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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: Taking out perfect square by fukku on stackoverflow.com
Unclear Magic squares, problems with columns. A "here are some broad requirements and some code" type question
12:23 AM
1:00 AM
1:33 AM
2:08 AM
@Fire alive
@NobodyNada FireAlarm-Swift version 007b6df, running for 31 seconds on Linux 4.4.26-v7+ armv7l
2:28 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body: how to play p2p url address on android device by xiaoli on stackoverflow.com
Request for off-site resource how to play p2p url address on android device - xiaoli - 2017-02-22 02:28:24Z
3:13 AM
3:40 AM
[ EditMonitor ] In the queue with 2 approval votes and 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2988831
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer: Completely remove MariaDB or MySQL from CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 by user7602436 on stackoverflow.com
4:24 AM
No MCVE: We can make a good probability guess as to what is happening, but don't actually know without more code (e.g. the definition of sendUrl()). Button.onclick on popup html in Chrome extension is bound to icon button? - Nikh‎ - 2017-02-21 23:23:54Z
4:44 AM
@fire alive
@AshishAhuja FireAlarm-Swift version 007b6df, running for 1 hours 4 minutes 24 seconds on Linux 4.4.26-v7+ armv7l
5:22 AM
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: Possible URL folder Finder under HTTPS URL (likelihood: 25)
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: Is there any GcmNetworkManager equivalent in IOS (likelihood: 30)
Request for Off-Site Resource Is there any GcmNetworkManager equivalent in IOS - rajeev kumar‎ - 2017-02-22 06:02:40Z
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: Failed to save ShellLink RuntimeException java (likelihood: 19)
7:19 AM
Unclear what you're asking C# Regex starts with word and ends with number - Ehtesham Ahsan - 2017-02-22 07:16:15Z
Unclear what you're asking What does this mean? — $('<div>', {class: 'class'}) - chabai - 2017-02-22 07:09:56Z
@SmokeDetector remove
Unclear (no code, no language tag, link to image) How to solve this “Resource name is not a valid identifier” - Shameel KT‎ - 2017-02-22 08:00:59Z
65 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
8:09 AM
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: How can I share my Local DB to other machines (likelihood: 31)
Typo: $("refresh") should be $("#refresh"): Click-Button Every 30 min Bookmarklet - Dave78221‎ - 2017-02-22 08:06:15Z
4 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
8:30 AM
Blatant typo, no roomba due to answer acceptance stackoverflow.com/q/42385822/4174897
sd f
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
8:47 AM
Too Broad Chrome Extension - Detect Field Focus? - Rocket‎ - 2017-02-22 08:36:40Z
9:11 AM
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/15298426
Too broad, asking for an algorithm and getting answers including link-only answers. stackoverflow.com/questions/42352027/…
10:34 AM
@fire alive
@AshishAhuja FireAlarm-Swift version 5346161, running for 36 seconds on Linux 4.4.26-v7+ armv7l
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: How do I make var_dump apear in separate lines? by Daan on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: How do I make var_dump apear in separate lines? by C9 Sneaky on stackoverflow.com
10:46 AM
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Pass value from controller to service - user6934713‎ - 2017-02-22 10:37:57Z
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2989605 | Approved by OP
Request for off-site resource Implement Log4Net in ASP.Net Core application - Herin - 2017-02-22 11:14:42Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body: Can't share my office 365 platform to external users by Swissyoghurt on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in answer: Admob Interstitial Ads ID by Mouad Alsahel on stackoverflow.com
Too broad Admob Interstitial Ads ID - Mouad Alsahel - 2017-02-22 11:36:47Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected: Converting Python to JavaScript ASAP by Lewis Watkins on stackoverflow.com
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2989747 | Approved by OP
12:24 PM
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Backslash to forward slash - Greg‎ - 2017-02-22 06:30:49Z
12:56 PM
Too Broad New to javascript and need some assistance - John‎ - 2017-02-22 12:55:15Z
12 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1:19 PM
@fire alive
@AshishAhuja FireAlarm-Swift version 5346161, running for 28 minutes 30 seconds on Linux 4.4.26-v7+ armv7l
1:34 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Postgres schema and data compare tool by Rafael Salgado on stackoverflow.com
Request for off-site resource Postgres schema and data compare tool - user2082491 - 2013-02-18 08:45:44Z
2:05 PM
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: Is there a way to suspend messaging service in twilio? (likelihood: 31)
Professional server / networking administration Is there a way to suspend messaging service in twilio? - Jose Francis - 2017-02-22 14:03:43Z
2:21 PM
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2990055 | Approved by OP
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: Solving MINLP with PYOMO and BONMIN (likelihood: 22)
3:25 PM
Opinion Based / too broad How would you model worldwide taxes? - Trent‎ - 2017-02-22 15:21:44Z
3:51 PM
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: Change the res/values of an APK (likelihood: 32)
unclear (possibly not programming-related) stackoverflow.com/questions/42395050/…
Belongs on another site Chrome unable to open Stackoverflow - jeesus‎ - 2017-02-22 12:12:39Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body: lollololololololololpll by user7606011 on stackoverflow.com
24 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
4:35 PM
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/15303599
too broad, someone wanted to edit the question stackoverflow.com/questions/1748238/…
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2990359 | Approved by OP
4:51 PM
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS in Neo4j with muliti-word headers (likelihood: 26)
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: how to get the filtered member in the MDX query (likelihood: 33)
>20K Op vandalist post (see history) and not nice in comments stackoverflow.com/q/42397284/5292302
5:09 PM
(20k) self-answered off-site resource for SEO stackoverflow.com/questions/19694480/…
Request for Off-Site Resource - NATO Library to convert Word document text to HTML - RameshVel‎ - 2010-10-19 10:00:06Z
Request for Off-Site Resource - NATO AutoIt for Java - wojakzek‎ - 2009-07-08 11:40:31Z
Too Broad - Homework Requirements Dump Java War Card Game - supertyk908‎ - 2017-02-22 17:18:29Z
Duplicate: DOM change listener Execute Function after page changes - Noah‎ - 2017-02-22 15:25:09Z
Offiste resource with links (backlink burnination) stackoverflow.com/questions/4420380/most-accurate-backlink-api
6:03 PM
8 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/15304925
6:21 PM
Request for Off-Site Resource (backlink burnination) How to get number of yahoo backlinks for a site in .NET? - johnjohn‎ - 2011-01-09 13:50:49Z
[ EditMonitor ] Potentially bad edit (Link in summary): 2990514
EditMonitor started.
[ EditMonitor ] Potentially bad edit (Link in summary): 2990514
unclear, confusion still not clear after 15 comments, question not edited for clarification stackoverflow.com/questions/42399117/…
6:42 PM
Request for Off-Site Resource STL vs Custom STL - Coder32‎ - 2017-02-22 18:37:13Z
[ FireAlarm-Swift ] Potentially bad question: [What the mean of [=c=] and [.symbol.] in Bash?](//stackoverflow.com/q/42399455) (likelihood: 19)
7:17 PM
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Request for Off-Site Resource (NATO) iOS drop down view - IssacZH.‎ - 2014-02-20 06:48:34Z
Duplicate: return value from async call. See 2nd code block. Confirmed by OP in comments. Reading ALL Values from chrome.storage.sync.get - Rocket‎ - 2017-02-22 13:59:39Z
7:37 PM
Unclear how do i modify a 2d array - Daniel k‎ - 2017-02-22 19:37:15Z
8:10 PM
Make that three. Too broad no MCVE give codez‌​.
8:36 PM
No MCVE (not explaining what the problem is) stackoverflow.com/questions/42399636/image-hover-over-jquery
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Request for Off-Site Resource Python - library or framework to manage HTTP request message - eKepik‎ - 2017-02-22 20:52:12Z
9:05 PM
No MCVE: Not enough code. Says "gives an error", but does not specify the actual error. Firefox addon with jquery list How to update search terms without failure in the addon - esku‎ - 2017-02-22 20:12:17Z
9:33 PM
eeh, programming?, maybe SE have site for it, if you know leave a comment Hot water flowing into an upside down glass - Tammy‎ - 2017-02-22 21:25:27Z
Request for Off-Site Resource .NET Standard WebSocket third party libraries - taj‎ - 2017-02-22 21:34:37Z
9:49 PM
[ EditMonitor ] In the queue with 2 approval votes and 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2990727
Request for Off-Site Resource Is there a Docker Swarm dashboard like Kubernetes' dashboard/ui? - sas‎ - 2016-10-05 06:42:18Z
Asking to recommend programming languages, roomba can't get it Programming in chemistry
Request for Off-Site Resource how do I convert my java files into an application? - Gaurav Dadhania‎ - 2009-01-19 03:29:59Z
10:06 PM
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Error:(93, 5) error: illegal start of type(Android studio) - user6601176‎ - 2017-02-22 22:02:36Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body: can't pars website RSS on my android by Steadyyy on stackoverflow.com
10:21 PM
sd why
sd f
@SmokeDetector f
sd 2remove
extremely broad, attracting bad answers What technology are 'https://app.call-em-all.com' using to automate calls? - Etherealm‎ - 2017-02-22 21:06:01Z
11 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Request for Off-Site Resource Any library for basic science chemistry/physics programming? - Roger Nelson‎ - 2010-07-15 23:21:56Z
10:55 PM
Off-site resource, no useful answers, roomba can't get it Python tools similar to perl SDF toolkit
Too Broad: The total of 4 sentences boil down to "I want X and need help". token based authentication in chrome extensions - CodeBlooded‎ - 2017-02-22 22:44:52Z
Request for Off-Site Resource Solver for chemical equilibrium - Xavier R.‎ - 2012-06-13 17:37:23Z
Typo, 20k, when possible.
11:13 PM
Asking for off-site resources, off-topic, roomba can't get it How to keep laboratory notebook using open source applications
Request for Off-Site Resource How do ORGS Get Backlinks for site - JamesG‎ - 2017-02-22 21:49:02Z
Too Broad (needs downvotes for roomba) Parsing a chemical formula - Michael‎ - 2011-05-05 05:29:31Z
Too broad, asking for code, off-topic Get coordinates of beads covering the surface of a protein - Hefeweizen‎ - 2009-12-22 13:15:26Z
Asking about team development, off-topic, roomba can't get it Is there chemistry in you development team?
Offsite resource (backlink tag burnination) stackoverflow.com/questions/27729929/…

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