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7:41 AM
in todays news of things nobody cares about, my tag score has not been updating for a while now.
1 hour later…
8:54 AM
hello @starball
@thedemons yo!
I was looking at a codeium question earlier today about a connection/auth error, tried going to the codeium issue tracker (which I found out was a discord channel) to find related content and then randomly saw your username there
small world
how are you?
happy holidays if you celebrate :)
doing good, can we talk on discord?
12 hours later…
8:53 PM
Q: Tag count not incrementing

Allan CameronUsually the tag scores update daily at 03:00 UTC. However, I have noticed that for about two weeks now my tag scores have stopped incrementing altogether. For the first few days I assumed that the problem would sort itself out, but it seems to have persisted. The tags on my home page have looked ...

9:23 PM
@HenryEcker thank ya

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