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Really, Blackjack and craps are decent investments in terms of entertainment value.
You just have to expect to pay for the entertainment ;)
You can make 10x max-bet in blackjack last hours.
Can I somehow store a class somewhere inside a CheckBox that I can retreive later to get the type of the CheckBox?
@JohanLarsson ~30ms for problem 10 btw, multithreaded ^^
@CCInc What are you trying to do?
@Billdr I want to run a function based on which checkbox(es) are checked, and to do that I need to find out what type the Checkbox is of.
in wpf? There's some sort of data-binding, isn't there?
no in winforms
In winforms the checkboxes are grouped in an array right?
Can you match the array of boxes to the array of functions?
I suppose you can get them in an array
I could try
@CCInc Why don't you derive from checkbox and add a property containing your related function?
Then put them in an array or whatever.
@Eve I just thought of that and did it. Like this?
public class ObjectCheckBox : CheckBox
    public object Binding;
Now, how do I convert that to a generic?
Well, I don't know what you meant by function nor I know why you want to make that generic.
But to make it generic it's enough to go:
    class ObjectCheckBox<T> : CheckBox {}
Because I don't want to box and unbox constantly from object
What is your binding anyway? Is it necessary?
It is a class of browsers
Oh, so you basically want the user to pick which browsers to operate on, where each checkbox represents one of them?
Do those browsers have a common ancestor?
Yes, they subclass Browser which sub-interfaces IBrowser
Then you could turn your class declaration to: class ObjectCheckBox<T> : CheckBox where T : IBrowser { }
Now that you remind me, this will work:
public class ObjectCheckBox : CheckBox
    public Browser Binding;
Because they all subclass browser
Yeah, I guess there are multiple ways.
But thanks
Also, anyone knows how to make Chrome's history a bit smarter? It seems like it's clumsy on purpose just to give Firefox some fair advantage.
What do you mean, smarter?
First of all, the history search seems to filter out results almost randomly or even forget some of them after a while (without no way to prevent that), and what ticks me off the most is the omnibar's suggestions based on your history, they almost always pick the wrong result.
Take Firefox, for example, if you visit foo.bar/hello-world-2013, then type in the address bar "world" it will list that in your result...
If I go to hello-world.com, it is the 5th suggestion for "world" in chrome
I don't know how its engine works, I just noticed that the suggestions often just completely violate common sense.
Yes, I agree with that.
Okay, Math.Round(myNumber,decimalPlaces); is great... but what if I want to round down? Math.Floor doesn't seem to have the decimalPlaces argument.
@Billdr I think you what something like this
double first = 4.549999;
double second = 4.541111;
Console.WriteLine(Math.Floor(first*10) / 10);            //will give 4.54
Console.WriteLine(Math.Ceiling(second*10) / 10);     //will give 4.55
That will give you one decimal place.
For example, Math.Floor(first*N)/N;
Where N = 10^(digits you want to round)
So for 2 digits N = 100
So I want two decimal places. The code looks like this:
decimal number = .03;
decimal newNumber = number*2.5m;
decimal roundedNumber = Math.Round(newNumber-.005m, 2);
Would that work okay?
That would round to 0, if thats what you wanted, because it would be .00?
Wait, what?
Wouldn't it round to .07?
Oh, oops I mismultiplied
Yes, I did .03 * .25
tricky decimal points.
@JohanLarsson That was the shortest night I've ever seen.
yeah, can't sleep, starstruck?
Oh hey @JohanLarsson 's back!
Probably. Me and Skeet in the same day, it's a regular red carpet of C#.
(Blasphemy is fun)
@CCInc hopefully temporarily, have to wake up in two hours no matter what
@Billdr you are posting better lately, I can star you 10 times a day without effort
@JohanLarsson I'm not in school, working on a personal project, and my day job at once. Less stress=better billdr
@BeatMe that requires a tuned prime algo for sure, maybe I can beat you with hardware?
I'm a Microsoft LVP.
i5 2500k, I don't know ;)
My @Billdr inspired gambling of moneys is complete, with positive results.
Woot, payouts are working as expected. Now to implement doubling.
@mootinator Grats!
Would someone mind "starring" this comment? :)
Was it as good for you as it was for me?
It's kinda lame, I know - I'm seeking a "hat"...
I doubled my 10x max bet buyin. That's as exciting as I get.
Holy hell. Nice work.
@Billdr Of course.
Where was that?
and do they take bitcoins? :p
It was on Bodog, and I don't think so. ;)
@JohanLarsson I redesigned my redesigned interface, would you take a look?
I wasn't even aware anyone was taking Canadian accounts these days, but apparently they are.
@mootinator I was looking into that the other day. Online gambling is quasi-legal there
@CCInc sure
The first one is simple, second is advanced
@BeatMe I fear those 30 ms after looking at the question
@CCInc why is the first so big?
@JohanLarsson It will be trimmed to actual height in a minute, once I add that
@CCInc what are the buttons in the datagrid?
Ignore those for now, they were extras
looks nice other than that I think
really nice
The only thing I am concerned about is the simple interface
I don't know if I should make those buttons that big
and if the logo should go on left or right
@CCInc you have to play around a little with that I guess
I need some help
I need a way to change the height based on the old height when the tabcontrol index has changed
breaking for batmans.
I can help you rewrite it in wpf, I will not write winforms nor will I sell you heroin
@JohanLarsson Ok, another day though. When do you have lots of time when we can rewrite it?
tomorrow, and a couple of days forward
Ok, I will see you tomorrow then!
@JohanLarsson Ok, this size better?
[x] better
Hey, just joined to say Happy News Year to everyone. :)
short question:
class Result with the fields win, loss, tie
Result[] with multiple results
how can I sum them into a single Result-Object
some linq magic perhaps?
Sounds like you want to Aggregate()
see the last example - and sum up results in your custom function
ok, thanks
Happy newyears @AndréSilva.
time to go to bed
6am ^^
Feliz anuno novo, which is totally spelled wrong.
hey anyone good with linq to sql?
I linq to ef a bit.
I am having problems with this , i'll paste linq
arrgghhhhh, never mind , I'm too deep in this to even turn it into a quetsion
heh, understood
was jon skeet actually in here ?
you still here @Billdr
I am getting closer to the problem
Jon was here, I bumped him off the sidebar I guess.
so I have a linq query
(theres gonna be vb code in here - dont cringe)
When I add this to the end I get 0 results , when I take it out I get 1 result , I want 1 result
.OrderBy(Function(r) r.StartDate).Skip(CInt(page) * 10).Take(10)
Happy New Year's Eve!
I think the c# equivelent is .OrderBy(r => r.StartDate).Skip(CInt(page) * 10).Take(10)
Happy new year Austin
ok , I know page = 0
I was just going to ask what page was set to :p
soooo .... Is there something in Linq that writing Take(10) will return 0 if only 1 exists ?
well, you're telling it to skip to the 11th result
no I'm not
oh, page is 0?
0 *10 = 0
I thought Take was greedy...
if you remove take is works?
haha - page was actually 1
damn im stupid
Glad you found it.
I need a stuffed duck to talk to
lol - were you here for that convo ?
ninja ducks were too scary.
yea.... that would be pretty scary
I forgot to try to hire Skeet
you'd have to beat google's offer. Also, GOTO BED
Yeah been sleeping, had to drive gf to work, promises are to be kept
Suffice to say I'd rather stayed in bed when she woke me up
wow... I need to code faster.
confusing^ (given history)
I thought you said you had to wake up in 2 hours like 15 minutes ago.
ok, in the zone then nice
gnight/good morning again
1 hour later…
I believe the game logic is done!
I need to do some UI stuff, but it's now a 100% playable blackjack.
1 hour later…
Hi anyone there?
Morning noobs
It's work day -_-'
It's too quiet
BON GIORNO @RudiVisser!!
HEYYYYY @ActionHank!
How you doin?
Hello @Sathya!
But I'm only working for another 3 hours, yay :)
@RudiVisser another hour of working here, perks of being ahead on GMT :P
so what's the plan
pass time? get drunk? fireworks? house party? or just sit 'n' relax?
not necessarily in that order though
Go home, work, wait for the gf to finish work, bring her home, do some more work until 9pm, suit up, go to Hilton, talk to rich guys, have meal, drink, watch fireworks, go home, work, sleep
^ In that order
Debatable, have far too much work to do
How about you?
having a mini house party with some folks over.
Sounds good
Ah the Gran Turismo 5 soundtrack is awesome
1.8GB of Jazzy goodness
Well no, only 0.9GB, the rest is Dance/Electronica/Rock
nice eh
I remember playing GT4 rigorously, after a while the songs get stuck in your head like mad
Well my brain is normally too focussed on processing the 3D so I don't normally hear it
kids at school asking what the hell that song is I am humming :P
So it's good to have it all day
Tja @Johan!
@ActionHank haha :D
Hey @JohanLarsson
@RudiVisser 'tja'? is that 'hi' in swedish?
You have heard/seen that Skeet dropped in last night?
No hej is I believe tja is more of an informal 'Yo!' type thing :p
@RudiVisser correct!
who is this skeet person
@ActionHank who is this Jesus guy?
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
518k 157 2609 4012
Superstar imo^
Many consider Skeet > Chuck norrist
@JohanLarsson Jesus is the son of my gardener, how do YOU know him?
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

@JohanLarsson figures, Chuck Norris is overrated
@ActionHank Are we grumpy? :)
@JohanLarsson Yes! This year can't be over too quickly!
Need fresh start NAU
So do I but unfortunately NY changes nothing
been runnin' bad?
@RudiVisser you're probably right, it's just a new day after all
@JohanLarsson I haven't exactly been runnin' at all
I don't want to change anything atm, honestly
A little more $ at work of course but I don't spend much so not a huge issue
The only thing I want to change is my desire to work aka focus
@RudiVisser THAT
Would also be nice to learn how to write CODE of course
I want focus
How do you mean?
Well, we're sat on here whilst at work
So go figure
ok, so you have about had it with programming?
No I just can't get into it for any noble purpose
When it comes to screwing around on projects that are entirely unrelated to work, I can code like a whore
But when it comes to working on actual work, I can't be arsed
To me it is all new, only been programming seriously for a year so I really like it
Ha, I am not the only one then! Wow
Hell I even just pretty much bankrupted myself buying a code signing certificate for Authenticode
IMO MS Partners should get them for free or something :p
To me it's the opposite, work stuff is the most fun, I tend to abandon pet projects. The work dittos always move forward and hence I find them more fun
I expect that ^ to change but am glad while it lasts
I don't know what it is
It's not like I don't want to finish the work
and the very infrequent time that I actually do get into working on it, I also work like a whore then too and get lots done
It's just, for some extremely unknown reason, very very difficult to get into it in the first place
Sounds like you need a new job to me?
Nope, this applies to my own businesses in addition to my other job and client work
That's why I primarily get others to do my work
ok, maybe you need, dare I say it, some time away from programming? A long trip or something?
Would you say you are bi-polar? I sure have up's and downs, I guess everybody is making the question moot in a way
Nope I'm never down
Only in terms of work
Perhaps I have a "Working Bipolar Disorder" :D
Healthy life? Gets to see the sun, aerobic exercise, food made from proper veggies & meat?
What helps for me is that I have a target
not 'work for work's sake'
or 'more money' as a target :P
I like my money
I didn't say you shouldn't like your money
My target is £100k in my primary business' back account by Aug '13
The problem is, I have too many clients distracting me from there
Okay, and then what?
Do it full time
The business plan actually denotes £1m by Aug '14
So, fire the clients then?
Which is very easily acheivable if I meet the £100k
I can't because I need the clients for my own personal monies
All of them?
But yes, that would be the ideal solution
The big ones yes
The big ones are the hassle
Are you selling stuff or consulting?
But also bring ~£10k every 3 months
@JohanLarsson The business is selling stuff, personally it is consulting/development services
secret stuff?
'appy new year in advance folks. have a good one.
same to you
Nope it's an Enterprise CRM system
You too @Sathya!
ok, now I understand why you are depressed :)
Haha nooooo the CRM would be great if I could actually work on it
ATM the extent of my work on it is management of translators, prepping partners for resale and the design of a highly customisable database system
Two is the magic number imo, everything gets more fun if done together with some one who is:
1) Good at what he does
2) Likes what he does
I currently have that at work
Want gf to fill that space for pet projects but that looks impossible because of 1 & 2
I have many developers who are good at/like what they do who are working on the CRM also; but they're relying on me for technical lead and it's difficult to find the time at the moment
and don't get me wrong, I'm NOT a social person
Most Swedes aren't :p
got to walk this guy, brb
Have fun!
Wow, somebody's been attempted to perform distributed logins on my main FTP server since 5am
6500~ attempts over 350~ IP addresses, they keep getting autobanned for an hour but then immediately come back lol
(000223)12/31/2012 6:35:21 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-Ljund Shared Storage Server 1 (Nexus)
(000223)12/31/2012 6:35:21 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-All activity is logged and any unauthorised access will be investigated.
(000223)12/31/2012 6:35:21 AM - (not logged in) (> 220 -- ljund.eu | support: [email protected] --
(000223)12/31/2012 6:35:22 AM - (not logged in) (> USER admin
(000223)12/31/2012 6:35:22 AM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for admin
I'd expect them to try harder
ok you who speak the language, is digit the equivalent of char as it is written here i.e {1, 2, 3, ... , 8, 9}
I have no idea what that means
on a side note, what % of my English is pure wtf?
doubt that^
I haven't come across any yet
you have me on ignore? Why? :)
lol noooo
I'm doing work! I'd be so proud of myself :)
and we all are, proud that is!
why are we proud?
cos I'm doing work!
It's a rare occasion of high throughput, generally administered with alcohol and/or coffee, but today it's neither!
ill leave you to it then :)
I don't have anything to sign yet, but I still want it :(
what are you going to sign?
why, are you going to GAC it?
whats sharptest :/
oh did you get your repo's sorted @Johan
@JohanLarsson Not GACing it, but whenever somebody downloads it, Win8 SmartScreen goes HOLY JESUS I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS SO YOU'LL HAVE TO MANUALLY TELL ME YOU WANT TO RUN IT, and Win7 similarly goes "Unknown Publisher"
@StuartBlackler rudiv.se/sharptest.exe
thanks for the link
It's basically a quick write/run thing
So you can test little snips of code if you want to and see the result compiled as you write
not a bad idea :)
does it work without VS installed?
It's entirely standalone
There's also "SharpCloud" which lets you share the snippets via a GUID (will add an alias feature so you can have stusawesomecode when I get around to it)
welcome back @BeatMe
hi ;)
Hola @BeatMe
GT5 music pwns
im listening to some end of year count down on AH.fm
this mix isnt great ill admit
I think you should switch to the Jazz genre of the GT5 soundtrack
why would i want to do that
Because it's awesome
fair enough
i get the joys of revising firewalls and NAT today
lucky me eh
Sounds like fun :D
just made a lobster oncource for my mom an dad for newyears :)
That sounds good
ive never had lobster. Is it nice?
overrated imo^
Tastes like chicken
We eat it now and then with gf but most of the time we conclude we should have picked meat instead
Why am I being like this now? Nice thing to do for sure @MattiasJosefsson!
if it tastes like chicken, its got to be good
Doesn't taste like KFC
i hate KFC
hi all developers...:)
i just got today 20 rept and was allowed to chat...:D
so i thought to try what's in chat going...:P
@EhsanSajjad That is a smart thing to do imo, just become a reg lurker right from the start
& hej

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