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@OlegValteriswithUkraine Paying attention to commit messages is useful because in code review, you have the opportunity to fix a misleading or incomplete commit message. Here, mods aren't going to fix ones that are misleading. I'm asking what the point of reading them is, generally - why is it integral to making the review, if you can understand the edit without it?
If you are preparing to reject, you should of course read the summary to confirm you didn't miss anything. But for an obviously good edit...why is reading the summary useful?
@RyanM precisely to avoid situations like this one? 99% of the time it's fine, but you can easily miss that 1% by not paying attention. Besides, how hard is it to just glance at the line?
To me, a reviewer of a suggested edit is presented with 2 pieces of data to, well, review: the edit itself and the summary. Therefore, it stands to reason that they should pay attention to both. If they choose not to - it's fine, but if they make a mistake, it's their choice, and it should be considered a "bad review".
On that note, I also forgot how much fun it can be reading through them at times :)
> Edit summary: I removed the first two words because I didn't know what to explain more
> Edit summary: Hide the exposured API key
> Edit summary: This person has put truly NOTHING into this question. This is disgusting.
> Edit summary: Added another functionality which helped me, just wanted to share it!
> Edit summary: why frames are rarely used in html
> Edit summary: just make it English
I was going to say 1% was high and that the right number is closer to .1%, but then you found one...
at your service :) oh, I nearly forgot how fun it can be
> Edit summary: code summurized
> Edit summary: I need an answer
> Edit summary: That website not exist so that why i have put this website address
> Edit summary: youtube link
@OlegValteriswithUkraine contrary to what one might think, it's actually an accurate description (and is arguably even a relevant edit)
> Edit summary: The package suggested by the Person is outdated.
> Edit summary: Question locked for invalid reason
@OlegValteriswithUkraine the content is equally "helpful":
> This question IS about software used primarily by delveopers and should not have been locked
> Edit summary: grammatically mistakes rectified
I was curious so I started looking around.
> Edit summary: you calling bullshit on me bwoy?
There are some wild suggested edits around there.
Shockingly ( /s) the word "bullshit" in edit summaries is heavily correlated to bad suggested edits.
Honestly like... this is wild.
Joking aside, I've seen a lot of offensive edit summaries. Although I am not sure I've ever seen one paired with an even relatively useful edit (until today)
I mean this one is anonymous, but I almost wish it wasn't so I could send a message.
oh, my, that's a pearl
That one is interesting, given that the suggestion is to remove admob and re-add admob
heh, apparently, I've seen that one
This is the query in case there's anything in that that needs actually addressed.
"de-bullshit-izing"? lol
I see Zoe's popular
ehhm... actually some of those need a Trust & Safety team intervention, I hope those have been handled
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Yeah. One summer in 2019 they decided to clean up a bunch of useful content apparently.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Please flag if there's something that requires that kind of intervention.
@HenryEcker there is... sure something that requires intervention
I'll take a look
at least a bunch of those strongly suggest a user killing themselves
speaking of something to handle that doesn't necessarily warrant the full flag process, an actually approved edit:
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Okay. If there's a group I'll take a look and escalate as needed.
@HenryEcker a huge group
all directed at Zoe
Well that's really not good. Yeah. I'll escalate where in the block is that?
@HenryEcker to expedite things: the first batch starts with [Zoe](https://superuser.com/users/623128/olivia-zoe)
Found it
Great... Thanks =(
yeah... I am not sure I words can describe what's there
Handling now...
Thanks... I think she knows by now and probably escalated, but jeez. I officially call today a Day of Depravity.
> unclusterfucked text.
another unanimously approved one:
this one is a gem because the OP approved it:
@OlegValteriswithUkraine That one already had the edit summary edited in revisions
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Yeah that had to be a misclick.
@HenryEcker yeah, and already handled, I think
@HenryEcker oh, missed the redaction
as for the rest - I looked through most of the approved ones that do not have a rejection date (forked your query), and they are mostly either already handled, innocuous, or just of the "removed X word" form, thankfully.
It'd be nice if it also updated the Edit summary in suggested edits queue, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's much less visible at least (not that revisions is overly visible to begin with)
Yeah. Very happy to see that the vast majority of cases were handled appropriately. Many were also caught by Smokey when approved.
yeah, would be nice, although the existence of the edit doesn't do much harm either indeed - it's hardly visible
The list of rejected ones is, though... Oh, my, I wish I could unsee some of them
Yes well... That wasn't quite what I expected when I put together the query.
neither did I...
on a more positive note:
> death to whitespace
> death 2 whitespace
> death to horrible indentation!
> saved eyeballs from death
I... I... I don't know what to say, one of those, ahem, blocks mentioned above was actually approved.
> -moron +format
@OlegValteriswithUkraine not something to handle, it's actually a pretty accurate diff
> now it is moron friendly!
@OlegValteriswithUkraine it was actually approved (not incredibly bad, though): stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/2822132
> Numbers aren't c***s
@OlegValteriswithUkraine redaction mine (also, arguably accurate)
> Replaced link with web archive link, as of 01/23/2019 the website was redirecting to <...> and put a bunch of hentai on my screen
1 hour later…
@OlegValteriswithUkraine In fact, the two above were both approved by the OP as well
@OlegValteriswithUkraine yeah IMHO that's... it's fine. It's not insulting anyone; basically another way of saying it was idiot-proofing it.
@RyanM wasn't a request to handle:) Just made me chuckle a little
@RyanM huh, indeed
6 hours later…
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Well, I am a certified friend-making expert. That's why I'm releasing a book on how to friend
3 hours later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine seems so... out of curiosity, did you know this was happening?
Yeah, I was active in charcoal at the time
oh, sorry for digging it out again then. Quite an unpleasant thing
All good. Life moves on and all that
6 hours later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine That’s a really ugly song.
I actually kinda like it
3 hours later…
can't believe I just got rickrolled.... and I thought Zoe was releasing a book ;P

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