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curious era indeed
> a religious group founded by Anthony Levandowski, wants to create a deity based on artificial intelligence for the betterment of society
I wonder how they propose to "create" a deity
^ exactly my thoughts
@TimCastelijns The same way as my mother did, giving birth to me.
Nailed it.
> Way of the Future’s startling mission: To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.
Watching the new Transformers reminded me of reading Tim's code
Makes no sense, jumps all over the place, things are unnecessarily complicated, and everything builds up to explosions
new transformers sucks
@TimCastelijns not in english :|
Tim, CF just said your code sucks
Sep 18 at 13:21, by Tim Castelijns
user image
worse thing is that htey did not only send police in
@w0mp help
they also sent civil guard, wich is a false police, they're military.
Northern Ireland all over again
thought the police who does a mess and beat the first responders (yesterday?) was para-military and private?
@TimCastelijns XD
military riot police yesterday ^
Hey!!! stop picking on Tim!!
thanks w0mpy
yeah his code is more like a omelette
all blurry but quite great when tried
o_0 military
@W0MP3R No.
Spanish national riot polcie ^
you can see the differences in equipment
oh that is bad
the first are NOT trained in civilian contact
the second, even as brutal as can be, are.
that's why some EU mp's want to execute article 7 and 2 of the EU bill
raghav, when are you going to start working on your promise of being more involved cleaning up SO
but they're a minority
for now
@TimCastelijns I had some unexpected time drains come up, such as trying to get back into college
what is that article eric?
article 7 bans military force use and sets cessment of voting rights or even expellment form EU, article 2 says all countries are binded to the articles coming after it and to the bill of human rights
My day usually goes like: Wake up -> Go to work -> Come back -> Work on college stuff -> Sleep
oh ok
will you have more time later
Ideally, this college stuff should be settled by next month or so once decisions start coming out
what college finally?
returning to US i guess
tried to bully you back, immediately felt bad about it. I don't know how you do this day in, day out
Our Minister-President chose sides 5 minutes ago - he said the Spain goverment is completely in his right to do what they're doing xd
Already knew Mark Rutte was a retard, now it's confirmed.
Justifying violence - okay!
Sec Tim
Tagged you @ FB
oh facebook, quality source of news
> OSCE/ODIHR Director calls on Spanish authorities to ensure respect for freedoms of peaceful assembly and expression
Haha the link to the article is on it aswell: geenstijl.nl/5138780/…
* "Premier Mark Rutte zegt dat de Spaanse regering ,,in haar recht staat'' met het optreden in Catalonië tegen het referendum over onafhankelijkheid." *
I wouldn't be surprised if UK PM May says something similar
the old cow
@Jordy sees a popup that cant be dismiss
proud of my city and the firegihters
saved so many lives yesterday.
@ColdFire Bottom right "X"
this is now
What's the firefighters doing?
it's a demonstration in support to them and against hte violence used by the police
they protected people as they tried to vote
couldn't be on all schools, so kept rotating
@TimCastelijns Practice makes perfect
Mark - they used themselves as human shields between the police and the people
but got beat after that
even taking out the firetrucks when 200 policemen charged into two high schools
Bombers i 'no pasarán' https://t.co/YCQ0ZRISJv #tvcatref #IndpCAT
watch ^ THIS
even recieved strong hits from police on some towns
Disgusting police would attack other public services
they also attacked SEM services
carrying hurt people
SEM = paramedics
two dozen basque firefighters went to barcelona to help the catalan ones
this is in lleida, my city
army kinda doesnt know how to deal with normal citizen
that is why you dont deploy them
for this kind of stuff
18 year old army recruits were deployed in Northern Ireland
the civil guard is a mountain rescue, frontier protection adn those stuff of things - corps
not made to manage thousands of hundreds of peaceful citiziens
but their police counterparts didn't do a good job either. sick dudes.
Haha nice footage for you Eric
Bye bye police!
so... the boss just gave us permision to work from home tomorrow
'cause there will be demos tomorrow, and we're nearby a hot spot
@Jordy lol nice
smart boss
he said "We will be open, and if you want, you can come. But for your security, if you want to stay home and work from there, you can"
you can always... join the demos :P
yeah... no
i need the monies
they sent 40 men to a 200 citiziens town, thinking it would be easy
but over 600 people went to that town after their school in barcelona was raided
and we have to send this to the client the 17th
sothey faced 800 not quite happy citiziens
and we're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on schedule
no harm done, except for the fun of making them go away
the DB guys still change stuff? :D
that is very behind
barcelona is taking the streets already today
friend says that as 12:00 hit the clock, almost every business emptied, and eveyr uni class
for a 15 min "halt".
but those 15 minutes are now 37.
and going
i finally got Roller coaster tycoon to get working
stream it for us
tho had to use windows 7
i can't play D:
it's on steam
@Jordy you played the cnc gerenals zero hour right?
Yeah, mehdi
they still change the db
i just installed it yesterday only to find some things missing
also, they tell me "Hey, start with the workflow buttons"
4h later
"Could you fix this things, but without the wf buttons??"
@TimCastelijns i fear tho i think i installed a big distraction from my work ho
so tired of this project
i'm doing the same thing over and over
'cause they don't know exactly what they want
that is my fulltime job
but more like "no clue what they want"
a right wing news reporter from "El Periodico" was hit several times, he showed the video of his camera.
/INFO friendly fire is still enabled in this server
@W0MP3R you need to tell them that jumping on different tasks over and over is counter productive. Be clear that you can't do multi-tasking and unless you finish the current task you can't jump on another. Tell them to list the tasks by priority and don't change that priority on 1 week
yeah... we should do that
but we also have to remind them daily to download the lastest version and to compile
invalidate the previous version, and replace it with the new one automatically as soon as it's ready
you could also put a fixed time on that (like everyday at 8am)
i don't know how to invalidate the old version :O
On what platform do you develop? (Android?)
angular + asp.net core
then every time you update your angular code you could hardcode (increment a version) and on the loading screen send it to the backend
if one of the versions mismatch show a popup "please update...."
nah, can't do that
i'll just remind them when they show me something old
or when i update something
@ColdFire Yeah noticed I also have it on origin
@RaghavSood got my gf investing in crypto now, she was going to pay me back for something and I was like "na just use that and invest it" :D
but you didnt get NEO profit that raghav got
but BAT is rising
@Jordy i expected to see 12 options but only got 4
i am confused
Me 2 since I have no clue what you mean :p
EURO RATE : what police repression looks like in numbers
and the ibex:
the e/dollar is now 1 cent less than yesterday morning
@MarkO'Sullivan how much have you invested in crypto?
@Jordy zero hour had 4 subgroup of each USA china and GLA but i only get option of 4
means 8 options are missing
Oooh yeah, indeed. That's true. Maybe Google knows the answer, I dont know why you have this issue..
TIL: there IS a different between @android:color/white and #FFFFFF some OEM change the value of the resource 🤦🏻‍♀️ #AndroidDev
yup there is
and that is why you dont use system resources
so even those simple things as "white should be white" are wrong on android
well its white but not #ffffff
Wow. Didn't know that. Luckily I don't use the built-ins
oh, yeah. at least it is not cyan
yup its bad practice to use system resources
but, I wonder like, oem change the value of a resource
like, wtf
well its more like #eeeeee
even i dont use #ffffff
Is there a way to remove an item from the recyclerview arraylist from the adapter itself?
didnt got your question
it is removed from adapter always
I am doing list.remove(index) inside onBindViewHolder
but that's not permitted or else i am getting java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid item position 5(offset:5).state:6
you have to notify adapter
after removing always
That I know, but apparently I can not remove items in onBindViewHolder
yup i dont think so you can
also why you remove items there anyway?
If I do notifyAdapter I get Cannot call this method while RecyclerView is computing a layout or scrolling
that can be solved by postdelayed();
It's not the usual recyclerview with a given arraylist as a source. It gets it own datasource from threads
think i got it
ah yes
Q: Blue Holo colors appear green on device

Tim CastelijnsI'm facing a weird issue where I'm setting the background of a TextView to @android:color/holo_blue_bright, expecting it to be bright blue, only to find that it's some kind of bright green on a device. XML <TextView android:id="@+id/tv_text" android:layout_width="wrap_content" andro...

told you never trust the OEM
nice question Tim +9
because of bounty
@TimCastelijns Just send this to a old-colleque of me who's partly colourblind. He raged :(
oh bounty that makes sense
lol jordy
this image
w0mper, i need you to draw it.
why draw it?
no need really
i mean... it's really impacting like this
oh goody
civil guard enter city hall local that they thought held a vote just to find three citiziens playing domino
i got permision to clean the tables of the db
happy dance
HAHA OMFG, I ordered Fifa 18 yesterday (boxed version). Got it in the mail today, wanted to install it. Realized I don't have a DVD drive anymore :dddddd
Slap me in the face
lol noob
it happened to me too!!
happened once to me
with the "new" sim city
number of injured up to 896
how the hell can it be growing?
also happened with me3
says the man whose chest hurts from a shield blast and hasn't visited emergencies yet
but inserting the code to origin fixed it
lol noob
go to the doc!
i don't want to.
how are me2 and 3? I loved the story of 1 but never got around to playing the others
what if he says i'm hurt¿
the best one is me2
what is me2 and 3?
mass effect 2
and 3
eric yeah you should go to doc
i need you to get me a Telegraph
the telegrahp's drawing today
I feel so stupid right now
Good thing I can still download it
oh mass effect is a nice game i have heard
never played it tho
but really tim, play them, they are really good
ME are really cool
i didn't like them before, but w0mp showed them to me
are they for xbone?
i play on pc
i think me3 is on xbox
but 2 and 1 no idea
jordy that reminds me of what happened yesterday so my laptop dvd-drive was removed from my laptop and i told my friend that we need to open laptop and insert the drive since it has to be connected to msata port , but he just inserted it directly without opening and somehow it started working
Lunch time!!! :D
does it continue the story of 1?
enjoy paella
you can import the save
lunch time
1 -> 2 -> 3
import the save that sounds awesome
I'm pretty sure it is lost, like 10 years ago
are they just expansion pack?
i played with the same shepard all 3 games
3 diferent games
but you can import your old character
@ColdFire Lol haha, yeah i can thankgod just download it digital from origin
but still, pretty dumb
now i want to play ME
but i have DOS2 started
i was like wtf how this dvd drive started working without connecting to the MB ports
^ black magic
seems like it
me andromeda is biggest disappointment I've witnessed this year
the princess from greek mythology?
the tv series?
yeah... it was a bit poop me:a
but i still like it
i mean... if it wasn't a mass effect it would be a good game
but it's a mass effect and the hype killed it
hype kills everything
pretty sure Mr.hype wont agree with you
Get hyper
i'm hyped for the new story of seasons
@CptEric buy the physical paper?
@ColdFire ~ £110
i was thinking of investing $1500 around
still not sure tho
Don't invest in crypto what you aren't prepared to lose
That's the golden rule
well i could take 1500$ loss no sweat
@MarkO'Sullivan yeah
i'll pay for it and the mailing costs to me
but first check the drawing is on it
I'll go look for it in Tesco once I get out of work
send me the drawing on Facebook so I can look at my phone before I buy it
i want to put it on a wall post
along with an extra ballot paper i got
Lleida minor protector alerts that he already has 11 reports of teachers asking for guidance on how to explain kids why the police, who are supposed to be good, beat their parents on the way to vote.
kids make too much questions these days. i only cared about pokemon and harry potter when the irak war started
Ara mateix a Lleida. Per aixecar-li el dit del mig https://t.co/tjcGIuSK9q
^police causing problems today
in lleida
oh boi
stealing a teen's bike. wtf
do I walk home today? Or catch the bus?
if you walk, get out of their police houses
i'm kind of scared something might happen
so , no ferran, no princep de viana
well poop
i usually go through some viana
catch the bus
will do
best news header ever
> As spanish police accuse of passivity the catalan police force Mossos d'escuadra, the final results are releaved. Mossos closed peacefully 277 schools without incidents, national police and civil guard, with their charges, only 91.
^just said by ernesto Ekaizer on TV

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