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Good morning fellas
Gooood Mooorning
Gooood Mooorning
Good Morning
@hotveryspicy value in GetSetValueIndex should be in double, its give in int.
in Android People, 8 mins ago, by CapDroid
Hello anyone know good pdf for learn OpenGL ???
@RobinHood you getting correct answer? if yes then nothing to do with GetSetValueIndex
How I will, if division will be like 66.66 then it will take only 66 skip after point value
its happened same.
hmm ok, will do that
Hello everyone
@CapDroid i doubt you can find it in 1 single pd
just read the source docs or API docs or tutorials on web
@Abhishek I know there are many PDF or tutorials, but I dont know which one best, I dont have time for refer all tutorials & pdf..
far as a cheatsheat u can use this khronos.org/files/opengl-quick-reference-card.pdf
@CapDroid cant help there i use webgl which makes things easier [ web devel]
@Abhishek let me check
but is it for android ?
hmm :(
okey thanks for that
Good Morning everyone
1 hour later…
HttpTransportSE where can i get this class ??
2 hours later…
does any one has experience about agumented reality in android
@CapDroid status?
@hotveryspicy GET LOST
wow Thanks
i am stuck somewhere in conflication of js files in my wordpress website
2 hours later…
Hi @victor @VakulSaini
@Rajesh_Bangalore - Hello
hi @Rajesh_Bangalore
What kind of event is about to happen ?
so tel me whats happening
i dont know either
@victor - Ela unav?
@VakulSaini how are u?>
baguna @Rajesh_Bangalore nuvu ela vunav
baga unnau.... bojanam chesara?
@Rajesh_Bangalore - Maze ma
means Cool
@VakulSaini hmmmm :P
in what lang?
In Hindi
Oh.... okie
It means No Worries
in swahili
@victor unava?>
@Rajesh_Bangalore yeah bit busy
what event is going to be done here
I dont know @victor.....
Event started ??
15 min let
@hardikjoshi are bhai esa kah rahahu ke 5 baje sheduale ki gai thi
abi tak start kyu nahi hui
5.15 hogai :P
OK Event starts now
what kind of event it is?
1. General Introduction
2. Technology and experience
3. And new things learned this week(not compulsory)
4. Any interesting questions asked or answers given last week on StackOverflow
@AamirKhan got? @hardikjoshi continue now
Working as android developer
Experience :- 1 yr
3. Image Processing like photo effects
4. Nop
ohh really?
which kinda effects?
play.google.com/store/apps/…. @hotveryspicy @CapDroid
@hardikjoshi which kind of effects?
@hardikjoshi can you share it in detail? @AamirKhan be ready next your turn
@hotveryspicy Y not
@hardikjoshi good
hmm I thought you targeting Image deformation @hardikjoshi, but appreciable
@hotveryspicy good
@hotveryspicy sorry busy with coding can't participate now :(
Yes Bro
Its compulsory for YOU @AamirKhan start now
@hotveryspicy :)
@AamirKhan start Now
Aamirkhan waiting for TAALASH
@hotveryspicy I share with you after event
i just can introduce my self
ha ha ha
i can't participate in conversation
Still learning ABC & 123???
working experience of android & phonegap application development 1year
@AamirKhan thats good
@AamirKhan goood
@CapDroid :)
favorite word @hotveryspicy
@mayank welcome
@mayank hello, you are in news this days
now start
@mayank how going currency ??
not good @CapDroid
@CapDroid you close my question
@hotveryspicy hey mind ur language
@mayank ohh not only me..
@AamirKhan ingore @hotveryspicy
@CapDroid you and 4 other
@CapDroid how to reopen?
Hey hey stop this now, here event is going on
@CapDroid you start
@AamirKhan taken back
@hotveryspicy what an idea sirjiiii
Android with 1.8 year exp.
and senior of @hotveryspicy
ha ha ha
let him complete Man
@hotveryspicy now its your turn
learning OpenGL, svg file, diff UI ...
@hardikjoshi start
@hotveryspicy now your turn
Okay, I'm starting
an Android Developer with 1.7 year experience
Image Processing, still studying application to support multiple device and screen
Not asked any question this week
@CapDroid - I have doubt :P
@VakulSaini come after half n hour
Who is senior :P
@CapDroid - Oh no I'm not asking any question :-O
I'm just talking about your and @hotveryspicy repo
@VakulSaini he is senior
@VakulSaini he always using SO & giving answer..
he is super senior @CapDroid
@VakulSaini compare answer given by both
@CapDroid - You all are genius !!
@hotveryspicy great
Salute you all
keep it up
+1 @VakulSaini
@VakulSaini salute later, now your turn start
@victor hii now you start
@victor -1, and be ready next is you
let all complete @hardikjoshi @hotveryspicy
@hotveryspicy -
@victor i already complete
@VakulSaini start
evryone !!
Thats all about me :(
you not android dev??
I'm IOS dev
I knew that
@CapDroid let him say na
how >?
Great nice to meet you @VakulSaini
Same here
will back soon
Okay bye
use Synthesize for getter/setter
@VakulSaini continue
Before IOS and android dev we're Programmers & Developers
And I respect them :)
dint get you?
@Hello friends, How can i add the runOnUiThread(Runnable); into fragment class?
@hotveryspicy - You cant get me ..... You just continue with your own
getActivity(). runOnUiThread(Runnable) @RahulPatel
will discuss later on this
@VakulSaini continue
@hotveryspicy continue
@VakulSaini over from your side?
@hotveryspicy - Yeah
@hotveryspicy thanks.
@victor you start now
my self sandeep
can be called as victor
now back
hey wait wait, one by one
just a sec break
@Virus let Victor continue
@victor exp & tech
21 mins ago, by hotveryspicy
1. General Introduction
2. Technology and experience
3. And new things learned this week(not compulsory)
4. Any interesting questions asked or answers given last week on StackOverflow
sorry i am out of desk just a minute
@CapDroid - Now tell how did you know that I'm IOS dev ?
okay !! I am having experiance in developing html5 games for 6 months
8 mins ago, by Vakul Saini
@hotveryspicy, @CapDroid - Guys can you mention your real name ?
came to android one month ago
so i am learner before you and from you all
@victor you can see iPhone, ios, xcode, ipad, ios5 tag???
@CapDroid - :)
Okay what is your real name ?
@hotveryspicy, @CapDroid
i ll speak next to victor
where @CapDroid
@VakulSaini no need for you :(
@victor good, any new interesting question this week?
@CapDroid - why ?
@Rajesh_Bangalore is my friend
I'm not stranger :)
@VakulSaini any other day bro.
yeah !! @hotveryspicy that from my original account for all my technologies stackoverflow.com/users/1497804/venkat
@CapDroid - Oh you're shying ?
NP :)
@hotveryspicy wt is your real name ???
@VakulSaini name me kya rakha he
@CapDroid - Pahchaan :)
@VakulSaini admi ki pahchaan name se nahi work se hoti he
@Rajesh_Bangalore wait
Oh okay
@hotveryspicy sure
@CapDroid @VakulSaini wait Man let him complete
all down, now start @Rajesh_Bangalore
@hotveryspicy - lol
1 min ago, by Rajesh_Bangalore
exp & tech ?
My Real Name is Aravind Sai
iOS Developer
For 6 months
what you learned last week ?
Im a beginner
me too a beginner :)
me too beginner for new things
ha ha ha dont do masti
same here
hey really 'm mean it
ya @Rajesh_Bangalore continue
what the hell is going here?
I was in 10 days leave for my Post Graduate degree exam
so wasnt in SO
No Answers recently
how was exam ?
A good developer is always a beginner for new things.
i Learned uiSearchBar
again +1 @VakulSaini
Before that
@VakulSaini ++
+1 @VakulSaini
So many +1s :)
event is over?
Thanks guys
@RobinHood No man
shall you start ??
give star to my line :)
@RobinHood without your turn ???
no, @Virus you can start now
ITs nice to Meet u all @RobinHood @hardikjoshi @CapDroid @hotveryspicy
@RobinHood you will be the finisher
And i used to learn from others queries...
@Rajesh_Bangalore same here dude
@Rajesh_Bangalore same feeling here
even though i dont know anything abt that, i try to learn and help them atleast i try
On the earth below the sky.
On the earth below the sky +1
Are you Trishanku ?
@all plz quite its @RobinHood turn
exp: 1.6year
paying with database & webview
given 2 or 3 answers on SO.
@RobinHood good
@RobinHood - where're you from ?
On the earth below the sky.
thanks for participating event is over here
Any Tamil Dev?
@mayank continue
Plz dont differentiate developers by place ... We all are just devs. @Rajesh_Bangalore
@VakulSaini Ok... :}just asked in curiosity. sry
work on application like facebook social network
Well I want to say one thing
@mayank you are late, we already end up the event
you are welcome next time
ohoooo shit
Really nice event +∞ for it.
@RobinHood ok
13 secs ago, by Vakul Saini
Really nice event +100 for it.
Do this Arithmetic later on
@RobinHood its great one !!! Nice to meet you all
@hotveryspicy r u working on Image Processing ??
which one ???
1 min ago, by Vakul Saini
Really nice event +∞ for it.
@Rajesh_Bangalore this?
looking for every weekend like this useful event!! @RobinHood
Q: how to fake currency detection in android?

mayankI'm developing an application to detect fake currency notes. When the user opens the application, the camera turns on and takes a pic of the currency note. It'll then check if the currency note is fake or not. Is this possible?

all pleasw view
@hardikjoshi hmm warp, liquify
@RobinHood see my quetion
Please take meta commentary to ... Meta. It has gotten unwieldy here. — George Stocker 20 hours ago
@mayank already voted to reopen
@RobinHood ya
@hotveryspicy for another
@mayank i also give point for reopen
vote this question to reopen
why are you asking to reopen that. There's nothing programming about that.
don't blind reopen. sheesh
@mayank no you cant force anyone, if someone find it interesting then he/she will
@Sathya this for knowledge purpose ok
adding an "in Android" doesn't make a question an Android one
by that logic, I'll ask a question "Can I cook food in my mobile using Android". Doens't make it a programming question
I think this site for solved others issue & bug
not for whole source code..
@hotveryspicy give any example
for your image processing task
cant get it
@harshid welcome man
@hardikjoshi hmm this one
event is over
@hotveryspicy nice best of luck
@hotveryspicy wow really??
its so so preety
@hardikjoshi I'm trying that
@hotveryspicy any sucess?
All the best dude
yes same question
not yet
ohh :(
All The Best
@hardikjoshi - Same to you !!
Bye All

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