Linux a little bit....mastering the permissions was a pain ha
A bit too late, but still @qd0r: The Activity has to be recreated, because otherwise values, who are laid out after the orientation, screen width/height have to be reinitialized. So e.g. if you prevent the Activity from recreating, then your landscape/portrait layouts will not be applied (if you have different ones). Or dimensions etc. who are different for your portrait and landscape layouts won't work :)
And most importantly those layouts etc. would also have to be applied (of course), so therefore you have to recreate the whole Activity
My first sentence is rubbish heh. It should have been: The Activity has to be recreated, because values, who are laid out after the orientation, screen width/height have to be reinitialized.
Forget that. I figured, that most things I say past 3 am are/will be grammatically incorrect
now you know how I feel ha :)
I don't even know why I'm still awake haha. It's almost 4 am here... and I have school tomorrow
Good night ;D
@Ahmad (for whenever you're back) Can you login to Facebook and stuff on your Dev Alpha C?
4 hours later…
I'm taking the fortnight off for summer, so I won't be here
Aren't you guys doing anything?
haha...i wish
what are you going to do?
Morning Reed, had a good day?
it is getting there...yourself?
just started ;)
train was delayed, so not the most über start ;)
I have been at it for awhile :)
yeah...my train was not delayed, instead I just went in the wrong one and rode in the wrong direction... np...
weekend is coming though :)
what are you working on Anders?
@luckyreed76 Just some project management atm.
@OschtärEi Well that's your mistake, my problem was our infrastructures mistake :P
I know its my problem...I'm really making such dumb things all the time at the moment ^^
I am trying to tie the whole thing together...I am setting up a ContentProvider that will be pulling from mySQL and into the local SQLite
what now? In android, you have mysql ?
no from my webservice
and into the local SQLite db
I have it parsing a xml feed that I am displaying from mySQL with a php script
that sounds incredible slow/weird.
Why not just use JSON ? :)
I have never had any luck with JSON, XML has always worked for me
Hehe fair enough, I have done web programming so Im used to JSON and not xml :)
I am new to all programming and xml just worked first for me
I started a little after you started magic
I use my own languages for stuff because I'm crazy enough to enjoy writing parsers.
haha...I don't think I like writing parsers but I do like getting the data
Thankfully, this is really easy to parse → gist.github.com/nilium/a1e0f5b5dc78bdff9edc
Hello everyone!
@luckyreed76 Only been programming 4-6months ? :)
haha yeah...if that is what you want to call it
not bad :)
thank you sir :)...wait till you see my app ha
how long have you been doing this?
Hehe :) wont expect much more than a ticketmachone :P
uhmm Since i'm educated IT engineer, 5years ;)
Not all of it were programming though
nice...I was working at an investment bank a year ago ha
why ha ?
this is just a completely different deal now
it is funny to me
@AndersMetnik it might be a tad better then a ticketmachine
Hehe fair enough :)
So is this a RL job for you?
it is my own business...hence all the hours
good morning
morning warren
anyone here good with python?
I really am struggling with the type free code style...
I am not used to the stuff anymore since I left the php area
type free code style?
you can't easily tell which type a variable has just by looking at the code
like php where you can say $array = []; $array = "array? HA!"
and it will compile!
Ahh like js ?
I only know the German word "untypisiert"
Anders what type of web work did you do before Android
isn't the word just "type-safe" or "not-type-safe"?
could be
@gayathri welcome to the room. Say thank you to @OschtärEi for that. Please read the room rules very carefully. Especially the part about pinging others and the language (we don't like the usage of "u", "r" and similar abbreviations)
thank u..
@KingshukDeb rejected. You are creating consecutive questions (just checked the last two of yours).
Sorry Thank You..
ha! Great, I was about to complain :D
Hi any One know how to send SMS using Contacts in android?..
never really worked with Contacts or SMS :D
gayathri this might be a good start codeoncloud.blogspot.com/2012/06/…
@tamil welcome. Please read the room rules very very carefully. We don't like to ping people in every message and we don't like "u" or "r" or similar "removed all vocals in the word"-abbreviations. If I see you pinging in every message, you will be gone for good.
@WarrenFaith:thanks for accepted
here we go... what did I just said about pinging?
@WarrenFaith:sure i understand
no you don't, last warning!
OschtärEi, see what you did?!
@luckyreed76:hi do you know about soab webservice in android
@Tamil access revoked
yeeeeeah.... this worked out...just...great.... not
that was quick
i lol'd so hard. ^^
Warren there is a really bad pinger around that comes when you are sleeping haha
at least it was funny :>
i got him a link at least to get started
Hi any One know how to send SMS using Contacts in android?....
@tamil if I ever see you requesting access here again you go straight to the ban list! Understood? I gave you a specific detailed instruction NOT TO PING and you did what? Yes, you pinged in every of your three messages. I warned you but you refused to give a damn. So now I will not give a damn either....
@gayathri you seem to have missed that:
6 mins ago, by luckyreed76
gayathri this might be a good start http://codeoncloud.blogspot.com/2012/06/send-sms-from-android-application.html
Thank you...@WarrenFaith
this is great!
But this is Sending SMS to the Particular Number But I wants to send SMS Using Contact .. and that Should send Automaticaly When i Click the App 10 Messages will go...@WarrenFaith
no need to ping me
have you searched on SO?
what have you done so far? where are you really stuck?!
@gayathri did you checked this site, it has mass books about android... it-ebooks.info/google/?q=android and its legal
if you have skill you will be able connect puzzle problems to one piece (start intent contacts, get result, use send sms)
that sounds about right
this question seems to contain a lot of useful information on this topic
@WarrenFaith did you use dropbox api ?
my question: is it good idea to create project text2sms (you put in specific folder text, and dropbox service will check if new file was uploaded, then will read it and send by sms) ? :D
Thank You....@WarrenFaith
gayathri, please do not ping me every time!
it is the wild west out here! :)
is it the ping day today ?
first message without a ping... we are on the right way...
Quoting the room rules:
> When you Ping (preface a username with an "@") people be aware you're sending a sound to their terminal. This can quickly become annoying.
I think what Warren is trying to say is there is no need to ping anyone especially if you are new to the room. We all watch the chat room and so there is no need to ping
indeed, I couldn't agree more!
@WarrenFaith !
haha sorry
OH My GOd .. Sorry to all ..
there are, of course, some special cases where you might need a ping but in 99% it is enough to use the username without @ to adress him
I Came Here to clear My Doubt.. But Here...
basically the best would be to follow the advice from FishOnTheGrass, divide your problem into separate parts and implement them step by step
I Knew You are a Gud Advisor...@WarrenFaith
and the pinging starts again... lose this habit asap in here! :D
@WarrenFaith u mad ? :)
ARGH! slapping @Anders again and again and again!
Anders you have missed it
Missed what? :D
the flood of pings it has been very entertaining
Naah didnt miss it entirely, i read the backlog :P
tamil was the best
yeah he was good
and of course: @OschtärEi is responsible!
haha...I am picturing Warren getting so annoyed after about 7 pings
he made me let more people in...
That is DataBase related Contacs ...
say thank you to OschtärEi! D:
that is what you wanted
@luckyreed76 Not anything before, But I do it atm. at my work, both android and internal webapplications :)
I guess late is better then never :P
Have work :)
@GabrielNetto welcome, again. If you leave again without saying anything -> never grant you access again...
yesterady I've ordered 10 pieces of t-shirts and of course paid but today I got mail to send 0,00 on company bank account to double check that : I ordered I paid and I am 100% sure that I want that thshirts. So I wonder is it possible to send 0,00 (currency) :D
I wasnt at the computer last time.
I tend to leave for lunch without closing anything
so your pc requested automatically?
no but you didnt give access instantly
i assumed it could take a while
Hey and welcome Gabriel, dont mind Warren today, he is mad ;)
Lesser annoyed then :P
insane, raging... yes, but not mad
so the question(advice) that got me here. Anyone ever worked with websockets in android? or should i just use rest services.
i heard REST is best
rest would be better because of possible connection interruptions
rest is good :)
what are you want to do?
(wanted to write "rest is best", but I was like really?) :-P
currently my app sends its location to the server every 15s and receives some data back
every 15th sec?
That's a lot..
battery drain for the win
hence my question about ws
battery shouldnt be a problem as the app if for taxi drivers
than can run with the phone plugged in
well rest would still be better
Yep "Rest is Best" :)
But gabriel, please if you are doing frequent updates, make sure you investigate the nescesity of the frequency :)
There also data prices to consider :)
that is one of the problems.
Nanothttpd might be something to look at gist.github.com/komamitsu/1893396
The client doesnt know if it needs newer data from the server, it will only know if it`s location changed and shoould update
When does client need to fetch new data ?
when an event on the server occurs which basically is impossible to predict, as it may be a few minutes or a couple of seconds
how about push?
@WarrenFaith guess I'm always taking the blame from now on
@WarrenFaith for pinging I mean
so it is pulling the gps data every 15 secs?
you do, you do :D
@WarrenFaith and for bad people of course
@WarrenFaith ok
I stop now ;)
wanna know my current face?
wauw, you gonna get him mad :P
perhaps i should explain what the app does. In essence you ask for a cab using your phone or computer. Then the connected taxi drivers see that there is an open fair and decide if they accept it or not
Watch this:
so why the constant update?
can i trust push to deliver messages? in the documentation it doesn't mention real time applications
@OschtärEi was nice to meet you waves goodbye
I'm still here... I'm stronger than I look...!
for the taxi drivers to be able to see the people that just ordered a cab
Gabriel no, I think pull is the best solution here.
But every minute might be enough :)
the question is the amount of data transfered
are these people walking around?
if we talk about 4kb in 15s that would mean 23mb if it runs for a complete day
the cab drivers yes
700mb if it runs a month
considering it is just a simple json it shouldnt hit 4kb but i never measured it considering overheads
is there navigation>
bbl reboot
why dont you have them ping them once the cab gets a certain distance?
if you get 8h a day you are at a max of 230mb for 8h a day per month
google fence api for taxi cabs, customer call and send coordinates and then cab driver know who was calling
so smart :D
what about autobahn and a wamp server? ever tried those
i was thinking about giving it a try
I looked at autobahn
atleast see how it would compare
I went with GCM
I understand if you want to use a pull Gabriel. Because GCM will have limits, and if you get your application big, it will hit those limitations.
Also GCM isnt reliable.
I really think the every 15 secs is a lot especially if you are requesting the gps data then sending it to WAMP and then to the cabbie
right now i never turn off gps!!! that was not my call though
That is a lot of irrelevant data from call to pickup
But how would you filter it Reed ?
he said there is going to be Navigation so when the cab gets a certain distance he pings the vustomer
the customer has a fixed position. only the driver moves around. I would be ok with not updating the driver position for a few minutes but the driver must know when i new customer has asked for a taxi
How does he know where the customer is ?
he gets the GPS data once the fare is accepted
How does the cap driver know where the customer is ?
the customer presses a I want a cab button..that sends the GPS data to the server
Yes, but if the cab isnt updating frequently then the cab wont know where the customer is, correct?
yes luckyreed is right
Then a update goes out to the cab drivers
then you need to figure out who gets the fare
the customer only sends his location once. the constant update is to make sure the customer doesnt wait long to get a driver to respond
But if you have 1000 cab drivers, and in prime time gets ~1000fares an hour.
then you are happy!
then you can't send out 1000 x 1000 messages. Rather have 60*60/15
Gabriel how are you going to decide who gets the fare?
currently only the closest one see the fare for some amount of time. then if no one accepts it it will show to all drivers
whom ever says yes first I assume ;)
What cab system does today, is that they divide the cab into regions, and a cab can then assign themself to some regions, and if a fare arises there, they are contacted (In denmark atleast)
the driver must accept the fare, i dont assign them to a driver
closest ones.*
and once the cab accepts the fare the his GPS coordinates are sent to the server
and the customer gets an ETA?
my main concern with a wamp approach would be to treat disconnections
the cab drivers can inform how long they should take to get there
why? you have nav
and GPS coordinates
well, time predictions are quite reliable here yet
and it isnt implemented yet
on Mars?
my main concern with a wamp approach would be how to treat disconnections. but i guess i will try it out when i have extra time
right now i'm battling with the new maps api
a lot of cool new stuff but very little you can customize yourself
@AndersMetnik not bad for noob huh? :)
2015: Champions-League final at Berlin, Germany! YEAH!
fucking keyboard!
stackoverflow.com/questions/16713171/… really people like him annoy me... and the other answer too :P
"[...]if possible so please show me that few lines of code require to use in my program to implement ListView, big tutorial will not help me[..]" ... yeah in other words: too lazy to read/learn it
windows defender is now a virus? lol
The last chat history... if this dude ever shows up here -> I will write a script to ping him every 3 seconds just to punish him
@luckyreed76 huh ?
nothing ha
hehe okay ;) well gj then :P
nothing is hard to accomplish ;)
from my calculations i'm using 400k every hour if it runs 8 hours a day it will be a little under 100mb i can live with that
100mb a day? that's quite a lot
I'd downscale it to about 50% if I were you :)
I think he talks about "per month"
roughly 1,6kb per request
Ahh then it's very much within limitations imo
I have a noob question...if I am downloading images from my server and I assign them an Id (some int) and I pull that data as well when I load the images can I use that Id to figure out there position? sorry its late if that doesnt make sense
Gabriel: you should check if your request needs SSL or not, because the SSL handshake is heavy for performance(time/power) and bandwidth
indeed, I don't get what you really mean :D
Reed their position in what ?
In a gridView
I had them as drawables before but it was getting to be too much
So now I want to use a ContentProvider to download all the links and then load them when necessary
I have realized as being a noob the hardest part is asking the right questions (esp. for google ha)
so I guess my company internal project is finally done...
what were yall doing?
I created a code generator for json
Say what now ?
a code parser ?
@tamil seriously, either you have balls (which I doubt) or you are just plain stupid. Requesting access again after the stuff you did here?! Live happy on the ban list...
at least we have great firewall
op firewall..
in the case of tamil, I am the rock in the waves...
isn't that the guy who got hassled in the french mcdonalds?
That means they have gotten 1 big sponsor ;)
Hello again!
Hey Appu
How is it going? Anders
i believe it is FoamyGuy
Fine thanks, and you?
@FoamyGuy who is ? :)
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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