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@Ahmad Tell that to gradle
@RaghavSood hands bag
@Raghunandan scheduled for next week!
you tried it?
Ahmad haha tho some months. I was born in march :)
why? does that not apply to gradle
one gradle build takes 0.05% of my life span
i just installed pycharm tensorflow and anaconda python
just tried running few samples
Nice!!! :D
@Raghunandan Please don't genetically merge snakes for your amusement
@Ahmad it's CAT national holiday, so pretty okayish.
@Ahmad If I hit "build" 3 times, it'll take longer on each build
@Raghunandan you may find this very useful fast.ai
@SurajRao w0mper is older than me
I'm going to go get some cheesecake and try to internalize the fact that Alan is 100% from the 21st century
haha. i will keep that in mind raghav
And that he is a sign of what my future interns may be like
Wait, how old is tristan?
@CptEric so who is the oldest in the room at the moment?
@RaghavSood is that generation tidepods?
tristan is 2000's
i think
or maybe 2001?
@AdamMc331 we require assistance
Carl is..?
the savy wizard in charge of Starbucks devs
@Ahmad that makes you like 400 years old
@CptEric The cookie lord
@CptEric erm I meant the year/age
never ask a wizard his age
Idk, he said he exited puberty 3 millenia back
but he's proabably seen atleast three wars.
and two roman empires
I suspect Carl is actually a martian. He came to Earth once his planet died
I'll come back later, cya :)
Now we scared the new guy with Carl stuff
I think we scared him
Does anyone know what the 21st century edition of social norms are?
and we didn't even got into any of the hot topics of this room
We didn't even get to talk about skynet yet
@Alan \o bye..
and Zuccbot didn't show up
Neither did Adam's keystore
@RaghavSood be angry about everything.
zuccbot is always here
The first rule of skynet is to quietly accept your fate and rejoice in your salvation through extinction
 User       | Message (18718)                                  | Stars (47922) | Link
 McAdam331  | I'M AN IDIOT.                                    | 29            |
 Carl Ander | PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If the word "fuck"  | 25            |
 Eenvincibl | So I am gonna have a son!                        | 24            |
 WarrenFait | ATTENTION: Who ever just mass starred here: If t | 22            |
 W0MP3R     | I develop in php, and i like it                  | 21            |
Yes, yes it is
You didn't scare me haha in Italy we have summer vacations and during them I work in a website company. Got an assignment to do now :)
Va bene
:D haha
oooh you italian?
mediterranean bro fist
Yes I am :)
yea man ;)
I guess he should see this then:
Jul 12 at 15:43, by Mauker
user image
everybody memeing about that gesture tho :D
we don't usually meme, we are a very serious bunch
today is special
hides the key to the meme storage
We even had pizza
hides the key to the storage of meme storages
hides tim's own storage of storages
hides jordy
lmao will go now bye :)
Today is the day all of r15 realized the world is changing
@Mauker guess I am too old to get that reference
i realized already when one of our interns said he didn't knew who Aqua or the spice girls was
and he was legitly saying so.
@SurajRao how old? :D
and i was like "yeah, the spice girls, one of the leads was Vicky, David Beckham's wife..." and then the shots were fired. "who is David Beckham?"
and you realize your intern was just 6 when beckham left european football.
@MehdiB. 28
Lol grandpa
hands grandpa walking stick
you will need these.
yeah give us some life advices Suraj :D
have you taken your meds today?
Wrong xkcd
@suraj you can come work with me, the youngets software engineer here is like 55.. yo could feel young again
The older engineer where I'm at is like... 30
damn .. am I the oldest in the room?
I doubt it
I live an a state that struggles to attract young people...
@CU_dev huh didnt realize engineering career can exist that long. most dont continue in the field AFAIK
@CU_dev Yeah, Vermont just sounds old
My state is actually offering $10k to young college grads to come and work here
state, as in US?
did we replace Raghav with a Feeds bot?
Vermont is old... :/
@SurajRao Why would you replace me with a bot? :(
I'm so nice to everyone*
* Europe not included
you're nice to europe
May 2 at 6:45, by Raghav Sood
rule 0. Europe must go
@CU_dev was it the state that tried to attract remote workers?
alright.. This old sun needs to set.. cya
Cya Suraj
be careful with strangers
remember to drink water
wut? strangers burn in my presence
@CU_dev what state? vermont?
and remember, don't drive, have your grandchildren do your groceries
some US states a re shaped like a lazy kid started drawing them on a paper and there was a tiled ground below
so some lines are hand drawn and the others follow the tiles straight until the kid noticed
@SurajRao depends on your birthday. I am also 28
made a meme
i know it's not perfect
but neither is this map line.
reminds me of the mirror above the sun
we'll find it in a few months in some "truth seekers" page :D
@Mauker unlucky for you
@Mehdi yes we are trying to get remote workers... people think its too cold here
too many messages
which country cu_Dev?
I had read that people found out that it wasn't a very interesting move tax-wise
Vermont @cpteric
@MehdiB. To the us?
it's hard to save a ageing zone
@Mauker no, the formula offered by the state of Vermont to remote workers
yeahh, the taxes are super high here, if you look at it objectively it is not a great place to move...
@RaghavSood what's wrong with Europe
It's still around, mainly
@CU_dev how much you paying btw?
@MarkO'Sullivan I heard that's where a certain bot was built
remote job sounds perfect to me:D
Lmao raghav
@Mauker the us as a whole isn't a interesting place tax-wise either
too much taxes for nothing in exchange
The place I'm interning is the only company within an hour that needs software engineers...
@RaghavSood hey I'm not old
@ColdFire im not sure what they pay remote workers... but the state pays you $10k to move here haha (would not recommend to anyone)
@MarkO'Sullivan is old, claims he's not old
lots of parts of spain are also void of young people
so far most govs haven't taken any measures
the swiss way of dealing with that sounds cool tho
@CU_dev meh only 10k tho not bad
free house if you come there married and have atleast 2 children before 6 years
@CptEric where would be a good place?
anywhere in europe right now
mostly west and north
spain only if you land in a big tech company
with euro-level wages
@RaghavSood 24 aint old boy
well atleast mark is not anciet
i think that so far the best places to work right now in relation to income/taxes/outcome for taxes in the whole world is Denmark, Finland, Germany and Ireland
with France,Spain,Portugal,Italy coming after
in that order
@MarkO'Sullivan I'm sorry grandpa, can't hear you all the way over in the young people camp
making quick numbers: the avg tech salary in SF is 100K for a normal dev ( no unicorn jobs), the avg in spain is 20-25K. a 3 room flat in spain is 60-80K, a 3 room flat in SF is 1.5-2M
this is our chance to have raghav suspended from chat for 30 mins
reports Raghav
i need 4 full year wages to get a flat, in US you need > 10
You're ignoring tax and cost of living
US CoL -> 10x Spain's
Does it not depend on the state?
i said SF
no you said US
> i need 4 full year wages to get a flat, in US you need > 10
maukers raghav
look over that msg bro
"making quick numbers..."
lmao raghav
that is just over 2x
Is that monthly?
and considering rent, not martgage, which is way higher everywhere in the west else than in spain
as my palace finder has demonstrated.
both after tax
So if I wanna work in Europe I should work in Spain?
sounds like zimbabwe what is the point of earning 100billion$ when bread cost 1b$
i'd pick others before
but spain is a nice spot for retiring
or remote work
@CU_dev germany
@CU_dev I'd pick Berlin, the startup scene is very mature
spain's issue is there's too much blue collar unemployment
but lack of service and tech
so the business world struggles between lowering wages to make more profit given the amount of people without jobs, or rise them to avoid "Brain flee"
i'd pick Berlin too
Getting out of the US would definitely be nice for a while... Too much Trump for me lol
so far i think the best choice is: get a well paid( 30K is rich here) remote job and live in southern europe like a demigod, or go to the north and get a cool company job and live in a fancy fashion
He is causing damage that I fear will last even after he is no longer in office :(
yeah trade wars are not fun, leaving the other stuff aside
I wrote about a blog post about some hidden gems in Kotlin!
"how much cheaper is spain" : with <30% of my 20K-ish/y salary i'm renting a 170m2 flat.
@CU_dev I was listening to a Joe Rogan Podcast with Peter Schiff, he's saying he expects there to be another recession before Trumps administration is over
oh wow, that's a big flat
1829,86 square feet
He's one of the guys who predicted the '08 crash (and I think made money from the crash)
gotta get confirmation
but unless someone steals it from me again
this one's mine :D
too few rents in my city tbh
people prefer selling as it's quick buck
@MarkO'Sullivan its very possible, we are experiencing large economic growth and it is bound to pop at any time..
Why wont my Profile Pic change in here if I changed it on mySO account??
takes some time
Hello :)
@AdamMc331 awesome have a star
@CU_dev cache
hey i am offended apache helicopter is not mentioned there :D
@CU_dev meh large economic growth doesnt really mean recession is coming
no it doesn't, but with the instability of our leader anything is possible
yeah, actual economic growth will keep it from crashing as bad
how do you know he is unstable?
please dont tell me from media
much more likely a crash will be caused by the banking industry, like it always is
interest rates are still low, which is very weird in a strong economy
yeah well i can take that as a reasonable explanation
but saying good growth rate is indication of recession is kinda shooting arrows in the air
btw i forget is there a "None of the Above"(NOTA) option in US election?
I chose not to vote for either candidate, but you could always write in anyone
@ColdFire where do you get your information from?
please don't tell me from the media
@CU_dev oh we have a specific option for that NOTA
Our version of that is a write in
Oh i see
you haven't answered my question yet CF :/
there is nothing to answer
so you realized that your previous question doesn't make sense?
mine does yours doesnt
i am not stating any information to prove where it came from
> how do you know he is unstable?
please dont tell me from media
is equivalent to asking
and there is difference between asking and telling
> how do you know the govt funded this project?
please dont tell me from media
I'm not sure we're communicating
@MehdiB. SYN
i see whataboutism
no, you see a pure question
invalidating your way of thinking
I do not see a question
throws two knives on the ground
7 mins ago, by Mehdi B.
@ColdFire where do you get your information from?
Grabs popcorn
i am with mehdi tho
sigh back to square one
you just refuse to question your way of approaching things
@CptEric lol
it was totally unnecessary to ask where he got that info from. he's from the country bro.
well ok
he has a right to his opinion
and you don't need to be a genius to see when someone's unstable.
and even if he's from the concerned country, he doesn't live with his president
so where does he get his info from?
specially if his unstability is public on twitter with daily tantrums in full caps on his official account
haha that is something i would agree with^
maybe in billion people countries like india it's hard to get stuff straight from the source
but usa's just 350M people
(spain's 48M in comparision)
even in india, at the end of the day you'll still rely in one of the thousands of media channels, unless someone lives by "I heard, I've been told...."
@CptEric yeah yeah its fine :D
@MehdiB. Nah, what's the point of having so many people if you need to rely on media?
Indians just turn around and shout
There's always someone with earshot
Who shouts it further
It's like a mesh network of overpopulation
and counting
Indian Broadcast System
Yeah, soon even shouting won't be necessary
You'll just be able to talk normally
the "Ive heard, someone told me" has always proven itself to be dumb and dangerous, look at a restrained example when the 3 guys got lynched wrongfully
Any form of information dissemination can be dangerous, news channels included
when relying on news channel /newspapers media in general, you have a choice, a brain and time to do your research and criticize
That's why raghav is enforcing skynet. The only one and true source of information, and cookies
and you have a choice everywhere to rely on what you want
lol mauker
what you want yes, just don't expect it to be valid
and same for media
I'll just keep on looping with you
the feeling is mutual thanks for the end tho^
Where's the open tag aaaaaaaaaa
@MehdiB. Sure
        Mauker OS 2.7 Kernel Panic................
        Rebooting... Done.
		Mauker OS 2.7 is up and running.
Unfortunately, at least in India, the problem isn't the fact that information is available
It's the fact that a lot of people will refuse to think
anyway my point mostly was msm peeps passing their opinion as hard facts
but sigh
Especially when it involves religion/race/caste
^ true
A friend and I were discussing this the other day
And India is either going to go through an education revolution, or a very bloody revolution
my bets are on later
Yeah, that's why we don't let you run stuff
and either way, the winners will be at the end, "the educated" who'll stay on the bench during the whole process
then quickly climb to the top when it's all settled
But it's more likely to be those who lead the winning religion/sect tbh
if that's the case it's gonna be disastrous
Yeah, i'm not particularly optimistic
Q: Should we stop commenting altogether?

CodeCasterYes, that's a pretentious title. I love commenting. I'm on my way to having posted 15,000 comments. I want to help people improve their question so it won't be closed, or help them find a duplicate that answers it. But I notice useful, non-harmful, non-unwelcoming comments disappearing left a...

juicy drama
@RaghavSood the problem is quite multifold to be solved easily , if all parties can actually leave their vote bank politics aside for once and do something good we could get away with a lot of problem
That's like saying nuclear fusion is easily solved by just fusing atoms
Sure, it's technically correct
not that it is going to happen xD
But good luck with it happening
yeah that was just wishful thinking but just saying
drama everywhere
They're sounding just like Neymar
they make a good point
meta drama is not new
@TimCastelijns that is why people dont comment in the first place
its just a lost cause
nowadays you can get flagged for just about anything. You must cuddle anyone who asks a question and you cannot criticize
since the recent changes i might add
they overhauled the flag comment popup
That's just like Quora's BNBR policy
Quora BNBR is worse
be nice, be rice?
be nice,be respectful
Be Nice, Beat Raghav
with sticks
Come at me bro
hey he is a robot, sticks wont suffice
raghav should have said " fite me"
Jul 19 at 17:42, by Raghav Sood
Fite me 1v1 irl i'll electrocute u
Even better
Oct 11 '17 at 15:07, by Raghav Sood
Fite me 1v1 irl Timothy
@RaghavSood throwing at you some lying newspaper XD
You just made me realize I've never seen a newspaper in NZ
JW Jevaveh requested access. Rep: 20 - Questions: 14 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0.0)
You're the newspaper Raghav
he is the FuturePaper
JW Jevaveh you need at least 80 rep to talk in this room
mauker good for you , warren is not online xD
That's precisely why I said that
@JWJevaveh You need at least 80 rep, and a q:a ratio of 4:3 or better to get access here
@TimCastelijns i am going with the yesterday's final layout
couldn't think of any better

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