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@Dharman I added a note about SQL injection and hammered it as a duplicate of string concatenation (since that's what it's really asking)
@Machavity No, we were using this as a canonical. A comment about SQL injection should go in the comment space, not in the question edit.
The question was good and not a duplicate. There are 2 good answers there.
@Dharman It's absolutely a duplicate, but you can still use it as a canonical
No one should ever concatenate variables into SQL string unless they are whitelisted or constant. The question was asking how to pass the data to SQL which is what prepared statements are for. Neither concatenation or interpolation is the answer here.
@Dharman Fair enough. Unhammered
Thanks I appreciate. I thought it was a bad question initially too, but once the answers got edited it became a good canonical.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (retracted)
yeah that one
@Makyen This may sound like a simple problem, but it's actually "solve the natural language of names", which is quite broad.
Morning \o
So here it is, final week of my current job, and sadly by extension, my final week hanging around SOCVR :(
@MichaelDodd sad trombone
2 hours later…
@MichaelDodd :'(
@treyBake dito
stackoverflow.com/questions/58795119/… shouldn't've been closed, he just wants to know how to do string replacement more correctly in a for loop, the fact that this is the wrong way to go about working with names shouldn't matter.
@Boris looks no mvce to me...
but it was closed as too broad
and there kind of is one
@Boris true, but it'll probably still be closed (though, I'm not a Python guy so not sure - but based on format it looks no mvce)
open it and I'll write an answer
@Boris Are you sure that a new answer is needed? If you can improve the question before reopening it would be best. Provide the edit which makes the question less broad and improves its overall quality. No point in reopening a question which is of low quality.
it's a pretty narrow question
he has a list of strings that should be replaced only if they're at the beginning of the string
but he's using a method that replaces strings anywhere in the string
@Boris You can still edit it and improve before reopening. Remove the noise improve layout and maybe give better title/explanation.
@Boris see Makyen's feedback above -- the question assumes that this is a trivial problem, but it's not
and your reasoning will just make it a duplicate of something like stackoverflow.com/questions/16891340/…
oh I see you are engaged in the same dialogue over in the comments on the question itself ... maybe keep it there at least until you think it's ripe for a proper reopen-pls
2 hours later…
@treyBake I wouldn't say tool rec, because it doesn't ask for a tool. Actually, it doesn't ask for anything, so I went unclear, although the conceivable question "how to reconnect" might be a tad broad
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica you only delete questions when answered by people with more than 50k rep? :P
I try to discourage reputation workers.
@Adriaan woops... kek meant no MVCE
@Machavity nice
two milestones of reusability on this launch -- 1st time fairings have been reused and 1st time a booster has launched 4 times
Whoa! That stack of satellites looks super-impressive
its speeding up ._.
It would be cool to have a re-entry shot from the fairing
@JohnDvorak Are they planning on catching these?
I missed the launch but saw the fairing disembark, that's pretty cool :o I imagine it'll be re-streamed (just not so live)?
They probably will have footage of attempts to catch for the foreseeable future
@treyBake Yeah the whole stream will be re-processed as a normal video (possibly even the same link) once it's over
you can go back in time in the stream too to see the launch of you like
No idea.
@TylerH noice, it'll be cool to see the launch :) and unfortunately, as working, only had time for a quick sneak peak :p
ooh, first stage reentry
It feels like this is one of the first times they've shown units in KM as well instead of miles
@JohnDvorak They did have video of catching that faring, just not live
lame, no landing burn video shot
Too bad the stage 1 cam died before any of the juicy flames
oh, their progress bar is just a little ahead of reality
aaand, perfect suicide burn
I mean, hover slam maneuver
That was my first time watching one of their launches live. It's pretty cool to match the first stage land.
I dub the fairing barge, "Deinopis"
> To aid further in netting prey, the spider places white fecal spots on the surface below the net and uses them for aiming.
Or perhaps the ship should be "siponeid" because it's upside down relative to the spider
Too bad the arms aren't articulated
What to do again with questions which ask "Why is function X faster in language A wrt language B?"? Reference
@Adriaan Answer if you can
or send 'em to quora...
@gunr2171 Is that how you leave all your meetings?
@gunr2171 Good to see you. How are things going?
Good. As of today I'm 28.
SOCVR still holding together?
@gunr2171 Congratulations! Happy Birthday!
@gunr2171 Seriously? I feel old now Happy Birthday!
: )
too bad I still work today. Veterans' day isn't recognized by my company.
@gunr2171 Yeah, SOCVR is hanging in there. There's been lots of drama on SE, though. We mostly stayed out of it, primarily by having people go elsewhere to talk about it.
@gunr2171 If by that you mean it's your birthday, Happy birthday from a random stranger!
but you're name is Chipster
(yes this is a dad joke)
@Makyen Yeah. Pretty much it has nothing directly to do with SOCVR at all.
@Machavity I can make you feel worse :p
@gunr2171 I don't understand. How is that a dad joke?
@gunr2171 Happy Birthday, you're approximately 1.5 years younger than me
@Chipster Mr Random Stranger
@gunr2171 Oh. Lol.
look, dad jokes aren't' known for their cleverness
you gotta take what you can get
Yeah. That's partially why I like them. I just have to get them first :D
@TylerH Kyll is still beating me though, by like 4-5 years
@gunr2171 This is news to me
oh and happy birthday \o/
Dad jokes (and puns in general) are just exploiting a preconceived assumption about language context.
and that's the smartest I'll sound for the rest of the day
my close reasons seem to be flipping between old and new?
@treyBake how often?
A/B testing? though that should be at the user level
I'm still on old now.
@gunr2171 well, I had the new reasons, then they went to old, now they seem to be mixed
@gunr2171 Yup. That's how it should be...
could just be cache my end
imma hit ctrl f5 me thinks haha
reinstall windows, just to be safe
It's ABC testing. One group gets a mix, for some reason
sneezes Linux :p
which distribution do you use?
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica ah ty, weird, it's confusing ahha
^^^ Well there's your problem
Mint :) not the most advanced distro, but does all I need
Cool. I run ArchLinux for my servers (and arch arm for the pies). Not my choice, but I've learned enough to get by
Still hard for me to break away from Windows ATM. They need to port over Visual Studio and all my Steam games first
I hear there is a JQuery plugin that'll do that.
ah dude, I should get that!
@gunr2171 They've said that it's not on the user level, but haven't been specific as to how it's implemented. Multiple people have reported changing between A/B groups. There are only so many ways to implement it. If we really cared, we could test to see which one it is.
ah, ok
Yeah, why I dualboot - League didn't offer a Linux installer. Didn't even let me download the installer anyway to try and Wine it :/
@gunr2171 VS Code is open source and Steam has a Linux client, does it not?
(Note I'm not advocating you move to Linux...)
Well yeah, obviously, but still
they did port it over
it has a client and SteamOS has made serious headway for gaming on Linux - but is not quite enough, good amount of RTS on there though
I love it when an OP is willing to self delete a Q that is not needed. Gives me hope
I wonder if there will be a traditional Visual Studio version after 2019
@TylerH Given the prices they charge corporate customers: almost certainly yes
Not to mention that VS is considerably more heavyweight than VS Code
@StephenKennedy well, I mean they might go the Adobe route and migrate to the web-based version of Visual Studio
I don't see them doing that. The C++ compiler can be demanding. Also not sure how debugging would work with that.
I don't think Microsoft want a web-based version of their compiler: they only want it to run on Windows usually.
I just pray some legend out there creates Winux - all the good bits of both OS's under one distro (with gui options). Then I wouldn't have to dual boot :D
@treyBake That would be a fine day indeed
It would basically be Windows with KDE running on top of it...
Noooo the other way round... Linux kernel, Windows GUI
Or GNOME. In a perfect world, you could choose...
@treyBake I strongly believe MS is going to do this. They've opened up recently and I can only see them integrating more into linux. Eventually they'll just be a custom GUI on top of stock linux that you pay for because drivers.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica That would be nice. Then all of us could forget about Windows because it would basically just be another Linux flavor.
Yep. Gets the best of both worlds. I would pay for that.
@StephenKennedy I'm not a huge fan of the Windows GUI, but I recon Linux does have the better kernel.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Yeah I had a suspicion that might be their plan, guess time will tell :)
Here's an interesting question. I feel like it is on-topic here, but it's borderline code golf.
@TylerH Until VS Code supports multiple monitors (and some other things), I don't consider it a replacement for VS
@gunr2171 wow, I'm surprised it doesn't already
I know
though I personally consider 1 monitor enough
I can't live without 3
I typically use multiple instance of VS though when I need to look at two different things
@treyBake the kicker is getting the two groups to agree on which OS has which good bits, I think
Hey now, lets keep it safe for work. We don't need to be talking about OSes bits
sorry for off topic, but my quest encountered a road block at a previous closed question so this didn't seem like the worst place to ask...
I want there to exist somewhere on SE a question, the answers to which are links to environments containing many programming/technical chat rooms. Example answers would be IRC (link to irc.netsplit.de/channels), Discord (link to disboard or discord.me), Slack (link to slofile or another Slack channel index), Gitter (link to Gitter front page), etc.
Is there a SE site on which a question of this nature would be on-topic?
Closest main site on SE is Software Recommendations, but that's not for chat rooms.
@Sparr No. The best place for stuff like this is the tag wiki. If there is places to get help you a specific tech, put that into the tech's wiki.
@Sparr Stack Overflow is not the appropriate site for Q&As listing tool recommendations/sites.
Your best bet considering the context of your request is to ask on Reddit or maybe Quora
I was hopeful for an environment in which answers can be [something like] community wiki, and kept up to date farther into the future than quora or reddit answers would be
@Sparr if there's a particular tag/technology you have in mind, then the tag's wiki page would be the closest thing, though as has already been mentioned, that doesn't typically include chat rooms
since chat rooms are ephemeral in nature
@Sparr Such question would be closed as off-topic on SO. If you need to search for links you are better at using Google.
yeah, it was already closed on SO, hence asking here where it would be on topic
I do not have a particular tag/technology in mind, nor do I want to put links to irc channels on a thousand different tags' wiki pages :(
@Dharman I cannot immediately think of a google search that would produce the list I enumerated above, and especially not one that would fill in the blanks if I already knew some of them.
that is, if I already know about IRC and Slack, finding Discord isn't too hard, but finding Gitter might be a challenge, and... I don't even know what else would be on the list to mention here
I've never even heard of Gitter
All SE sites follow the same Q&A nature. You are not asking a question to which there is a specific answer, hence it is not the suitable place for such list. I would also suggest reddit, where such loose conversations take place.
@TylerH exactly!
I'm not sure I understand your goal completely
@Dharman the format of the question might be something like "On what chat services do technical professionals congregate and tend to offer community support?"
you want a resource that's kept up-to-date that covers multiple languages that has links to language-specific and active chat rooms where conversations are held on said programming languages?
@TylerH I think Sparr wants to maintain a list of all available collaboration tools.
I don't think there are "chat services were tech professional congregate" like that, at least not in general
Not necessarily the tools, but the... servers / sites
there are some language-specific rooms here on SO but they also tend to come and go
You could maybe create such list on Wikipedia? Just a thought...
I don't want "IRC", I want "Freenode" and "OFTC" and the three or four other IRC networks with a lot of active technical chat
anyway, the design of the SE network makes it such that this kind of thing isn't really a good fit for it.
Would you include Stack Overflow in that list?
@Dharman a list on wikipedia doesn't sound like a bad answer
I think some kind of wikipedia article or github repo would be better
@Dharman yes, the SO chat system would be on the list
Github repo even better. I used such lists on Github when looking for PHP resources.
stepping back a bit, I am currently looking for chat rooms about CSS, and really annoyed/sad at the chat balkanization of the last 10-20 years as IRC has been dying, and frustrated at the lack of any place I can go to even see a list of places I might search to find where css developers are chatting now
@Sparr well, if you have a specific question that's reproducible, you can sometimes find CSS help on HTML / CSS / WebDesign (provided you're patient).
As far as "chat", perhaps look on Twitter and find some specific CSS devs to follow
What I want is a meta-search service that searches irc, discord, slack, gitter, etc. That's a longer term goal though. Right now my much more achievable goal is to get a list of those answers, in a place that is likely to be kept up to date by other people with similar searches.
a lot of conversation happens there
@Sparr This sounds like quite a big challenge that's worth creating a service/company for (really, it's that big of a task)
People would probably pay some money to subscribe to it
I am not, at this moment, looking for CSS help. I am two steps above that; looking for a place to look for places where I can find CSS help.
because I already know about them, I can go search netsplit.de/channels/?chat=css and gitter.im/home/explore/tags/css and disboard.org/search?keyword=css right now. But I don't know what other places to search.
and chat.stackoverflow.com "css" (can't link directly to a search/filter here)
Here's the SO question that got closed 9 years ago: stackoverflow.com/questions/3542533/programmers-chat-rooms
the problem has gotten worse since then :(
@Dharman The last thing Wikipedia needs is another list of websites. It's supposed to be an encyclopedia not a web directory.
Anyway, it sounds like you're saying there is no SE site where this would be an on-topic question. I appreciate that and the wikipedia suggestion.
@StephenKennedy if all/most of the answers in question are themselves notable enough to have a wikipedia page, which currently all the ones I care about are, then a List page for them would be entirely appropriate for wikipedia.
@gunr2171 I could help even more by deleting it!
> This is a list of other articles that are lists of list articles
I need more coffee before I can process that
Now we need a List of lists of lists of lists
It could be worse. It could be ArrayList.
I never understood that name
That shows its awesomeness
in my mind "Array" means random access in O(1) time and "List" means you can get from one item to the prev and/or next using only information in the item.
and an ArrayList has both properties
Technically, that's actually true!
FWIW, array satisfies both of those qualities.
In c#, both Arrays and Lists are single-type collections. So you can do string[] and List<string>. This prevents you from doing myList.Add(123) for a string List. An ArrayList, however, is essentially a List<object>, meaning you can do myAL.Add(123); myAL.Add("yes");
I.E. "screw your types"
I like my types too much to do that to them
strange types
@gunr2171 Is that a list of arrays
I haven't written any C# in months and when I last left off my boss suggested I implement a data table for some collection of items that needed to be presented in a user-rearrangeable table, and I never managed to discover what exactly a data table is or how to create one programmatically (just a bunch of low-quality YouTube videos where someone creates an actual table or asp.net grid view connected to a database)
var dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
An ArrayList is just a normal array where each element can be its own type, and you can't enforce any type restrictions.
annoyingly, generics were being researched for .NET before even v1.0 was released, but they didn't make it into the framework until 2.0. In the meantime we got ArrayList mattwarren.org/2018/03/02/How-generics-were-added-to-.NET
[better late than never of course]
An ArrayList is awesome as a return type if you're not responsible for handling that thing. You can throw your garbage in and the consumer of your method is tasked with figuring out what the heck they are looking at. Not good advice if you want to make friends.
That's the same tactic you use with your customers, right?
lol, beautifully evil :)
@rene So it's really just an open-ended tabular construct whose only inherent properties are that it has columns and rows (and all else needs to be defined by the user? e.g. # of cols/rows, and contents, and acceptable data types within each)?
@gunr2171 Perhaps Rene uses the tried and tested technique of writing code nobody else understands. That way you get a maintenance contract for life.
@TylerH yes, you can add columns with their datatatypes, relations and indexes
@TylerH I have a small example here and here
@rene neat
@TylerH here I have an MRE: stackoverflow.com/a/32284889/578411 that uses an PrimaryKey in a datatable to show the performance benefit.
@rene My bookmarks folder is burgeoning under all these new additions :-)
You have my number, call me if you need more
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Please stop using gimme tech codez
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Is there a rule against that?
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Yes. Our rule is to stick to the actual close reason. Pretty sure we've warned you about this a few times now.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica What was the reason for closing the question? "Self-duplicate under a new account, question is gimme tech codez" is not clear to me which one was used.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Yo, Dawg. I hear you like lists... Think I used that right 😄
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I thought that the rule was just against using non-factual evaluations, I didn’t realize that that particular phrase was banned. I can change that if preferred.
Please do. We don't want gimme tech codez or it's derivatives.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica ok, I didn’t know that
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I’ll stop using that now that I know
@Dharman I couldn’t close as a dupe because the target had no answers yet, I went with custom OT.
Can a 10K+ tell me if there are more deleted answers in this post: stackoverflow.com/a/58807430/1839439
@Dharman CC @StephenKennedy :P
lol... one moment
@Dharman there's a deleted answer which looks very similar, which you commented on. do you need a screenshot?
just one? I had a deja vu I downvoted the same answer few times
I'm only seeing one, yes
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica hello new CV Queue top reviewers neighbor :-)
A glitch in the matrix. Quick hide the sentinels are here for @rene
but I am a learner driver
Whoever went back and deleted that old closed question I mentioned earlier... If not for seeing that closed question, I'd have asked a version of it myself. By deleting it you've virtually ensured it will be re-asked.
@Sparr (not one of the delete voters) It's going to get re-asked whether it exists or not. Most people don't actually research.
@Sparr Why would you have asked it yourself? Are you not aware that it this kind of question actually is off-topic?
also taking this opportunity to rant about how garbage SO search is and why it causes half our dupe problems
pitch forks at the ready.......To Metaaaaaaaaa!
@Sparr I'm usually the one that's arguing against deleting questions. I often think we shouldn't be deleting highly viewed, valued older questions, but just leave them closed. For that question, while there are a significant number of views, 20k, over 9 years. However, I think more telling is the score for the question was +3 and the answer was +5 (3 of which were on the day it was posted). That doesn't seem like very many people found it to be all that valuable in the 9 years it's existed.
Note: I didn't see the question until after it was deleted. Thus, I didn't have the opportunity to make a choice about voting to delete, or not.
@BaummitAugen I came here in the hopes of finding out it was on-topic on a specific site, like how codegolf.SE has very different criteria for questions and answers.
Ah, I see. I thought you were going to ask it here.
Nvm then.

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