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12:13 AM
This might be interesting...
I make one of those graphs every time I see something get massively upvoted.
Here's one without the lines. I meant to do only the points alone.
What, John Carmack's on SE?
@EtiennedeMartel Did you see superuser.com/questions/419070/… ?
@Mysticial Yep. Just saw that.
It was more a surprise than an actual question.
@Mysticial These are neat.
@GManNickG I've made those graphs for 10 massively upvoted questions from the past few months.
12:25 AM
@Mysticial Surely not by hand, yes?
Can I upload Excel documents to chat?
@GManNickG It's just copy and paste.
Cool. :)
Nope I can only UL images...
I learned the importance of fault-tolerance yesterday. I left a computational program I made running for 12 hours and when I got back the results were all nonsense, because somewhere some bad input crept in and wiped out the useful data. Got nothing from it. :(
Nice. Seeing huge amounts of data is always fun.
On some of those, you can clearly see when the question was linked.
@GManNickG I guess that's where an occasional assertion might help?
@GManNickG Yeah, I'm afraid to run Eric Lippert's 2k answer through it. He got some 1500 votes in one day on it.
@Mysticial Yeah. Luckily it was just a but I fixed, but I'm still doing reality tests on the data once in a while to detect nonsense.
hmm, maybe I should generate the graph for my 146-point answer. (which got reddited two days ago)
12:46 AM
@Mysticial Where on reddit? I never see these things when I'm on reddit.
@GManNickG It's pretty far down on the second page now.
Jeremy Banks has been farming Publicist badges. This time he chose one of my answers. :)
@Mysticial You have a typo, btw, don't know if you care to fix it (or want to wait to see if I find more :P): "When x = 0, then x + (y ^ x) = y then trivial holds."
12:54 AM
@CheersandhthAlf Haha: "IMHO a much simpler solution would be doing all output using fputs and alike, as I mentioned in my original report from April last year..."
@GManNickG Yeah, I noticed that. Usually someone from the reddit mob will fix it. But I guess not this time.
I just updated the graphs:

I added the graph for my 146-point answer. And fixed an error in the transatlantic pixel one.
@GManNickG These kind of detailed hard-core low-level questions rarely get to 100 without being linked. That question was at 45/51 prior to being reddited. And reddit gave me about 90 votes on it.
@Mysticial Yeah, I noticed that tag is very lonely.
Because it was so low-level. (not understandable to a large audience) I never even considered it as something that reddit would like. But I guess Jeremy Banks thought otherwise.
But considering how I answer mostly those low-level hard-core questions... that kinda explains why 3 out of 4 of my Great Answer badges were from reddit... lol
as expected, DeadMG™'s first potential field implementation was an utter failure
1:29 AM
@DeadMG Oh, I'm pretty sure you learned something.
strange design night?
What does it say about me that I keep coming back here?
Hmm, that was last night, btw.
@GManNickG Actually, we're in the middle of the tag cleanup. It was originally tagged . Then someone ran down the list retagging everything as .
also what's with this reddit stuff? what's the relationship between reddit and SO?
So [assembly-language] is pretty empty for now.
1:30 AM
@stdOrgnlDave Oh, when a post gets reddited. It tends to get massively up/down-voted.
What's wrong with the assembly tag?
@GManNickG It's mixed in with .NET assembly.
So they're creating two new tags to disambiguate them. And then retagging everything in .
That's gonna take a while since there's 5000+ questions in .
1:36 AM
@Mysticial who's doing this? If it's an admin or something they should have script that can do it or something
@SethCarnegie So far I've seen just a bunch of random users. It can't be automated since you kinda need a human to distinguish between assembly language and .NET assembly.
I don't even know what the latter is...
A .NET assembly is the .NET version of a .DLL I think, or something
And of course wikipedia always has the answer:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_assembly
I don't do much .net stuff so
@SethCarnegie Close. A .NET executable is an assembly as well.
1:38 AM
Seems to be a general term for compiled code, both DLLs and executables.
@RMartinhoFernandes ah
That means you can actually link to executables.
@RMartinhoFernandes you can do that with normal programs too
not just .NET
@SethCarnegie I would think that, at least in C++, would cause trouble, what with main defined twice.
@RMartinhoFernandes no, it doesn't
something like, you can do LoadLibrary on an executable and GetProcAddress from it
1:42 AM
Ok, but in .NET you can link at compile-time too.
New C++ draft build, now with one missing semicolon in an example fixed! dl.dropbox.com/u/13779444/c%2B%2B-std.pdf
@RMartinhoFernandes Really?
@RMartinhoFernandes Mmmh, I'm getting a 'returning reference to temporary' in one instance of a ResultOf computation yielding int&& when I'm pretty sure the functor returns int.
Well, not exactly ResultOf but in a metafunction that computes something pretty similar to it.
Luc Danton vs. Compiler: Luc wins
@SethCarnegie Well I think it's reasonable to say that the compiler is doing exactly what I asked it to do. Now I'm trying to figure out what it is I want.
@EtiennedeMartel Yup.
1:48 AM
@SethCarnegie Flawless victory. Fatality.
@RMartinhoFernandes is that one (standard) later than the one that says INTERNATIONAL
Third edition
Information technology — Programming
languages — C++
Technologies de l'information — Langages de programmation — C++ "
@RMartinhoFernandes I thought the CLR did the actual linking when it loaded/jitted the assemblies.
@LucDanton Why would you get that in a compile-time computation?
@SethCarnegie It has typographical errors fixed.
@RMartinhoFernandes There are several things interacting together so I'm still trying to reduce the problem. Giving you a heads-up, and just in case you've encountered something similar.
@EtiennedeMartel It's the same think as linking to a DLL in C++.
1:52 AM
Does anyone know what the lifetime of a pointer sent to a window with SendMessage and WM_SETTEXT has to be
does it have to live as long as the window or what
@EtiennedeMartel Well, conceptually the same, obviously.
Mmmh, val(0)() is a prvalue but (arg1, val(0))("Hi") is an xvalue. ResultOf not an issue then.
ah, the comma operator
In all my career as a human, I use Slashdot, The Daily WTF (gone down the bowl), used to use Digg, etc... never even been to reddit more than a few times
what's the big deal with it and what does it have to do with SO?
30 mins ago, by Mysticial
@stdOrgnlDave Oh, when a post gets reddited. It tends to get massively up/down-voted.
At lot of people who follow reddit/r/programming (proggit) also have stackoverflow accounts
2:01 AM
@Mysticial yeah but is it a huge coding community or something? why do a bunch of nerds care about meta templates?
Does anyone know of a netbook that has a > 1.66 gHz processor
@stdOrgnlDave r/programming has 366339 readers
@stdOrgnlDave Yes, all the hard-core programmers are under reddit/r/programming (aka proggit).
@SethCarnegie aren't most of them now over 1.66 GHz? Even mine is after Turbo Boost.
I'm not subbed to /r/programming, does that mean I'm soft core? :(
@Mysticial no, all the hard core programmers are in Lounge<C++>
and I don't think so
I can't find any
2:04 AM
@SethCarnegie lol
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We're hardcore. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
XXX hardcore?
template porn?
put that in one comment and you get a star
template<typename boobies> porn {}
Use the vagina initialization syntax ({})
2:06 AM
A booby is a seabird in the genus Sula, part of the Sulidae family. Boobies are closely related to the gannets (Morus), which were formerly included in Sula. Description Boobies hunt fish by diving from a height into the sea and pursuing their prey underwater. Facial air sacs under their skin cushion the impact with the water. Boobies are colonial breeders on islands and coasts. They normally lay one or more chalky-blue eggs on the ground or sometimes in a tree nest. See also Booby Mating Dances Name Their name was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bubie, meaning "dunce", as...
Why did I get starred?
Abbott’s Booby (Papasula abbotti) is an endangered seabird of the sulid family, which includes gannets and boobies. It is the largest bird of the family, and is placed within its own monotypic genus. It was first identified from a specimen collected by William Louis Abbott, who discovered it on Assumption Island in 1892. Abbott's Booby breeds only in a few spots on the Australian territory of Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean, although it formerly had a much wider range. It has white plumage with black markings, and is adapted for long-distance flight. It forages around Chris...
@Pubby That's an endangered booby.
All this "hardcore" stuff reminds me that Diablo 3 comes out in two weeks.
Diablo is softcore compared to Crawl
2:10 AM
Why would I pay €1100 for a 1.8 GHz 13" ultrabook
Becausre you're a star
Not you seth
@Mysticial because you're a star
damnit, I wish there was a reply-to-post that didn't require mouse work
I'm a command line guy, I like to be able to type things and use keyboard shortcuts
I started C with DJGPP and Kim Commando's C tutorial, using MS-DOS edit
from a background in QBasic
@stdOrgnlDave No, there's no nuclear fusion going on in my body.
@Mysticial are you sure about that? did you look it up on the internets before you posted it here?
@stdOrgnlDave At least not enough for me to shine on my own.
it can be dangerous not to
reddit has only one entry in my auto-complete, and its a link from here
how do I set up so I can rep whore on reddit?
I just registered...
2:20 AM
@stdOrgnlDave First thing is. Don't spam reddit. You will get banned (along with your ip).
psh, I have VPN in over 20 countries. But I shan't spam anyhow
Too many links to SO will also decrease interest in the legitimately good ones.
do I subscribe to /r/programming? will that put it on my homepage or just send me emails? or should I bookmark it?
If you're after rep. Reddit is not a good place since any votes coming from it will be concentrated into a single day - which will be lost to the repcap.
well, it would be cool to get some exposure to my non-existent blog
I plan to introduce recursion, binary trees, bit-level manipulation and rudimentary information theory in a multi-part post (making a huffman compressor), then bring it up piece by piece to C++11, so people can get the dirt and the shine.
2:23 AM
@stdOrgnlDave You have to be careful about linking to your own stuff. They say never link to your own stuff in more than 10% of your submissions. Or you'll just get banned for spamming.
@stdOrgnlDave I have a tab open and I refresh it a few times a day.
OK. I don't really want rep, by the way, I'm happy with 722. I think that gets me enough respect for people to actually look at my answers and consider them, which is all I care about really. it's not like I can put '40k rep' on my resume
Actually too much rep can be bad. Since it hints that you probably spend too much time on the site.
That's one of the reasons why I stopped answering newbie debugging questions and other simple things.
the other reason being that they get jumped on by 50 dumbasses instantly and there's really no point?
@stdOrgnlDave Oh, you just haven't learned the "game" yet. Get out an auto-refresher, put it on a separate screen. And jump on the easy questions within seconds from being asked.
the thing I'd most love is to be able to do less scrolling: have it aggregate only my favorite tags and leave the rest of thecrap out
2:29 AM
That's how I rep-whored to 30k. Then it I basically quit because it got old. Now I just answer interesting or hard questions.
Just take a look at my rep-graph.
It's pretty clear when I stopped rep-whoring. The graph literally drops off to zero at some point.
I wonder if I should write a Firefox plugin for that. you'd think it would be simple functionality for the site, I really don't need to read past all the jquery/php/java shit to find my c/++/etc. stuff
You could just click on the C++ tag and sort by newest.
@stdOrgnlDave That's what ignored tags are for.
yeah, but, I want to be able to get my full suite of tags, not have to click on each one after another
@stdOrgnlDave I put an auto-refresher on the homepage. But I have like 15 things on my ignored tags list.
If a question is tagged c++ and PHP, will ignoring PHP make it ignore the whole question?
@stdOrgnlDave How often will there be something cross-tagged C++ and PHP?
Yes, it will ignore the whole question.
I have pretty much all the web-development tags on my ignored list.
There's another algorithm behind it too. The questions you see on the front page are biased towards the tags that you have good answers for.
std::forward_as_tuple should have a flavour to make it usable as std::forward_as_tuple<T...>(t...), I'm tired of std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<T>(t)...).
2:35 AM
@LucDanton you can rename templates now. um, what's it called? late at night...
this one showed up in my homepage in less than one minute:
aliasing them
Aliases are for class templates and types.
Q: Will an optimiser deduce mathematical expressions based on compile-time constants?

loriIf I have some mathematical equations which rely on inputs which can be zero or non-zero (template argument, known at compile time), will the optimiser evaluate the equations and optimise out expressions it knows will evaluate to 0 or 1. For example: double x = y * Eval<type>::value; i...

because I have good answers in all 3 of those tags.
That's how the system works. It "trains" itself to you.
I just want to answer "yes" to that post lol
2:37 AM
@stdOrgnlDave Answer it then. (give more than a "yes" though)
Too late at night for that
I'll pass since I know nothing about templates in this situation and how it affect optimization.
it'll expand them and completely compile out x * 0 to x = 0, for instance
Someone should write a SFINAE answer for this.
2:39 AM
if he marks x as const (since it's a compile-time thing) the compiler will have a much easier job optimizing the heck out of it
@LucDanton Isn't it usable like that already?
@EthanSteinberg No, that won't work.
If x is not a constant expression, x * 0 is not a constant expression either.
@RMartinhoFernandes Won't work for rvalue references, still needs to forward them to bind to the parameter.
@LucDanton Oh, annoying.
std::forward_as_tuple<int> is std::tuple<int&&>(int&&).
2:42 AM
Backposting C++ lecture notes.
@stdOrgnlDave Also, in addition to ignored tags. Make sure you place all your strength areas into the favorite tags list.
I'm spooked by the fact that one of my function that returns T&& makes my unit tests fail if I change that to T.
And by 'fail' I mean that I get garbage values.
Oh wow wtf. That GCC optimization question put me into #1 for the tag. stackoverflow.com/tags/gcc/topusers
@LucDanton That sounds backwards.
@RMartinhoFernandes I know right!
2:45 AM
@Mysticial You're the resident GCC expert!
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm a Windows person. I can't claim to be an expert on GCC.
There's proof on the Internet!
You can't argue with the Internet.
@RMartinhoFernandes Then again I have the ominous // Copies are risky until lvalue/rvalue *this. I don't think I should spend too much time inspecting this tbh.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's almost just as stupid that I'm #2 in the tag...
Yay, out of nowhere the TU that compiled with no issues 10 minutes now makes the compiler crash.
2:49 AM
Ahead of Jon Skeet too. :D
@Mysticial Did anyone else notice that the assumptions in this question are wrong?
@RMartinhoFernandes Good point. I definitely wasn't trying to think about it.
template<typename T>
struct is_expression<T const volatile>: is_expression<T> {};
If I add this, then somehow the compiler crashes. Needless to say I don't use volatile too much in my unit tests, so yeah.
@RMartinhoFernandes Run off the mill trait for SFINAE.
You know, template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, EnableIf<Or<is_expression<Lhs>, is_expression<Rhs>>>> auto operator+(Lhs&&, Rhs&&) ...
2:54 AM
Stupid me.
Ya sorry should have pointed out it's in namespace expressions.
um const double x = y * 0; this will not evaluate to 0 when? is there a -0 in doubles? I forget. Or does it need to be 0.0f...
Oooh I get where the temporary is from.

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