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12:21 AM
@Mikhail How's this for a $150 Samsung SSD?
It's one of the ones I horded up last week.
3 hours later…
3:42 AM
Next door neighbour, from this:
Dec 11 '18 at 6:17, by TelKitty
user image
to this:
3:59 AM
How to passively becoming the worst (because both of your neighbours and the building opposite the road have all been newly built within the past 5 years).
4:55 AM
What could a genius mind do if (s)he does not arms, legs from birth and has to depend on others to survive? That's what the best A.I. could do without a robotic body.
This would my pitch line for my next A.I. robot venture. But I have nothing to pitch for the next 2-3 years.
5:52 AM
Brain-to-body mass ratio, also known as the brain-to-body weight ratio, is the ratio of brain mass to body mass, which is hypothesized to be a rough estimate of the intelligence of an animal.
I wonder what's in the worm's head if not brain.
1 hour later…
7:20 AM
FFS. Firefox disabled all of my addons, says they are unsigned.
They want to eliminate all of their users.
7:37 AM
I wonder how their QA works, if they did not catch this.
@Mysticial Read and write are about 2x higher than they should be. Especially for sequential. Some kind of caching, optimization is happening. Try running a more thorough test.
Maybe not sustainable once the drive is full.
Price already went from $150 -> $200 in a week.
Anyways the moral is that with increasing IO speed, CPU micro optimization is dead (especially manual vectorization) and everybody should use GPUs or be fired.
7:53 AM
@Mikhail Nah, 3 GB/s is too slow. Still I/O bound.
The SM961 is very close to the 960 EVO.
The 1 TB 960 EVO is still fucking $390? Which is inline with the pre-discount $400 price of the SM961.
Maybe I should just buy more even though it went up $50 since last week.
Kingston SSDs are around $100 per 1TB
Most of the SATA SSDs are around $100/TB.
NVMe is harder to JBOD
The QLC NVMe's get close to that.
Especially the Intel 660p.
@Mikhail I'm using these as main machine boot drives.
Fuck that. If its not 300 TB its not a real drive.
7:59 AM
I have a stockpile of SATA3 2.5" SSDs for experimentation and secondary drives.
NVMe has this problem. There are no back planes that do NVMe. So you gotta pay about $500 to merge the drives on PICe, then merge the PICe drives on the OS level. Not fun.
Actually it appears SuperMicro released NVMe backplanes
One of my experimentation boxes has a 2-drive 2.5" back plane box in the front drive port. Basically I put the 2.5" SSDs in the there one at a time and do full installs and shit. Which I can easily swap out.
That sounds boring. I would be impressed if you figured out a cost effective way to convert PICe lanes into nvme storage. Like getting PCIe expanders and breaking out into cheapo-mc-cheap-face SunRich (tm) expanders. Then fill it with $20 SSDs.
That's the box.
The cardboard box is my unopened SM961. I ordered two of them.
You might want to steam clean that carpet ...
8:13 AM
heh yeah
Those drives aren't plug in, therefore whatever benchmarks you are showing, or have shown are falsified. This chat isn't academic research, you can't just make stuff up.
presumably they were plugged in at the time of running it.
@Mikhail The benchmark isn't on that box.
It's on the box I'm typing on right now.
Also the carpet doesn't match the carpet from previous photographs of your apartment. Overall, this cast doubt.
@Mikhail You're just jealous. :)
Actually, you shouldn't be because you have much better hardware - that you don't even need to pay for.
@Mikhail I got new carpet last year. Or rather, a different area rug.
8:18 AM
I have spent a couple hundred dollars on a printer that's almost as bad as the free one I previously owned. It's a lot faster and can wifi print. But other than that, it's almost as bad, 50% of the times I would encounter either paper jamming problem or printer head clogging.
Printing at great speed = paper jamming at great speed.
I built $15 storage but used a RAID card from 2011 (long time ago). This was not a good idear. 24x14 TB array has about ~200 on 4k Q32TI write.
But I hate everybody I work with, so much, that I haven't been able to muster a fuck, let alone send them the credentials to use the storage.
I built eight storage nodes for >$15k, with mixed success. Overall, what I learned was that you need more 5V power than is typical of a gaming PSU and Adaptec is a shit RAID card but better than competition.
@Mikhail Here's the entire side of the room:
Same-ish angle two years ago:
Mar 19 '17 at 17:42, by Mysticial
user image
8:34 AM
At the end of the day, the only way to get better SSD sequential write speed is to use a more robust foundation. I for one, after many years of trial and tribulation, have learned to prefer plastic mats for my servers.
But on a less serious note, recent changes to Qt's build tool (blog.qt.io/blog/2018/01/24/…) have lead to parallelization of the build process, and substantial wall-time improvements. Maybe 25% out of the box.
@Mikhail Tell them to do it on the GPU because it will make it 1000x faster.
I told some chick at the bar to use a GPU and she got confused. For some reason only dudes are interested in seeing my DGX-2.
The tragedy is that with all those PICe lanes, I still need to actually work.
Also, if the lack of moderation on this chat website will allow me to express potentially subversive and dangerous opinions, recent progress in machine learning has shown that training neural networks leads to over-fitting. Whats interesting is that if you keep training, keep overfitting, most models will actually start performing better on test data.m In most cases you cut training off when you get worse results, but if you kept going, you'd get apotheosis.
Teach the controversy
8:58 AM
Err ...
2 hours later…
10:34 AM
@Mysticial @ScarletAmaranth Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai is also fun.
11:08 AM
mmm, I think I'll just stick with Tate na Yuusha and the new JoJo for the time being
@Mysticial you really covered that hard wood floor with a carpet ^^? BLASPHEMY!
5 hours later…
4:22 PM
@StackedCrooked On my downloaded, but not yet watched list. :)
@ScarletAmaranth Only partially though. The entire unit is 100% hardwood floor - including the bedrooms. So I wanted some carpet back without actually getting rid of the really nice hardwood.
Other thing is that the office chairs damage the hardwood.
you have a standing desk though
dont you?
I kinda like damaged hardwood floor; it's there to be used - but I understand not everyone likes the wear and tear - also a single carpet can help a lot to absorb a lot of dust, sort of gathering it for easier hoover action
@Borgleader Yes, but I'm not always standing.
@ScarletAmaranth I also like to walk around barefoot.
The unit class (the's a bunch of them on different floors), is supposed to have carpet in the bedrooms. But for some reason the previous owner ripped it all out and put hardwood in it. They also used area rugs to in the bedrooms.
Why not just leave the bedrooms carpet?
4:46 PM
I have yet to see a carpet so pretty that I would choose it over nicely-textured hardwood
I also like marble/stone floors but a) eggspensive b) impractical (cold)
Hello there
I'm about to pull my hair off, perhaps someone can help me out with a task about making an old game work on my PC
the last track I get is faulty module: ntdll.dll
But I'm almost certain the DLL is fine, and it's the program acting up instead.
For background, the game's called Ground Control, it's developed in C++ 6.0 if I'm not mistaken, and throws an error at some instruction, but I'm not proficient in C++ or assembly yet, so I literally have no idea what's happening
then again I don't have the game source code, so I can't correct the mistake myself
What exactly are you expecting from us? You cant correct the error cuz you dont have the source code, and all the info we have is that it throws an error on "some instruction"
I'm resetting the wrapper settings so I can give you some more info
It takes some time because I've been making changes for quite a long time now
7799446A  mov         eax,dword ptr [eax]
Exception thrown at 0x7799446A (ntdll.dll) in gc.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000080.
The disassembled instruction corresponds to ntdll.dll
5:03 PM
Reverse-engineering a bug in a really old application without source code is going to be prohibitive.
Hmmm I understand
Basically, you're gonna want to be a state-sponsored entity with unlimited resources.
oh hell no xD
I was expecting a simpler solution like some sort of wrapper configuration to correct the issue
Well I can try to get the source code for the game
If you can get the game working on a different computer and have debuggers on both working and non-working, then you may be able to step through the program to see where the behavior starts to diverge. Then reverse engineer from there. This is how people crack DRM.
But that's going to be impossible
Ooooh I can do that!
It's working on both a VM I created to see if I could reproduce the error, and my laptop
Enlightening, thanks
5:07 PM
But be aware that you still need to be really good at reverse engineering and it's hit-and-miss.
I'll be damned, I'm terrible at reverse engineering. But it's never too late to learn
Depending on the nature of the crash, it might be easier than actually defeating DRM. Since DRM is designed to make it as hard as possible to defeat.
Might be easier to try and run it in a VM with an environment similar to what was common when it was released
(unless youre already doing that ofc)
I say this because for a long time (and maybe still) drivers had to list OpenGL extensions in a really specific order because Quake only allocated a very small amount of memory to receive them and so if the ones it needed didnt fit in that amount the game couldnt run
So its not impossible that it would be a similar kind of bug
@Borgleader The address being 0x00000080 seems to hint at deferencing of some sort of null pointer.
Perhaps some WinAPI call that's supposed to give you an object, but gave you a null instead.
No error checking in the program.
5:28 PM
@Borgleader Well this explains many things...
@Mysticial Indeed, this game gave me a decent dose of trouble back in the day. Everything seems to be hardcoded and you have to pray with all your inner strength
@Borgleader I was running a W10 Pro VM because I wanted to mirror the environment I had as close as possible. It worked there but only while I had dgVoodoo configured to fit the VM settings, now that I removed those settings to make room for the debugger it's crashing.
Now I'll create a WinXP machine and see what happens.
But I'm afraid I probably won't be able to hook my VS instance into such an old OS
6:10 PM
Okay, so I created a new VM, the game's working in it. I attached the debugger, now the problem is that I can't attach in time to get through the same instruction in time
But it's still Windows 10 Pro
6:37 PM
I tried on both XP and W10, they work just fine
it's only my PC
7:23 PM
@CaptainGiraffe are there any rules I should be aware of?
like things I can't do
3 hours later…
10:16 PM
@Mikhail Holy shit. This thing is right up there with the high-end Samsung PROs.
1 hour later…
11:41 PM
The next performance milestone will be a drop in NVMe breakout/RAID card cost.
Cant wait to get final (official) details on AMD CPUs
Apparently reeveal is at Computex in 3 weeks?

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