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Q: Discord bot won't come online

TixyI'm having an issue where the bot won't come online. I've tried declaring the "client" once but that didn't help. It would be much appreciated if someone helped, Thanks. Here is the code line. const client = Client({ intents: GatewayIntentBits.Guilds }); Here is the error of the code line. TypeE...

surprisingly few new meta posts?
2 hours later…
Q: How to add DirName and serial to X509v3 Authority Key Identifier

Hyeonsoo David LeeI'm trying to generate a client certificate using OpenSSL and Go code. I have an OpenSSL script that generates the certificate with the required extensions, and I want to achieve the same result using Go code. With OpenSSL options.ext The options.ext file used by OpenSSL contains the following ex...

Q: Bulk URL updates of Java bugs

M. JustinDo we ever bulk update URLs? The Java bug URL format appears to have changed from http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6754672 to https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug?bug_id=6754672. - http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6754672 + https://bugs.java.com/bugdatab...

Q: How to avoid grammar auto-correction while transcribing the audio-file using whisper?

ManviI am transcribing the audio file using whisper module with 'small' model.It transcribe the audio well but it auto-corrects the grammar mistakes in the audio file: Here is the code I am using: from whisper import load_model fname = 'audioFile' model = load_model('small') result = model.transcript...

surprisingly few on-topic new meta posts?
@AndrewT. you jinxed it
2 hours later…
Q: Receiving promotional emails again

AdriaanSince 12th May 2023, so four days, I suddenly got promotional e-mails (offering me 30 dollars for something and a few days later asking me to complete the developer survey). I went to my profile and under Settings -> Edit Email settings the "promotional" email was checked. Now, I cannot be sure, ...

5 hours later…
Q: Question Restrictions

BitWiseByteDumbI wanted to ask for a little help from the moderators. I've had a few questions which were closed because of lack of detailed information. I must agree that they were rather vague but I believe there is value in bouncing some of the questions with little detail to see if this is a common issue th...

Not written in English is a seperate close reason and thus should be closed with that reason, not with "Needs details or clarity". — The_spider 2 hours ago
Q: Requesting clarification - how did this tag wiki edit fall short according to the criteria in the "Reject" reason?

AJMI recently submitted an edit to the tag-wiki excerpt for gcc-pedantic. The original (and, since my edit was rejected, current) excerpt was: The pedantic option to gcc to forces ANSI-compatibility of code. As well as being grammatically incorrect, this was not completely accurate. The -pedantic ...

Q: Proposal to rename the [catalyst] tag to [perl-catalyst]

HangarRashCurrently there are the following "catalyst" related tags: catalyst mac-catalyst business-catalyst catalyst-optimizer flashcatalyst enigma-catalyst aws-codecatalyst Since the catalyst tag is supposed to be specific to a Perl Catalyst framework, it would avoid misuse if the tag was renamed to perl...

Q: Feature request: Rewrite Java Bug Database links

M. JustinThe URL scheme for Java Bug Database links appears to have changed from http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6754672 to https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug?bug_id=6754672. - http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6754672 + https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bu...

@NewPosts this seems quite popular
i wonder who the newly selected users were
@ZoestandswithUkraine Do extreme people live there?
@Andreasdetestscensorship You can show yourself out now
Fine. I'll show myself to the downvote button next to bad posts.
There is lots of those.
mhmhmhm... You're making me hungry again. I'll go buy you some licorice. :) Happy Birthday! Licorice gifts for everybody!
yesterday, by Zoe stands with Ukraine
@Andreasdetestscensorship On behalf of every past, present, and future living and dead creatures, ew
@KevinB You know, the likelihood of there actually being downvote worthy content there, is quite big.
The likelihood of any randomly picked question on main being downvote-worthy is high
So you're saying we need a downvoter bot.
@Andreasdetestscensorship optimally, but we're out of AI money, so congratulations, you're hired? :p
You've earned yourself the prestigious title of unpaid downvote intern #7395227
Ehem, I still expect payment in some currency.
Negative unicorn points
You'll get paid in unicorn points and bragging rights
mostly bragging rights
like, 107%
+ exposure
Great. Where do I spend them?
@ZoestandswithUkraine Also, why limit it to questions?
@Andreasdetestscensorship At lttstore.com
@Andreasdetestscensorship Because we were talking about questions
@ZoestandswithUkraine Great. What do I get for them?
@ZoestandswithUkraine Nope.
@Andreasdetestscensorship The website will explain everything you need to know
@ZoestandswithUkraine I have been there before, but I think they only accept dollars.
Guess I'll just give it to another intern then
Q: Deep Learning Questions Almost Never have Minimal Reproducible Examples

Brock BrownI've noticed a recurring issue that I believe we can improve upon. Admittedly, I'm not entirely sure what the solutions should be, but I think that these problems should be outlined. Within SO's ML communities, particularly in tags like pytorch, tensorflow and machine-learning, there seems to be ...

@ZoestandswithUkraine Probably for the best.
@Andreasdetestscensorship Guess you'll just remain unpaid
@ZoestandswithUkraine The payment was really shit, though. I don't want to be used.
Perhaps I should ask the CEO of SE to share some of his paycheck with us.
@VLAZ fixed, thanks
@Andreasdetestscensorship you're getting a paycut for saying something so blasphemous
In unrelated news, the CEO has been given yet another payrise for being on top
Q: Why was this user's post closed?

Blue Robin The fundamental goal of closing duplicate questions is to help people find the right answer by getting all of those answers in one place. Also Duplicate questions are defined as questions that have already been answered on this site. All closures should follow an apples-to-apples comparison. I...

@ZoestandswithUkraine He must be doing much hard curation on SO. I wonder if he ever gets called out for it, and that's why he needs a raise? Being on the frontline is hard, huh.
@Andreasdetestscensorship nah, he cut a large unnecessary expense and gave the savings to himself
Well, of course. It was a hard decision. It takes some real lack of empathy to do so, a rare trait which must be rewarded.
hmm. so, effectively, once the status review tag is added to a question on mso, we can get into an edit war over the title resulting in dozens of issues being opened
I mean... you could...
Sounds like a good way to annoy the people you want to implement your request, as well as make it harder for them to make progress on it
@ZoestandswithUkraine I just had a thought. I don't know how strongly I feel about it or how much sense it makes since it literally just occurred to me, but... perhaps it should be a rule that companies should require their CEO to make no more than the people in the job roles that the company specializes in. For example if a company makes widgets, the widget makers should have the highest salaries. For SO, which manages communities, the community managers should get the highest salaries.
I wonder if @Catija would complain about that pay structure :-P
@TylerH To an extent, my biggest beef is with the CEO's (general, not Stack specifically; mainly Google, Facebook, Apple, Microshit, etc.) ability to just take however much money they want out of the profits, even if it's at the expense of employees. I would definitely believe there are CEOs that would happily fire 10% just to get a bigger bonus or whatever
That said, the immediate fix for the US in particular is to, y'know, tax the rich
Tax the rich, build in a UBI or something similar. :D
But if a politician says that, their political career is often over
(and guaranteed over for republicans)
@Catija UBI?
Universal basic income? Is that what they're calling it?
oh. I actually don't agree with that, though that's on account of it being much better to ensure that companies actually pay people decent wages
But that's also down the chain of protecting workers' rights, which, like taxes, the US has spent 200 years breaking down rather than improving
Wages should be better but it doesn't help people who don't have jobs for some reason.
And that's why you have a welfare system
@ZoestandswithUkraine I agree, CEOs definitely make way too much money in big firms, thanks to Reagan's top-tier tax rate cuts when he was in office
Use tax money for the unemployed, make companies (and people) pay fair taxes to fund it, and make companies pay people well so you don't have to spend tax money to keep the average worker alive (with the edge-cases of: people working in subsidised sectors (farming in particular), people working in or for the government (on a high level, like politicians, or lower levels including administration, education, etc.), and more, because they are directly paid by the government)
't'would be nice if the SEC implemented a rule that said executive compensation ratio could not be greater than 50:1 or something.
Even 50:1 seems high. :/
well I agree completely, but compared to the ratios of 300:1 or greater today...
@TylerH yeah, I wanted to comment on that, but couldn't figure out the general idea. A ratio definitely makes sense, though what ratio is... difficult to decide at best
10:1 I think would be a good cap in an ideal world. There are some cases where a leader is worth 10 workers, but it is rare.
@ZoestandswithUkraine Before 1980 the average was, I think 20:1
@ZoestandswithUkraine I don't disagree, specifically... I just feel like when we have a system where only some people "qualify" for welfare, we end up spending a ton of time arguing over who "deserves" the welfare. If we just give everyone the money, there's no arguments about who "should" get it. :P
tax rates on the highest earners in our tax code were quite high, so people who earned way more money like that basically paid a ton of it to the gov't, so there wasn't much incentive to pay executives that much more money
then Reagan slashed top tax rates for higher earners and all of a sudden there was a reason to get more money: you could keep it
the income disparity has been awful ever since
@Catija Yeah, but that's because the entire US welfare system, like so many other US systems, have had 200 years to be obliterated into insignificance. It can work, and does work (see Europe), but making it work in the US involves reforming the entire US government first, and I have exactly 0 hope that'll happen peacefully
@TylerH Ehm, no. That's not an explanation. That's a very American-centric way for you to think. High CEO wages are not just limited to USA.
@Andreasdetestscensorship sure, but they are highest in the USA.
@Andreasdetestscensorship well I live in America and the conversation was more or less about American companies
it also is absolutely why CEO salaries have skyrocketed since then in America
@TylerH Not really. Zoe, just like everyone else, just enjoys picking at the US for the stupidity of the US. :D
I'm sure other countries have their own problems, perhaps even some very similar ones to the US, but I don't live in those countries so I can't, for the most part, speak as to what may have caused those problems.
@Andreasdetestscensorship Tbf, we do have our problems too (particularly with rich company owners moving to Switzerland to avoid taxes), though even then, our ratio was 11:1 in 2022
Simply speaking, we have all the same problems. They're just amplified in the US.
@Andreasdetestscensorship I dunno, do you have to pay for healthcare out of pocket where you live?
many countries don't have that problem, but the US does
@TylerH I would hesitate to say for certain it's not Reagan's fault, though. The guy was very influential.
do you have to worry about more mass shootings than days of the year? The US does
@TylerH 2 countries have that problem, as far as I'm concerned. That is, if you exclude all the countries where public healthcare is just of a horrible quality, or corruption prevails.
I don't think every country has the same problems. I think many countries have similar problems, but I think many countries also have different problems.
@Andreasdetestscensorship We have many* of the same problems. All the common ones are amplified in the US
@TylerH And yes; I do have to pay some money for useless meetings with my doctor.
@RyanM Sure, when I say "reagan" here I technically mean "the reagan administration"
I know he didn't write his own tax policies
The rest are generally problems that are uniquely american, and also amplified just as a fuck you to the population? Idk
@TylerH I think the double negative may have been unnecessarily awkward and caused you to misread what I said; I did assume that was generally what you meant
Q: How do I save my Stack Overflow email settings?

JingoWhen I attempt to unsubscribe from the spam emails I receive from Stack Overflow I'm required to log in and update my email settings. When I update them, the changes don't save. Even when I click the save button on the email address (which I would think only saved the address and not the rest but...

@RyanM double negatives ain't no good thing
@NewPosts is there a bug in the opt-out system? Too many complaints in a row for a simple coincidence
basically I'm saying, half-jokingly, that other countries' problems might also be the Reagan administration's fault, on account of its, uh, wide influence on problems :-p
now that's true
Ain't aint a word and I ain't gonna use it
he really fueled the middle east crisis starting with his little treason w/ Iran while Carter was still president
@RyanM The USA is not the entire world, just for reference.
@Andreasdetestscensorship Ryan was almost certainly joking, but in a global world one nation's actions and policies can certainly have a massive impact on other nations
Just look at... well, any world news event over the last century
@TylerH Please don't say the war between Russia and Ukraine has anything to do with USA.
@Andreasdetestscensorship First, I'd like to emphasize the "half-jokingly" in that sentence. But also responding seriously, the United States' foreign policy influence, especially economically, is extremely wide-reaching, especially due to the influence of the US dollar. A US presidential administration certainly has the capacity to, at least, influence issues outside of the United States via a wide variety of means.
@RyanM Your economy is far reaching, yes, but your laws on economy are local to yourselves.
@Andreasdetestscensorship well it certainly does have something to do with the USA, and most other nations, but no I didn't have any one particular event in mind.
@Andreasdetestscensorship European banks doing US-dollar transactions entirely outside of the US with US-sanctioned entities thought that as well. And yet, they ended up paying fines to the US government.
@TylerH we live in the same country, so let me explain better: in Norway, we have deductibles that are paid out of pocket. They're generally small, with some exceptions (and doesn't apply to dental care for some stupid reason?), and up to 3000 NOK (~300 USD) per year (again with some exceptions; the cap also changes yearly). All of emergency healthcare is fully free. Other countries in europe don't have any deductibles at all for medical stuff though
I'm not sure why we have this system, I tried googling and couldn't figure out why
@ZoestandswithUkraine Because of money. And tax is unpopular.
It has been criticised though, and arguably rightfully so
@ZoestandswithUkraine I am glad it is not just the US with a bizarre distinction between dental care and other healthcare.
Somebody has to cover it. It's also an incentive to not see your doctor. Stay home if you can. Don't waste your doctor's time.
Especially given the number of ways your dental health can affect your non-dental health.
@RyanM Yeah, dental is really not given enough affordance in healthcare codes
I'm quite jealous of UK/European healthcare. Though it sounds like the wait time sucks?
if you can't eat you die
@RyanM If you get hit by an electric scooter, that somebody rented, and neither of you has travel or medical insure? Yay, enjoy your bills.
@Andreasdetestscensorship was this reply to the correct message? I'm not sure how it relates.
@aynber Sort of; covid caused an enormous backlog of stuff being cancelled and postponed. There's not much of a backlog on general practitioners here though. The UK (and possibly a couple other countries) struggle more with that IIRC
to be fair, uh, the wait times in the US can be bad depending on what you need, how much you care about cost, and how good you are at working with the system.
I'm also jealous of the govt-mandated maternity leave. Damn greedy companies..
very true
@RyanM yeah if you're military and have to go to the VA, good luck
or if we're in the middle of flu season
I have a friend who was struggling to get a primary care appointment in a reasonable time period until I sat down and pressed the right buttons for him
@RyanM Yes. In Norway, this has happened a few times. A complete face reconstruction is covered by the free healthcare, well except your teeth.
that's ... dumb.
Ehm, yeah.
Please tell our incompetent politicians.
Doesn't Norway have the highest satisfaction among its inhabitants for like the 10th year running or something
or is that Finland
either way I think Norway is usually in like the top 5
the trick is to ask them during the summer when there's daylight /s
I can confirm that Norway sucks, and is a terrible country.
@RyanM lol
@Andreasdetestscensorship where would you like to live?
I can also confirm that pretty much everywhere else is worse, too.
@TylerH Never having been born would've saved me the misery of life, I guess.
@Andreasdetestscensorship I'm still happy that our fights are about not paying a few hundred NOK at a GP and not having to pay a few thousand for necessary dental work, and not elementary pay or not getting several houses worth of debt from an accident. We definitely have stuff to work on, but I'm still happy our definition of a problem isn't at a US level
It helps to not allowing the rich people to legally pay off the politicians.
Here's a fun:tm: thought I just had: school shooting victims (that survive) in the US probably end up with a mountain of debt before they even have a job, or even an idea of what they want to work with
that depends entirely on their parent's financial situation
and... ofc is true of any other kind of medical emergency one might have during the teen years, :p
@ZoestandswithUkraine these days Americans just start GoFundMes and use that to fund their healthcare needs
or their proselytizing religious trips... or their vacations... or any other thing they can't or don't want to pay for themselves
@TylerH Oh, so it's a popularity contest. Fair.
Natural selection.
@TylerH That might be easier for school shooting victims, yeah
@TylerH I thought for vacations you were supposed to use Instagram and post pictures of your glamorous lifestyle with questionable disclosure of financial compensation for any products featured therein?
@RyanM oh god the instagram trend of "travel life", let me lubricate my eyes so they can properly roll enough to respond to that
I think student debt is parental debt. It won't be on the kids themselves
They can't enter contracts, don't (usually) have credit...
Correct; at least in the US, a minor will not incur any debt directly
Parents' debts can, however, significantly impact the child's life, since the parent is also responsible for the child's welfare
@aynber Ehm, what?
Can 18 year olds not enter contracts?
Oh, you refer to high school. That's free here.
Well, universities are also free here.
Under 18
And sorry, I meant medical debt
@Andreasdetestscensorship Except for a 540 NOK semester fee that goes back into student welfare (and ironically, a better dental system than the government offers :p)
600 NOK + 40 for charity.
Hold on
Imma check on studentweb
@aynber Better not raise a sick child!
If they do get sick, it's probably cheaper to kill them.
it is indeed 600
good thing work provided great medical insurance is so abundant in the US
@KevinB Congrats; you are under the control of your workplace. Please be an obedient employer. Accept abuse if that happens to you. Don't wanna lose your insurance, do you?
it was also sarcasm
most insurance plans offered by employers now days are complete crap
@ZoestandswithUkraine Fascinatingly, UBI is proposed as an alternative to a welfare state. I half considered mentioning that it seems like a way to not have to implement a proper system, and I would've been correct
This is why I work for a hospital system. Even if they try to short change me on medical care, I know which plugs to pull to cause bigger problems for them >:-) (this is a joke, please employer do not fire me)
@TylerH The twitter button where you tweet "Healthcare is now free" from their main account, and watch as their stock prices plummet until they say "no, healthcare is not free", making them just look money-hungry and lose all credibility?
ah yes I like those
insulin is now $20
How often do people have to get insulin?
My SiL is a nurse and even her health care is crappy... :/ You know we have a health care problem when even health care workers can't get good care.
And not use, that's daily or several times per day, but how often, on average, does a vial or whatever have to be replaced?
@ZoestandswithUkraine If they have diabetes, every 1-3 months
@KevinB I wouldn't know. I'm not American.
> estimated that in 2018, the average list price for one vial of insulin in the U.S. was $98.70
So like
~400-1184(+) USD per year?
Fucking hell
depending on each case, yeah, it can be pretty expensive
just to survive
Note, you can get older insulin types (like, more basic, primitive medicines) for less
but they are, unsurprisingly, less effective/good
@TylerH Death is a cheap medicine, is it not?
Yeah but generally people don't want to die
And, it may surprise you, but death is actually not cheap in the US
I mean, it typically can be, but a lot of social expectations exist in the US for things like funerals
@TylerH Neither here, but that's a concern for your family, not yourself.
Wellllll sort of. Lots of people purchase life insurance for this express purpose, thus effectively shouldering the financial burden of their own death.
@Andreasdetestscensorship sure, though that can be a little selfish of a viewpoint
The life insurance schemes were usually some of my favorite in cop procedurals
@TylerH Isn't that why you have such an unfair system?
Not sure I understand your question? Are you saying the death industry in the US is unfair because people are selfish?
I'm saying that if the people hadn't been so selfish, the system wouldn't have been this way.
Again, simplified. Also has to do with ignorance, lack of education, trust levels, etc.
i mean
that's like saying if the sun didn't exist it wouldn't rise
people expect to be paid for their service, therefore there's a cost, and it's inherantly selfish because people aren't willing to provide the service for free
1 hour later…
@KevinB I was expecting this to be about Stack Overflow. Sad that it's some political thing again
it can be
whether misguided or otherwise, answering questions on SO is inherantly selfish, as you're doing it because it makes you feel good (when successful)
Ironically, a lot of acts of selflessness are secretly acts of selfishness. We just choose not to think of it that way
That said, it feels really nice when someone says that it actually helped them, so I think it can benefit both people plus anyone else on the internet.
Definitely. Something being selfish doesn't make it unable to also be helpful to others, that's the best kind of selfish.
though... it does kinda lend itself to reward based systems that lose their... reward, over time
Yeah. I think that it is easy to define selfishness as something that helps you at the expense of other people... and that's where I bristle... I don't like the "I'm only in it for me, screw you all!" attitude
@KevinB Little known secret - all reward systems lose their reward over time.
grr. when i clicked on the chat ping from sgbtd, it took me here without clearing the notification, the site inbox being annoying is making me notice long standing annoyances with other systems
I finally cleared my inbox when it got to over 200... I really don't care for the persistent numbers.
i can't stand notifications just sitting there
it's why i adblock review
@Catija Great. That means I can ping you again. ;) I have a job to do. 200 pings.
@Andreasdetestscensorship NOOOOOOO!!! So the main problem I have is that I have tabs open in lots of places, so most of the time I don't follow the link to the notification, I just switch tabs... and otherwise clearing the notification is more work :P
Aw. :( So Sad. I’ll ping Zoe instead, then.
@Zoe Happy Birthday! :D Gratulerer med dagen!
@Andreasdetestscensorship It isn't?
It’s the 17th of May.
Good night. :) Long day ahead of us.
Oh, right. that's the thing people say
I always forget because it's such a dumb use of the phrase

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