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If SOME_VIEW is not an entity in the database, it will crash.
one works one does not work... I home the try and catch options tell me the answer
it is
it saves for one of the other true false
I have asked to have the database checked... I am awaiting their reply to my question
I am standing by for that result as well
@007 In the view itself, do you have a hidden field for the primary key of the entity?
I don;t think so
Then it will crash
It can't find the entity you specify.
It's trying to do an UPDATE statement without a key.
db.Entry(SOME_VIEW).State = EntityState.Modified;
is a hack around to get entity framework to generate an update statement without querying the database first.
You might also have to attach SOME_VIEW to the DbContext first.
Then set it to unmodified.
this was using the database first as we had the database before the tool was built
Ahhhh ok
@007 Doesn't matter. This is a different concept.
I am now seeing what you have typed more clearly... yes... it is lost with out the key value
ok pimps one line
challenge by me
@TylerStahlhuth, unfortunately, the solution you gave me doesn't work because even if the tests fail, the code still gets published, and that isn't what we want.
Alright pimps
@DanielAllenLangdon Are you publishing directly to the server? You need to publish to the build directory.
Implement a Logical AND between 2 bools without using & & or bit-wise &
And use a release.
In one line
@GeorgeSarcasmGod 3 nots and an or
no operators
at all
You didn't say that
no logic operators must be used
You can't just change the conditions of the challenge halfway through
Hi there Mike
@GeorgeSarcasmGod fine. a ? b : a
@KendallFrey Cute.
something something ternary operator
Something something can't use fundamental rules of the universe
and True True = True
and _ _ = False
what if b is true tho
What if?
Then a == b
@GeorgeSarcasmGod What if it is?
!(false +""+ true).Contains("f")
if(a) return b;
return a;
oh god not javascript
oh phew
replace false and true with a and b
!(a +""+ b).Contains("f")
if it doesnt contain false
@GeorgeSarcasmGod This is C# right?
I so wish I understood view models... my advanced age make this wish impossible... I think that is the source of my issues... using sql views and the entity frame works is a bad combine of products
007 never too late
@GeorgeSarcasmGod You're solution is incorrect. ToString doesn't return "false". It returns "False". Also, that's only when the culture is an English one.
sadly it is.
mine is "false"
try 'a' then
@GeorgeSarcasmGod I could make it return "Deez nuts!" if I wanted to.
Convert.ToByte(a) + Convert.ToByte(b) == 2;
traditionally "and" is a multiplication operation
ye mayb
returns 0 and 1
mike its good but uses ==
Oh for fucks sake
13 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
You can't just change the conditions of the challenge halfway through
== is logical
19 mins ago, by George Sarcasm God
Implement a Logical AND between 2 bools without using & & or bit-wise &
@GeorgeSarcasmGod Then your answer also fails because it uses the default equality operator with "Contains."
Convert.ToBoolean(new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(a), Convert.ToInt32(b) }.Sum() - 1)
Contains is not an operator
@mikeTheLiar isn't that XNOR?
Possibly. I got bored of this exercise a long time ago.
@GeorgeSarcasmGod not in this case
Can anything really be, like, true, man?
ok i admit this chall was shit
There was this guy that wanted to beat me,
An issue on how to count digits of a long
sends this
int theseDigitsShouldREALLYBeCountedImSureOfIt = n
.Select((c,i)=>new{_char = c, ShouldBeCounted = true, index = i})
.Select((a,i)=>new{charValue = a._char-'0', shouldREALLYbecounted = a.ShouldBeCounted && a.index==i})

int thatNameWasTooLong = theseDigitsShouldREALLYBeCountedImSureOfIt;
int soWasThatOne = thatNameWasTooLong;
and im like
public static int Digits(ulong n) => n.ToString().Length;
!!tell george format
@george Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
he got rekt
dont read the code
Jess Pardue on November 13, 2017

Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast episode #121 recorded Thursday, November 9, 2017 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today’s crew includes VP of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, SO Engineering Manager Matt Sherman, and me, Producer Jess. Joel is away getting fitted for gutter-drains and tap dancing shoes!

Special thanks to our sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean.

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@GeorgeSarcasmGod I cheated real hard.
((Expression<Func<bool, bool, bool>>)((a, b) => a && b)).Compile().Invoke(a, b);
the && in this example is not actually a logical operator.
It's a node.
next challenge, calculate "(1-2)*(1+5) -6/2*(4/2)"
without using any math operators
in csharp
as string
That reminds me, I've been playing with the idea of implementing a turing machine in regex
I could literally just do the same thing I just did.
Using expression trees again.
That doesn't count in my book
Convert.ToDouble(new DataTable().Compute("(1-2)*(1+5) -6/2*(4/2)", String.Empty))
.net masterrace
@KendallFrey Why not? You could even set the expression body to anything a user types in.
I mean, I am cheating hard.
Plus, I'm pretty sure expression trees where literally made for this kind of problem.
ok so just ran the try catch logic and now the light is shed on the issue
@TylerStahlhuth Because it's still an operator, just in an expression
Message = "Unable to update the EntitySet ' because it has a DefiningQuery and no <UpdateFunction> element exists in the <ModificationFunctionMapping> element to support the current operation."
so this may because their is no Id correct?
@007 That looks more like a "You haven't mapped this data type in the ModelBuilder" type error.
also I am using a sql server view
and I appears that sql views can not be updated
I will have to turn this issue over to the programmers
thanks so much tyler
@KendallFrey I thought regex's were not Turing complete?
Not vanilla
but I have strong suspicions that .NET's flavour is
Well fuck, now I feel like I have to prove them wrong
How many points are programmers worth in nerd-sniping?
fuck you too
I mean, I did write a regex for matching XML...
You wrote REBEL which I think is more than enough to prove the point
No you didn't. Not really.
I did
@mikeTheLiar REBEL is trivially turing complete
I mean, hello
what do you send (or expect to receive) as a result of a successful DELETE call? (context: REST API design)
200 OK?
I can't think of why it would be different
bye all
@tereško If it worked, 200.
yeah, that's what I am doing, but it means that the client has to keep track of what the user tried to delete
the client becomes stateful
@KendallFrey Matching some XML, sure. Parsing any XML document?
@KendallFrey this pleases me more than I think it should github.com/kendfrey/canadian-chat
@TylerStahlhuth It's not exactly for a document, but rather the content of an xml tag
I think it matches all valid contents of an xml tag
so it matches multiple top-level tags, for example
@mikeTheLiar I should install that again for a giggle
Do you know the story of how it came about?
... maybe I will just try throwing this at Fowler on twitter :D
It's not a story the mods would tell you
@KendallFrey An XML tag is far different than XML as a whole. Lol
@TylerStahlhuth What else is there, besides the <?xml ?> declaration?
There is no XML, only Zuul.
@KendallFrey The content of the XML document? I'm not sure what you mean.
The content of an xml document is also valid content for an xml tag
that is, if you remove the xml declaration, the rest will be valid syntax inside another tag
@KendallFrey Are you just grabbing the first node?
I'm not "grabbing" anything
I'm matching anything that is valid content for an XML tag
Grab 'em by the node. When you're a * they let you do it.
@KendallFrey Wouldn't that be anything between the start and end tag?
What about something like this?
Anything between the start and end tag would be valid
Including the start and end tag would also be valid
including the xml declaration would not
   Look, content!
      More content!
That should match
let me try it
Let's spice it up a bit.
   Look, content!
      More content!
   Oh Hai!
yep, it matched
How about:
   Look, content!
      More content!
   Oh Hai!
you're not even trying
Not going to give you malformed XML.
You're just gonna let me get away with .*?
(Which isn't the regex, but it could be so far)
Are you saying you had documents with text and XML?
I'm not sure what you mean
XML is a form of text
XML can contain text nodes
@KendallFrey Like, stuff that shouldn't be considered part of XML.
Well the regex uses ^ and $, so it doesn't search text for xml
but it probably could
My point is, you're not even trying to find out if it will reject malformed xml
<div <div attr="<div></div>>K</div>" <div>>
   Look, content!
      More content!
   Oh Hai!
To spare you time I'll tell you that IIRC xmlns, cdata, and comments are all supported
CData was next.
@TylerStahlhuth also rejects
<![CDATA[some stuff]]>
<!-- </div> -->
As far as I'm aware, most of the regex engines nowadays aren't what CS calls "regular expressions", but they're actually more powerful than that
Perl's ones are turing complete IIRC
dunno about C#
IME problem with regex is that people try to stuff too much into it
I'd rather see context-free grammar generators get more popular
@milleniumbug I just use it to parse things that are supposed to be in some simple well defined format.
@TylerStahlhuth matches
@mikeTheLiar matches
@milleniumbug we elected one president, I don't know what to tell you
ey what up pimps
There are so many people that are lower codewars kyu than me here
@TylerStahlhuth I'm not even gonna try to parse that one myself, but I'm going to assume it's valid, because it matches.
@KendallFrey yeah but MAKA is seriously the best thing ever
@KendallFrey Should be, though it was a clusterfuck to write.
@GeorgeSarcasmGod some people have jobs and aren't interested in bumping virtual internet points
Could have messed it up.
(yes, I realise the irony of this being posted on SO)
im 19 and all i hear is people chickening out
quack quack quack
im 11k points in stack but dont have time for points
quack quack
cant face a uni student
quack quack
The Dunning-Kruger is strong in this one.
Just looking at pictures of vanilla SO chat is blinding.
i hate black themes
THERE IS A DARK THEME?!?!??!?!??!?
there is a dark theme for everything if you use stylish/stylus or whatever it's called nowadays
There is also a chicken in out theme
I was hoping it was already built in.
Goddamn you mike I was gonna be so productive tonight and I'm sitting here writing regex
Just edit the css
And save it
Although, I was gonna be productive writing regex, so....
@KendallFrey 👄
Would you take more than 1 min
@GeorgeSarcasmGod Are you still shilling for that weird website you were going on about the other day?
@mikeTheLiar Close enough. I am trying to use Brave however. Haven't tried running Chrome extensions in Brave yet...
Python grew so fast the last 10 years
Why use an expansion just edit the css
@GeorgeSarcasmGod Because I am not using a popular browser.
And I just started playing with it.
lol chrome
I sometimes just use the xalm webview
It's light weight af
100 mb or less while playing vid
Compared to minimum 200-300 on chrome
sometimes I think Chrome is the IE of this decade
lol wat
basically what happens when you allow one company to decide how should internet work
I'm sure you seen multiple decades old chicken
@milleniumbug I am really liking Brave. Built off Chromium, but not run by our Google overlords.
lynx 4 lyfe
I know I unironically liked IE6 for the longest time.
Especially when IE7 came around because I hated how 'slow' it felt.
Notice how the only successful thing Google ever made was either purchased or before 2008
They just self-sustaining by ads
That's what they've always been.
Also my Pixel and Chromebook disagree with you.
I wonder how much faster a site loads without tons of Google analytics loaded on start
@mikeTheLiar I don't see the appeal of a Chromebook, but I guess that's just me.
How to become #1 browser: get shipped together when you install avast, Java or whatever else
@GeorgeSarcasmGod Try Brave. You can actaully see it.
Is it true they force you to put cookies on so you can have their ads
@TylerStahlhuth it's a lightweight web browser. That's it. My wife uses it to stream Netflicks when I'm hogging the TV playing vidya.
Oh damn
inb4 Google uses border-radius to spy
I feel so out of place here
@mikeTheLiar I never could figure out why border-radius was a joke.
Oh man have I got a chat transcript for you to read

Power of Freedom and Privacy

Jan 17 at 14:58, 35 minutes total – 126 messages, 16 users, 6 stars

Bookmarked Jan 17 at 15:51 by rlemon

It's so hard helping people I stack overflow these days
So many duplicates and people sniping the fresh questions
@mikeTheLiar Jesus. There's concerned about security then there is the guy paranoid because he probably looks at child porn.
Or watches Alex Jones exclusively.
J.Doe was an absolute loon. Chat-banned for a year.
Ooh, it's almost up, too. 65 days left.
I at least remember him.
I know he used to get quite uppity when he couldn't be a complete dick in chat; what's wild is he still is in some of the chatrooms sometimes.
Let's assume the border-radius thing was a security loophole (I'm not looking it up), it a bug that was probably fixed. Also, it's amazing he didn't trust Mozilla but had zero problems with Microsoft.
He was fairly nonsensical to begin with, he would legitimately complain about being oppressed anytime he got muted/kicked, that's why he has the "FREE SPEECH" icon with the "No" sign over it.
So I wouldn't put much stock in anything he has to say.
every single big open source organisation has people profiting on top
From video language to mozila
If you want a real hilarious story, you don't have to make shit up.
And you know what
Guess who's the biggest contributor of open source
@TylerStahlhuth I mean, assuming Facebook is a wholesome company (major leap); that is actually a really good idea, but that seems to be based solely on you having a copy of the nude photo in particular and just letting facebook sit on it for eternity.
Facebook: ASL?
Also, Facebook: SEND ME NUDES!!!!!!1!
@hilli_micha People asked and their plan was retarded.
Well, to correct, the plan being a good idea is predicated on some major fucking leaps.
Ubuntu phone Unix hipsters hate this licture
But, who knows, Facebook probably has nudes of me already
At first Facebook said they were just going to store a hash of the photo, but then came under fire because that wouldn't work. Then, Facebook admitted that they were planning on hiring a bunch of "highly trained" individuals to look through all the photos to determine if they were all actually porn or not. Which required a database of nudes.
Like I said, I can see what they're trying to do. But now that we're including a third party. That's dum.
TL;DR: Facebook expected to be flooded with so many naked photos they needed to hire people to masturbate to them for Zuckerberg.
dons tin-foil hat I'm not saying Mark is a evil lizardman from outer space who wants to get his claws on your nudes, but I am saying you can't prove he isn't.
Honestly I'm shocked none of Facebook's lawyers said, "Ummm.... let's not..."
someone already uploaded naked pictures of me to facebook
in like 2009
i was wearing a cat in the hat hat

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