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7:00 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the "upgrade to premium stash tab" only affects one tab
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I have a riddle about counting, do you want to try it?
@Tiffany yup, I figured one would be enough for now, to manage what little stuff I can sell
@Shafizadeh sure, why not
@FélixGagnon-Grenier fair enough
@FélixGagnon-Grenier assume the number of "1000", ok?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro you'll need autohotkey for this
7:02 PM
omfg, people thought of literally everything ;)
worth saying it's not 100% accurate. it's pretty good at getting an idea of an item, but sometimes it'll say something's going for an alteration, and then I don't see any items on poe.trade with the same stats
but it's still pretty good
@Shafizadeh 1000
@Tiffany will def check it out
@FélixGagnon-Grenier plus it with 40
@FélixGagnon-Grenier don't write it here, keep it in your mind. (also don't use calculator)
now plus the result with 1000
7:05 PM
plus it with 30
If this doesn't end in 58008 I am disapoint
you don't need to wait so long, you can go on
@PeeHaa 80085
@FélixGagnon-Grenier tell me "so" when you done in calculating
7:07 PM
@Tiffany sboob? :P
that's what you wrote
@Shafizadeh just go on...
You have to turn the calculator around ;)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier plus it with 1000
7:08 PM
@PeeHaa but I'm in the chatroom
plus it with 20
it takes less than a second...
plus it with 1000
plush it with 10
what's the result?
7:09 PM
@Tiffany be like that
@FélixGagnon-Grenier correct
@Tiffany you did the same mistake I did
@Tiffany it's some kind of trick
@FélixGagnon-Grenier did you use calculator?
7:10 PM
ok, good then
tbh, I'm actually pretty ok in mental calculations
I just fail hard on simple things sometimes
yeah ;)
@PeeHaa disappoint yet?
7:12 PM
/me is out
7:14 PM
Either night all or expect me drunk
lol, can't wait :)
I'll be getting drunk myself, make sure to ping me
more wine and PoE?
i.stack.imgur.com/9IVc1.png This is my folder structure for my lib folder. I'm assuming I'll want to autoload my functions folder. So I'll need to do like classes\controllers\SomeFile for the namespace? functions\admin?
Guys, have you worked with Telegram bots so far?
@Tiffany damn right
@Tiffany I'd just use admin, if I were really to namespace them
or just \fooTheBaz
7:18 PM
add functions directory to the autoloader?
so I would put...
hmmm what?
simple functions files are added differenctly than namespaced autoloading classes
posted on September 22, 2017 by r3wt

previously it was only working with hhvm.

functions can't autoload, so we add a "files" property in the autoload object
  "psr-4": {},
  "files": ["src/functions1.php", "src/functions2.php"]
this is from memory, but that's the idea
"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "": "lib/classes/",
        "": "lib/functions"
thast won't work
functions do no autoload, yet, in php
7:22 PM
we statically add the files to the autoloader, so they are always visible
so "files": ["lib/functions/admin.php", "lib/functions/admin_login.php"] and so on
hence, the namespace for functions really is just there to group things, but without compelling reasons to namespace them, you can very well leave it out for now
@Tiffany yes. maybe we can add a whole folder at a time, you'd have to check documentation, but I normally do not have enough function files to warrent it
do I have the "": "lib/classes/" part right at least?
7:24 PM
so I have a Model and Controller file in the models and controllers folders, respectively
Documentation Recommends Broken Setting – #75247
new model\Model
I was doing namespace Site\Model; and namespace Site\Controller;
new controllers\Controller
7:27 PM
oh so you did add Site to the namespace?
this is slightly painful
then no, the autoload is not correct
@tereško you may want to take a few minutes out for a walk ;)
I was thinking I would need to do "Site\\:": "lib/classes/" in the autoloader
yes, if the full namespace is Site\Controllers, you need to do that
actually, "Site\\": "lib/classes/"
the double backward slashes are important
7:29 PM
actually, that namespaced classname would then be Site\controllers\Controller to respect casing
I was going to ask @tereško his opinion on how I should do it without using Site as a global namespace but he was busy with work.
or you could actually restructure your directories and use:
so I just did what I thought was right
   "psr-4": {
        "": "src"
future goal
I want to get the code autoloaded into composer as-is, then fix mysql functions
I need to get this code PHP 7 ready
7:32 PM
simplest / lowest impact way would then be to just add namespace folder without any Site or Project prefix, use "psr-4": { "": "lib/classes/" }
then, later move all this in src folder, and improve namespace as you restructure stuff around
all of the controllers are like
so, as it stands, ActiveDirectory would be in global namespace, which is okay for now, and files in controllers folder would have namespace controllers
7:33 PM
I may just fucking rename these
I know it's hard, but I'd really just get the autoloading to work first
but I mean it's lib\classes\controllers\AdvertisementsController.php
commit that, and take a long breath
Oct 22 '15 at 13:45, by tereško
also, if you insist on using suffixes, be consistent
Oct 22 '15 at 13:46, by tereško
namespace ApplicationNamespace\HttpNamespace;
class RequestClass implements AcceptableInterface {
    public initFunction () {
        if ($this->pageVariable) {
            thrown new SomeException;
7:35 PM
I think this code uses "base" as a fake interface
like, Stuff implements base?
class Model extends ModelBase
that is some obligatory step in any beginner with mvc
sounds like a minefield
problem is, some people never get out of it
7:37 PM
and ModelBase is abstract class ModelBase. I think this code was written before interfaces were a thing.
at least it's abstract
could be way worse if it wasn't
... wanna publish the ModelBase ?
I would probably get in trouble
there are over 300 lines
in that case, I retract my suggestion
7:38 PM
I would if I knew I wouldn't get in trouble
let me guess. in there is sql, random properties bases, and some presentational stuff
@FélixGagnon-Grenier SQL, correct
@FélixGagnon-Grenier also a $table variable`
nvm even as a joke it's too dangerous someone takes this seriously
actually, no
okay, I'll paste it and leave it up for like a minute
7:40 PM
@Tiffany you can use a private gist
and then remove it
that's what I mean, I'll leave it up for a minute then remove it
I was actually right
@FélixGagnon-Grenier get to look?
yeah, you can remove it ;)
7:42 PM
... from your codebase :D
I wish I could
put it in the long term wishlist
I'm sure I'll have to rewrite portions of that in order to be PHP 7 ready
eval('$object = '.$class.'::load($row);'); .. what could go wrong
7:44 PM
I don't understand why people do that
to have like, dynamic classnames and methods?
so if my controller files are named like AdvertisementsController.php, do I need to do namespace controllers\AdvertisementsController;?
some convoluted way of achieving polymorphism?
My company is so dead-set in its ways that it's willing to write a PHP extension searching for web shells in de-obfuscated eval calls.
Instead of not using eval.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it is "billy's first active record"
@Tiffany no. just namespace controllers;
7:46 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier in each file?
@Tiffany strong recommendation: use singular namespaces
yes, in each file
I was doing namespace controllers\Advertisements; so that's why I was curious
each file under the controllers folder should have namespace controllers;, each file under controllers/subsection should have namespace controllers\subsection;
"controller" not "controllers"
7:48 PM
and yeah, what @tereško says
@tereško let's just get autoload first ;)
ok I am reaaallly tempted to just go home
I have ten minutes until my psychiatry appointment. And depending on if they're backed up, I may or may not be able to go home early :D
Conducted an interview today where the candidate at one point said, when asked about what frameworks he had used and which he'd choose to use, "Laravel is really good for a large company or application, but for something small and simple I'd use CodeIgniter"
it did not get better
@Dereleased I would have asked "how are they different?"
@Tiffany let's hope you can
@tereško I shouldn't say I conducted; I sat in on the PHP portion today so I could give advice to the people who will be here when I've left (2 weeks from today).
7:53 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier last time they were backed up by like an hour ;_;
But I'll pass that along, that's good stuff
and if the answer is "CodeIgniter doesn't have namespaces" ... well ... it actually has now
the actually differences are:
@Dereleased was there an expectation for him to have used any frameworks?
- less active community (if anyone cares)
- no bundled ORM
- no "facades"
- insane autoloader
wait, no, I lied
Cake was the one which added namespaces
so ...
- no namespaces
all I can really remember is that laravel sucks because it uses a god object, and codeigniter fakes MVC
I'm basically room 11's parrot
7:59 PM
we've had way worse parrots
I may not completely understand why something sucks, but I know it sucks
@Tiffany other way around
@Tiffany No, we just ask if you have any experience. If you say yes, we ask your opinions.
also, @Tiffany, have you seen (and understood) all lectures from this list: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208
I've watched the Arguments talk and understood most of it
still need to watch eveyrthing else
okay, done namespacing the controllers and models, doctor appointment time
8:19 PM
has anyone ever encountered a software that works with no errors, provided that you have follower the readme on how to install or use it?
I find it strange, the only piece of software that worked right out of the box for me was phpmyadmin
That's so ironic shit right there
it also says how 99.8% of code is shit out there
As if that isn't enough this happens github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack/issues/…
8:24 PM
In the context of hardware and software systems, formal verification is the act of proving or disproving the correctness of intended algorithms underlying a system with respect to a certain formal specification or property, using formal methods of mathematics. Formal verification can be helpful in proving the correctness of systems such as: cryptographic protocols, combinational circuits, digital circuits with internal memory, and software expressed as source code. The verification of these systems is done by providing a formal proof on an abstract mathematical model of the system, the correspondence...
I'm afraid I don't have enough brain cells left to understand that.
8:40 PM
ah yes, vue, widely know as "the new jquery" ... that's a quite strong condemnation
@Tiffany if you have question about those lectures, you can ask here
we have quite a lot people who will be able to clear up the uncertainties
Binary directory doesn't get created when building only litespeed SAPI – #75248
@tereško What are you talking about? vue is awesome.
@samayo I haven't actually used it. I tend to stick with ES6
@Tiffany function hasErrors() { return (count($this->errors) > 0) ? true : false; } ... this makes no sense
why isn't it function hasErrors() { return count($this->errors) > 0; }
and the in the isValid() method you repeat that process
@tereško people look at comparisons and think of them as numbers, forgetting they're asking for (bool) ? true : false
if ( $foo === true ) {
  return true;
} else {
  return false;
Why even use hasErrors() { return count($this->errors) > 0; } when you can just return (bool) $this->errors
8:50 PM
@Dereleased seen that in production code, roasted my team-lead for it
@samayo because that's not obvious when you read it 6 months later
That's what commenting your code is for
@samayo ...
@samayo no, code comments are indication, that you code is bad
@tereško That's not even the worst. The worst is a conditional which includes both branches and does the same thing in each branch
8:52 PM
If Uncle Martin was dead he'd be rolling right now.
@Fabor for moment I thought you were talking about me
heh, you would too though
Ghost @tereško would be scary. I'd be so afraid to write more bad code.
@Fabor and this is my I antagonize people - it seems to stick better
@tereško This room would not work if everyone were like you. This room would not work if there was no one like you.
why, thank you
9:00 PM
Like Batman
BTW coconut water + coconut milk = heaven.
btw, what can I make from coconut milk (something containing meat) ?
I need some keywords to google
@tereško satay
looks like shashlik
or sometimes I just add it to my stir fry with lots of chili + paprika
Thai curry
9:04 PM
@tereško doesn't have to be sticks, can be just the sauce
peanut butter, coconut milk, sweet chili and a few other things
@Fabor now, that looks much better
!!wiki Bánh xèo
Bánh xèo [ɓǎɲ sɛ̂w], literally "sizzling cake", named for the loud sizzling sound it makes when the rice batter is poured into the hot skillet is a Vietnamese savory fried pancake made of rice flour, water, turmeric powder, stuffed with slivers of fatty pork, shrimp, diced green onion, and bean sprouts. The dish is also popular in Cambodian cuisine, where the dish is called បាញ់ឆែវ (most often transliterated as banh chao). == See also == == References == == External links... ==
9:06 PM
I made a post on internals and nobody replied :(
@Andrea either everyone hates you or nobody understands you
.. there is also option about "ignoring"
yeah, all the avenues seem discouraging
@Andrea let's see it
^ he even missed it
I don't follow the internals mail list tbh. The font is atrocious php
That's currently the best type of conversation.
9:31 PM
@PaulCrovella Oof.
off with his head
9:35 PM
Speaking of that, yesterday I had an old boss ask for the private key for a CSR for an SSL certificate that I installed almost two years ago.
I went back and found the Slack messages telling him specifically to keep the files I gave him and told him he needed a new one. Haha.
@samayo why off with his head? whoever did it just learned the shit outta that lesson
Can you invalidate a PGP public key effectively?
I can't think of a way other than telling people. :p
ok, this was scary (context: universal basic income):
@Allenph create a revocation cert (which we all can do thanks to the leaked private key) and upload it to any relevant key servers.. but if people aren't using the key servs you gotta just tell them
9:43 PM
@tereško man, I shouldn't be surprised you watch these kinds of videos given the opinions you seem to have, but…
do you object to the video or the author?
@PaulCrovella I knew there was something like that...but I also figured that unless you had a monopoly on everyone's choice of key server it would be less than optimal.
or were you already aware of that experiment and disagree with its portrayal and/or conclusions?
@Andrea regarding currying - how would you expect functions with variable #s of args to be handled?
@tereško I don't know if it, I'll look at it later when I have a non-metred Internet connection. Just, he's one of those YouTube reactionaries
9:52 PM
@Andrea the video is completely unrelated to current events, and any subjective opinions come in only in the last minute
@PaulCrovella good question and I'm not entirely sure. If it's a single vararg then maybe the last invocation takes all its arguments
@tereško okay
thing is, I am a proponent of universal basic income and this thing made me slightly scared
I saw some video recently looking at various problems with UBI from like, a hard leftist perspective. It was interesting
@Andrea and optional args?
mind you, there was no mentions of UIB in that video .. my brain just made the connection
9:54 PM
@PaulCrovella god knows tbh. actually, maybe the sensible solution is ->curry($numArgs)
could default to whatever the required number is
@tereško Not that I agree with it, but take a look at the negative income tax.
I know of it
Milton Friedman's Chicago-style baby.
Never mind then. :p
hmm.. nginx.com/products/nginx-unit I thought nginx was already 'lightweight'
10:16 PM
wait that sounded wrong, i meant @bwoebi
That is one thing I really wish we had...the option to write out own servers instead of having to piggy-back.
@Andrea having curry itself take a second, optional arg might do it and subtly troll some people in the process
which is kinda perfect for php
@PaulCrovella heh :p
@PaulCrovella curry('curry', 2) :3
yo dawg
@samayo looks like a new php sapi
10:39 PM
Yeah, not very excited. Nginx is light enough for me
it's not a replacement for nginx.. more of a replacement for fpm
honestly I can't tell the difference. My mind refuses to understand what php-fpm is at all. And I've been using it for 5 years.
I can even install and configure it blind-folded :)
Is there a way to stop google caching a 404 message? I bought a domain and pointed it to my nameserver, but since it was not propagated I was getting 404. But now, everything is fine, I can ping it and check the site via anonymouse.org but chrome is still showing 404
Usually appending ?foobar works but not today :/
10:50 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i.stack.imgur.com/29Zwo.jpg
(sorry everyone else, abusing SO chat's upload feature)
this is kinda... really nice
I'll save the other beachhead for tomorrow's stream
!!should I try watching series or just go find the bed and call it a night
11:02 PM
You should try watching series.
11:40 PM
@Ekin yeah, jeeves can be merciless sometimes

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