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7:00 PM
But why do you think that is actually what he belives?
the only reason he's been successful is other people run stuff for him because he has money, he just does the branding
asking if the flu vaccine can help stop the virus show's he's completely and utterly uninformed on basic biology and he has access to the best information on it in the country
@DaveS Well, that likely is true. Pretty much has to be considering he had no experience in politics.
doesn't he just constantly go bankrupt?
@twiz did you see that 21 second clip?
7:01 PM
Oh yeah, 6 times he's filed businesses for bankruptcy
@DaveS but he's saying that publicly. You can't believe anything he says publicly.
@DaveS what no? first off he isn't very successful
he's asking a health expert at a non speech thing
second off, surrounding yourself with intelligent people is a good thing that every business person does
(successful ones at least)
But his business were shitty also
I'm just chalking up all of his misinformation and stupid things about the corona to just trying to prolong the recession to after he's re-elected
7:04 PM
Well I never said he was a genius. lol
"don't be worried, the flu shot will cure corona!"
I know someone who did business with his company. Trump did this evil thing where they would get small business to do work for him and then miss the payment deadline a while. Many smaller business depended on that money for wages etc. and went out of business so he didn't have to pay them.
idk haha
yeah a lot of contractors never got paid
I hate being the todd of my company
7:04 PM
thats wrong on so many levels
I just don't think he's very smart. His ideas are trash, his reasoning constantly flawed. He'd have been impeached if the senate didn't cover his ass
He's an old racist sexist rich guy with average intelligence and over inflated confidence
that happens to know how to play dirty from lots of experience
But don't be misguided. Not every billionaire is like that.
he doesn't really know how to speak publicly without offending people lol
That's kind of the point though, isn't it? He appears like the dumbest person in the world, but he inexplicably just keeps going.
I'm talking specifically about trump jbis
7:06 PM
I don't think that's luck
that's because the GOP has propped him up
Yes, I know. But I just wanted to make the point that he's a douche but not everyone in his class are.
his branding worked and they're doing anything they can to keep him in power for their own gain
I wasn't making that point, totally off topic
Usually it occurs when someone is the decendent of a rich person vs the person who actually built their wealth
@DaveS I know, I was.
and this is only the stuff we do hear
imagine all the stuff that we don't hear about this business actions
ok. I'm going to go be not distracted for a bit. ✌🏼
7:08 PM
@Smarticles101 its not only offending people its more often than not misinformation
sometimes that misinformation is just stupid but many times (like with corona) its potentially harmful
The american people should be able to trust their president for basic facts, not politics but pure facts
7:10 PM
well he can't talk his way out of the coronavirus
his mismanagement and incompetence grows more apparent by the day
and it should align with the angencies in his admin
The issue is that trump supporters don't care. I'd say a minority actually believe him. More just don't care.
People only see what they want to see.
@DaveS its no fun when we agree
ok, I returned for a moment just to say that in the amount of time since I've been gone, two separate random people have made me take my headphones out to talk to them. lol
That is all.
Say your deaf and put your headphones back on
that seems like a foolproof plan @JB
7:14 PM
@twiz offer them one of the ears and be like yo this chune is an absolute banger
just start singing along and people will leave you alone
@JBis trying to work today =p
4 people flagged me wtf!
maybe you should ping all discord about it
7:21 PM
yah do another @everyone
i apologized for that
|| backup
Backup Created
does the bot auto-backup?
that might be a useful feature
7:23 PM
haha china removed an app that allows you to play as the corona virus ndemiccreations.com/en/news/…
aw plague inc is such a good game
yeah I thought that move was a bit silly
great game
cdc apparently endorses it
@JBis I heard that apparently there was an app that china was using to assign homework to quarantined students and the students flooded it with 1-star reviews so it got pulled from the app store
@ballBreaker I was just gonna say that haha... article here interestingengineering.com/…
7:26 PM
> There's no news yet on whether the app actually got booted off and whether or not the students will succeed in getting some time off school.
0 cases of coronavirus in Madagascar
That's stupid because they say it got booted out
yeah it's mainly a rumor circulating around social media
oh thats actually funny
7:28 PM
:48805352 madagascar and greenland being infected by contagious viruses is always a point of laughter
|| joke
JBis's code 😜
What did the router say to the doctor?
LOL Dave
It hurts when IP.
Nice, we're seeing a full loop on these bad jokes
7:30 PM
Where do programmers like to hangout?
The Foo Bar.
7:41 PM
looking for some better joke apis
> What do you call crystal clear urine?
> 1080pee
i can't
can't laugh at that?
> Hey baby I wish your name was asynchronous
> ... so you'd give me a callback.
ok that one is not too bad haha
ever heard of callback hell?
does non threaded async operations exist in java?
7:47 PM
suits the language
@ballBreaker That would be pretty hilarious. It would make people so uncomfortable.
@twiz hahaha yeah exactly
Why the hell these people interrupting you in public anyways
koltin has promises :D
i'm liking kotlin more and more
7:49 PM
The one lady wanted to know how I could see my laptop screen outdoors. lol
The other asked me for directions which I didn't know.
@Mehdi ever heard of async and await?
@twiz tell them to google it
@JBis I literally did that earlier today, but they didn't know how so I looked it up for them. haha
LMFAO you guys see this video yet?
@DaveS yep, I use that in Python docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html
@ballBreaker wtf?
lol wish we could see the reaction
jeez java really sucks
She's 94, she doesn't have time for that nonsense, cut the cake already.
@JBis no u
Btw, we're adopting Kotlin on the backend at work
Ohhhhhhh I thought she said "I hope this is my glass"
7:55 PM
@Mehdi it seems like a really solid lang, any problems yet?
nope she just wants to die which is funnier I guess
@JBis Not yet, the decision has just been recently made, gonna be gradually implemented, for new projects, then new modules of existing systems etc..
@ballBreaker same sub, this is kinda funny, big oof reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/cldu0z/…
@Mehdi ah cool
hopefully it will be the new java, JetBrains seems like a really good company
@JBis it says a lot that she burst out in tears
yeah but he still knows her true opinion, which sucks
8:09 PM
hahahaha I saw this one a few months back, so gold
yeah true but it would have sucked more if she had said yes only because she got caught up in the moment, happy that someone went through this effort for her, while not really liking the guy
so my comapny just sent out a covid-19 email essentially "if you suspect yo uhave it, please self quarantine for 14 days" and I responded asking whos going to pay for that
should be interesting
Pay for what exactly?
14 days off
i see bb taking advantage of this
8:12 PM
"give me two weeks paid time off or you're all getting the virus"
I asked if the company is paying or if we have to take short term disability
because one of those means my full wages and the other means 70% of my wages
AKA I'll be coming in with corona
Oh, I figured it was more of a work from home thing.
@ballBreaker as long as you bring it with lyme
8:13 PM
@DaveS Yeah I have a bag full of ticks kept in the fridge just for occasions like this!
But actually 70% of my wage just isn't enough so RIP if that's the case
jeez, biggest crash since 2008
don't worry Jbis, it's just where it was last year at this time
touché 👏
could be worse, but i'm not looking at my investments today lol
8:16 PM
laughs in US treasury bond funds
yeah I'm just increasingly glad that I trusted my gut on this one
also LOL my coworker
"I feel like we got short changed."
"Well it was international women's day yesterday and we lost an hour out of the day"
Wait what do you mean about 70% of your wage? Is that just what disability pays?
short term disability usually pays 60-70% depending on the coverage
@twiz yeah what Dave said
my wife uses it for pregnancies because the US doesn't offer paid maternity leave
8:20 PM
that's some draconian shit right there, at least you even get short term I guess
even though it's a social program and therefore communist
oh no she pays for it out of pocket
I'm confused
it just happens to be a better deal if you're planning a pregnancy
she had to sign up for her own short term disability plan
What does she pay out of pocket?
It's not a government thing?
it's deducted from her paycheck
8:22 PM
what does your government even do exactly?
builds missiles
lol I mean, that's fair, they're totally just as important
yeah i'm split on paid maternity leave
cause the company ends up basically paying double for same or worse work
which is easy for big companies but for smaller companies it could be quite difficult
it should be covered by the govt like most sane countries
not a burden on companies
yeah that could work
8:28 PM
the state has an interest in healthy births for new workers
maybe a cap tho
yeah it should be 100% of your salary up until like $100k
@DaveS XD
I'd say it depends on a couple things including if its a one income household
household discrimination
8:30 PM
why make it complicated
cause lifes complicated
how much the husband makes and whether or not he works doesn't really matter to me
should husband get leave too?
Yea, why make it complicated, just give everyone $1mil so you know they'll be covered. 😏
8:31 PM
I think they should but the reality is women need it most and I'd be happy starting there
Would be the best argument I ever heard for having children...
@DaveS why? it makes a large difference. Single mothers would be discourages
@JBis yes, if he wants to, and give his share of leave to the mother if they decide he doesn't want to take a leave
single mothers should be able to get time off paid at the rate they currently make money
so there is no interruption to their income
even if their income is 500k or more?
8:32 PM
up to a limit of $100k
so if they make 500k they'd only get 100k
except 1/4 of that so 25k
Seems like it would make a lot more sense to base it on cost of living for an area, not sure that would be very easy to do though.
so you think there should be no difference between a single mother and married couple?
yeah I think we need an adjustable federal minimum wage per county and that index could be used for a lot of things
nope I think the woman gets what the woman would make
and if the father had paid leave, he'd get what he would make
@DaveS yes
here you can split the maternity leave into maternity/paternity
and it's 18 months
8:34 PM
split? Here you get both
Although honestly, if it wasn't horribly inhumane, I'd say having children should be taxed to discourage people from having them.
i think it needs to be different
so you could do first 12 months maternity, and last 6 months paternity, or whatever
But basically 18 months total for the family
@twiz it's the opposite, you get like $2k /yr per child in tax credits
18 months yowza in NL you get like 3 weeks
8:35 PM
if married father is making 500k and mother 50k do we really need to pay the mother on maturnity leave
yes, there may be a prenup, other complications
prenub is different
and they can always file independently
@DaveS Exactly, which makes sense considering a lot of kids would have a terrible life otherwise, but still... Most people that have kids probably should have thought twice (or once).
8:36 PM
@JBis why do you think it's fair not to pay her?
trying to track that down just complicates it and the administrative burden just isn't worth the expense
@twiz that goes back to education IMO
@Mehdi i'm not sure, i see arguments for both sides
i just don't like gov spending money on social programs to help rich
@JBis she pays her taxes and contributions, why wouldn't she benefit from them?
if the father is making $500k and the woman is still choosing to work for $50k, let her get the damn maternity leave
that argument was just thrown out
8:37 PM
@DaveS and mental health I suppose.
Wait so should the father take paternity leave instead on his 500k salary?>
@twiz then you end up with more rich people than poor people
I'm confused what you guys are discussing tbh
@Mehdi this is an argument against all social programs that help poor more than rich
JBis thinks the threshold for paid leave should be cut off at a certain level
8:38 PM
@JBis I don't think that's ever going to happen when there's a worker class and people being rich almost by default assumes that it's making money off of other people's backs
@JBis I'm sorry?
but the thing is capped rate benefits like this do help poor people more than rich
2 mins ago, by JBis
i just don't like gov spending money on social programs to help rich
you'd arguably hurt poor people by requiring additional hoops to jump through to apply for the benefit
you don't want social programs to help out the rich people so you'd rather they don't exist at all?
I'm confused
8:39 PM
@JBis if they pay their taxes and social contributions why don't you want them to benefit from their system as well?
people who make more, pay more taxes, why should they not get leave?
Everyone doing "^" below me is really dumb and they smell like farts
^ the guy who started "^"chain is dumb
8:40 PM
@Tim because they have more
that is discrimination
@JBis but they pay to have rights, why do you want them to pay their taxes if you don't want them to gain something? that's literally extortion
so is child care programs discriminatory? Are tax brackets discriminatory?
@Mehdi they do gain a bunch
so what?
8:41 PM
you're suggesting another 'penalty' to making more
what is child care program?
this is quite ironic
so basically rich pay more and get no benefit hmm
@ColdFusion Poor people receive money from gov to pay for kids
My opinion on this is pretty simple JBis, provide equal, quality of life, fair benefits for all. Pay for it with intelligent tax brackets that puts a larger share of the burden on the rich
All this "only some of the people get the benefits" to save money ends up costing money in overhead
make it simple, make it easy and the program will be more effective
8:42 PM
@JBis ah i see nicee i guess
@DaveS isn't this the exact issue @Mehdi and @Tim have
"tax brackets that puts a larger share of the burden on the rich"
we never argued against tax brackets
it was only about pat/mat leave
you argued against the principal
8:43 PM
no we didn't
to be against it would be inconsistent with the very values you argued in support of
they argued against not getting benefits just because they are in a higher tax bracket
they also argued against getting less benifits
@JBis that's really not true
By simple economics if you are paying more for the same benefits your getting less
therefore a bracket tax system is inconsistent
8:45 PM
how are you getting less, if you are getting the same
isnt progressive tax a worldwide phenomena?
which country doesn't have it?
@Tim i wasn't sure the correct wording but you are paying more for the same
what's inconsistent or a problem with that?
the point is that you get the same
8:46 PM
you suggested that you pay more while also getting less
i misspoke
i meant you pay more while getting the same
but that was your whole point
no it wasnt
my entire point is that by paying more to get the same you netting less
8:48 PM
we understand that JBis but why is that a problem?
that is exactly what progressive tax is supposed to do
they are getting less
the < is flipped
not sure what is your point at all?
> i just don't like gov spending money on social programs to help rich
this has the outcome of helping lower income people more
so what is the problem?
8:50 PM
@DaveS but why should we help the rich at all?
(for specific social programs)
it's progressive
because they help you?
because they pay for it !!!!
question marks
8:50 PM
and because the administrative overhead adds unnecessary costs to the program
@DaveS this is a better argument
eh , you just said rich are getting less benefit and now you are saying why should we help them?
@Tim I think this is the point he really doesn't get. Rich people make the social money pool bigger so the poor benefit
@DaveS yeah this too unnecesary
at a certain income level the progressive tax rate will be more than the benefit so they will be an inherent limit to helping them
it just so happens that rich people who have kids will have a slightly less burden than rich people who don't
which is fair IMO
8:52 PM
its interesting
it naturally balances out, you don't need to have a manually imposed limit
but why are we discussing what you already have?
or is it about bernie's tax plan?
Dave, Tim, and Mehdi agree but for different reasons
in fact, dave and i agree more even tho ideologically we differ more than i do with ColdFusion tim or mehdi
8:54 PM
I don't see him agreeing with you at any point in the past hour, I'm confused
@Mehdi You are less okay with rich not getting as much benefits in principal
@ballBreaker agree "more"
dave isn't against the rich not getting as much benifits in principal
I'm pretty sure he never said that
@JBis ??? I want everyone to benefit equally from the same perks they contribute to
@ballBreaker lmao
8:55 PM
@Mehdi yes
so I didn't really get your point about being less okay
13 mins ago, by Dave S
All this "only some of the people get the benefits" to save money ends up costing money in overhead
@Mehdi you are less okay with it than dave
1 min ago, by JBis
dave isn't against the rich not getting as much benifits in principal
going around in circles
He is using overhead as an argument to not have brackets of coverage, how is that saying that rich people don't deserve the same benefits, and in fact deserve less even though they are paying more?
you have to stop generalizing everything to this singular principle
8:57 PM
I think you're projecting here a bit
i am not sure how what tim , mehdi , dave and i said differs
me either
in all honesty, I'm also confused
I also agree with their points that rich people should get their paid leave. Just like they should get medicare for 'all'
8:58 PM
@DaveS in principal are you ok with rich getting less than the poor?
I'm ok with them paying more to get the same
yeah that
they shouldn't "not get health insurance" because they are rich
everyone here has said the same
8:58 PM
that is what everybody said
but they are at a net less
not the point
the point is we said, here are your basic rights as a citizen, we all help pay for it
I really get the feeling that you have a trust fund set up in your name Jbis lol
that is what it was supposed to do
8:59 PM
if you're super rich you pay more than you gain but you benefit from a healthier society
also i find it net less thing non sense

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