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I think I only got close to crying at some point in code geass
oh well... yea, i forgot cg... I think I cried at like multiple instances, where lelouch geass-ed his cousin (right?) to murder the elevens, when he was convicted of everything, yet he was doing the good thing
what the fuck is this guy talking about?! stackoverflow.com/a/44863571/727208
@Kurisu is it any good?
Like Orange?
@Kurisu you forgot that scene with euphemia going full slaughter and ... shirley...
@Ocramius yep... the feels are kinda ever-flowing...
Thanks! I'll add it for when I feel like I'm getting too much like a machine
the second seasons hits you the most
@Ocramius :P no worries
oh, on second thoughts I never got to see the last ep of orange
@Ekin oh... shirley.... fuck..... and yeah, the cousin I referred to was actually euphemia...
murder the elevens -> massacre at the stadium
ah riight
see @Wes.... everybody likes animes!!! you should give it a shot
just slightly crazy
sorry, i didn't mean to do that
its ok, you can compensate by watching a episode of an anime
@WesStark How long have you been working on this logo?
how do i make him stahp? ^
2 years?
pretty much @littlepootis
@Kurisu stahp :P
I'm so hungover
watch animes
Why is alcohol allowed
The legal drinking age here is 21.
And I assume that's the case where you live.
I could see that it could be confused for 12.
Hey guys o/
omg again
why are you guys arguing about animes?
because you are here
could someone remove all the pointless shit, that has been spammed in this room for past hour or so
!!voting class-naming
• Should we update the coding standard? - Yes (1: 25.0%), No (3: 75.0%) (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class-naming#doodle__form__should_we_update_the_coding_standard)
‌ ◦ Yes: stas
‌ ◦ No: bwoebi, kalle, peehaa
• What class naming style should we use? - PascalCase except Acronyms (1: 50.0%), Always PascalCase (1: 50.0%) (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class-naming#doodle__form__what_class_naming_style_should_we_use)
‌ ◦ PascalCase except Acronyms: stas
‌ ◦ Always PascalCase: colinodell
aw... shit... I should've kept low
shouldn't it be CURL too, as that too is an acronym?
No, Curl is a name and it is Curl.
so why it's PHP and not Php
isn't it cURL :P
that too is a name, and an acronym
@Ekin That is only marketing.
non english words = acronym, so uppercase
that's my rule, HTML, PHP, CSS, CURL
PHP is an acronym(?) for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
and why php is not a name, while curl is?
@WesStark PHP is the earlier acronym for "Personal Home Page"
word in english = CamelCase
acronym = UC
i also write abbreviations uc, but the only abbreviation i have is ID
@WesStark I'm for CurlResponse, but PHP must really be PHP, but Php.
@Kaori 😂
you just gave me cancer for 10 years
@Kaori good, good: work fast, because we need a cure
I already know the cure ;)
Can someone recommmend a mockup program, in which I can choose a browser window and draw some basic buttons to explain some functions and design of a webapp?
@utdev Balsamiq
@Ocramius is it easy to handler, its been a while since my last mockup :D thanks
ok its really easy thanks
It is quite easy: marketing is using it over here, and they constantly overdo it
perfect for my project :D
there is bad reporting, there is fake news stories ... and then there is this
@tereško Wait, is that the famous hacker 4chan?
I never thought, that I can be amused and angry at the same time
@tereško ahahahaha
@tereško wat.....
As a consultation: I've relied on the cookie in some main parts of my website. Is that a bad thing? I mean is there any browser which doesn't support the cookie? Or can an user deactivate it or whatever similar?
@Shafizadeh sometimes you have to consider visitors who disable cookies/js, but in most cases that it not something you should worry about at all
Not saying fuck them (visitors disabled js/cookie), just saying it depends on the context
I think commonly it's about 0.1-3 % in the cases I worked with.. and then it isnt prioritized vs making moar money on the more low hanging fruit
or WAI-ARIA could be done before, but also rarely done
Ah, I see. thank you
Just are you familiar with other devices' browsers? For example mobiles, tablets. Do they support cookies?
However I'm not sure this ^ sentence is correct (English Perspective)
Yes they support cookies
we are talking browsers and webpages right?
Hello guys
@tereško o/
any symfony user?
I have a page that lists all content and if there is no cache of them I create a cache of the first 100 which causes a problem with my searches because only those 100 will be able to be displayed
therefore wont return all content which fits in the search parameters
what should i do
guys i need an advice, i have recently started learning php. I think i have gained the basic skills. However can anyone tell me if I should learn wordpress as well right now or practice php with some projects?
@Rusty Definitely practice some PHP.
Get familiarized with OOP as well.
don't learn wp... do some php projects
@Rusty Wordpress is still just PHP, although it has some of it's custom functions.
what @Madara said ^
what should I do?
ahan, thanks guys. I have about a month now, will focus on practicing with some projects.
@Rusty when you know php, getting familiar with WP doesnt take that long.
i am grasping wordpress as well, i just wanted to make sure not to get lost
Happy hackings
and have a bad understanding of wordpress and php along the way
@Rusty get familiar with oop
you gonna need it
thank you for the suggestion :)
Just set a easy/medium hard goal and do it and continue doing that
and you'll get better in no time
Please read room rules (=
`Star messages that are too specific to understand in general context, or random messages without interest.`
sorry, my bad :(
dont worry bout it
@tereško my head goes so much to the desk I end up in China
I'm so so sorry
@Rusty wordpress is basically a dead-end
if your intention is to become wordpress developer and only wordpress developer, then go for it
if your intention is to become a good PHP developer, start learning OOP, as @MadaraUchiha already advised
thank you, as a beginner i should focus on core php
oh shit, there is an "international caps-lick day"
this... is.... strange.
should I lick my caps lock?
dude, isn't there a limit to the number of times one can change their name?
I have just added him in the ignore list
there is... but I'm above mortal limits
@tereško oh boi, y tho?
i have added him to the ignore list too
is it even allowed to change it so fast? he changed it like a week ago
I had like two chances left... I've used both of 'em
I can go back to 'Saitama' after a month
you will be always sailor moon to us
oh... sailor moon is a nice name as well
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well, I have very limited tolerance, when it comes to people, who are intentionally obnoxious
I think I just bought no man's sky
hmmm. I was about to correct that typo, than decided that yes, one should unrelate to the content of that post
@FélixGagnon-Grenier remember to check in in about hour and half
you might need to get a refund
to be fair, it now costed about an hour's worth of work
if I can get a few days of "nice I'm flying in space", that's almost worth it
but yeah, I'll need a reality check a few hours in
you can try Space Engineers
yeah I've been looking at it a few times
sounsd somewhat great
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you get paid way too much in an hour
also, the refund limit is 2 hours
does people here prefer off topic talk?
imagine that, for doing javascript
not prefer I mean accept off topic talk?
@Mahesha999 yes
@tereško hmmmm. well, shit, it takes like an hour and a half to install it :(
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, I am talking game-play time
that other time limit is 2 weeks
@tereško oh, that's more cool. thanks for the info!
and "not fun" is a valid refund reason on Steam (I am not shitting you)
well, they are selling entertainment
tell that to xbox/ps :D
proud xbox master race
when i was in c#, nobody there talked about games
nobody played games
I would be less inclined to look like an insignificant geek if Jon Skeet were around
ok, I have a small question
I have a nexu6, it comes with single sim slot and no sd card slot
Now I am of type who wants to use my devices for long. My Nexus 6 is already 2.5 years old and still awesome. So thinking to keep it for at least another 2 years.
Lately I have been using 4g a lot, so my battery is draining fast so I am worrying about its battery life. Also due to battery draining, I have to charge it frequently. It barely drains that fast when on wifi. So I was thinking to buy 4g-wifi router. But then the issue is that they come carrier locked and I dont really like carrier locked
that better @Joe? ^^
@Mahesha999 lol just get a powerbank...
ok I forgot to mention that my old/permanent number (which everyone has - people, websites, banks) is on one carrier and the cheap internet is one other carrier...
@Mahesha999 do you think it's the fact the you are using 4g that is burning the battery or because of the more bandwidth and data being processed?
Maybe it will do exacly the same with a external 4g router, because you are consuming much bytes?
@Ronni I guess its 4g eats more when it has to constantly search for network...which is the case with me...in my office there is a bit of network coverage issue...but wifi does not if mobile does not have to search for it.
@Rusty is that a good thing or a bad thing?
sad thing
I belong here
@RonniSkansing Also by my personal experience, when on weekend am at home, I keep wifi ON and my mobile gives me 20+ hours of stand by...thats not the case on weekdays when I am travelling and on 4g
XY all the way down
XY, as in human male chromosome?
Sometimes I just wish I could /kick random people at will :P
yes exactly
@PeeHaa you mean @Kaori? That's actually the japan lover ;)
Just saying random people :-)
what will be the seed for the randomnesss?
dice roll?
Based on mood
And patience
I'll be back later, boys
do you comment tests?
@WesStark No
saw nothing
never saw anything
there is no mafia
todays iteration
i have made progresses, but still incomplete
why didnt you just go with the one that had legs
because they hated it
don't blame me. i liked it
@PeeHaa tweet jeeves thing ? <3
3 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@WesStark No
ahaha ok
@FélixGagnon-Grenier huh ?
I corrected unsignificant to insignificant and was wondering if that was good, than realized I could have simply looked online
since you're not my personal correcter™
corrector? i've never understood what's the difference
english is so broken
new Iterater()
shit. now, it's been like three messages I've started to write, but stopped because I was sure I was making mistakes
@PeeHaa I have a plugin that watches GitHub events and could push new releases instead of using Feedr for that, should I port that to Jeeves? github.com/kelunik/mellon/blob/master/src/Plugins/…
I should finish up my tacos and go play something
you beat stellaris yet?
I find it really much cooler when impersonating real life empires
feedr works fine for me
last game I mimicked the necron empire in riddick. really adds to the game, for me at least
I use it in other places to either way
@PeeHaa It can also push new PRs and issues. :P
my problem is that you can get easily fucked up by a bad starting location
who hated it?
it was the best one
@tereško yes, though I find this is mitigated by space travel technologies.
everyone said the first one when I was there
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I usually go with wormholes :(
it kinda extend the problem
hmmm, isn't it like the bestest of travels?
contrarily to space lanes, if you start at the middle of a ellipsis galaxy, you can actually get out of your corner
@kelunik possibly, but it does work on amphp.org. So seems fine...
@bwoebi "work", the layout is broken at the moment.
@kelunik looks fine to me?
@kelunik Or what's broken?
@tereško I think I do not understand what you mean, I never play in the higher difficulties ;)
I'm mainly there for the sights :D
@kelunik … that's not how it looks here…
@kelunik yeah, looks perfectly fine to me, in Safari. Perhaps your browser is doing bullshit…
@bwoebi Show a screenshot or that didn't happen.
the flow of work should never be integration of visual -> functionnalities development, but rather functionnalities development -> integration of visual. You might get seriously screwed html markup otherwise.
not sure about the assets link in nav where that comes from, but that's all
@bwoebi It's still broken for you. It's not supposed to look like that.
It isn't?!
It's not supposed to be centered.
Neither are the bullets supposed to be there.
I don't care too much … it's usable :-D
I'll take care of it.
is 60ms ttfb on your local site bad?
hmmm... I was locally testing a redirection utility, but now when I develop other project locally accessing localhost still redirects to the address. is there some kind of browser cache I need to reset? I'm positive the other server is not running, I would not have been able to start a new server on the same port otherwise
@bwoebi I think we should restructure the docs anyway. Most people won't read the full tutorial, they read what they need.
is it bad?
@kelunik sure, but they do need the Setup, Basic HTTP, and Host sections at least
The most important task of the tutorial is to give you an overview how things are connected...
nobody says that you have to complete the tutorial…
There are way too many short pages currently.
@kelunik no, that's totally intended that way. One page with one example.
@bwoebi See amphp.org/aerys/host/interface.html for example, all host examples should just be on one page.
what does it mean "support group for those afflicted with PHP" means?
@kelunik Yeah, I disagree. One tiny topic per page. Chunk the different APIs into small slices for maximum learning efficiency.
it means that this is a group chat for asking questions right?
then how come whenever i ask people always says "Google it"
"Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, just ask. "
i mean why?
you probably asked something easily googleable
i was asking about virtualization and server administration a while back but some people were aggressive towards me
ya for them but not for the person asking
i had to spend sooo much time that i've googled, youtube, and flip the earth but couldn't find any answers
i had to spend so much time explaining them that
3 messages moved to Trash
instead of getting any helpful information most of the time i waste my time explaining how i googled, read references, read the documentation, read a blog, read an article, read a paper online, walked to hell, and finally asking here, it feels like asking in this group chat is asking satan himself
anyway nevermind, i got over it just now by telling my issue
@bwoebi There's no maximum learning efficiency, rather people getting bored from clicking through all these pages and then having to notice subtle differences in the examples.
@kelunik "subtle" …
@bwoebi Can we please remove Host::redirect?
@kelunik Why?
People can just use a simple responder. We can also provide a simple responder, but it has no point as a method.
Especially as it only supports absolute Uris.
hi anyone know how this pub sub works ? i understood pull method but how does push work ?
@kelunik I'm fine with providing a simple responder instead. Ultimately ->redirect() is just added as a final responder within Host.
@bwoebi amphp.org/aerys/http/intro.html is another such way too short page.
@RonniSkansing yes. and thank you
My brain cannot understand this. Are there equal?
if ( a || b )
if ( !a && !b )
just think about it
@tereško turns out my computer is much too slow, I can't even loko around.
@WesStark it's correct for some examples, but I'm not sure it will be correct forever.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ah, well. Decide on a budget and I can assemble a build for you :D
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what does "loko" mean?
write down the values a and b can have and verify the results, like in a table
@tereško the refund was much easier ;)
@Shafizadeh it means that he can't spell "look"
but, I will be looking for updating my build, sometime soon
and yeah, I can't spell look
@tereško ah :-)
ah ok. thanks, I will work on it :D

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